>that one faggot in English class who tried desperately to do a British accent
That one faggot in English class who tried desperately to do a British accent
That guy was my teacher~
You mean the sophisticated and erudite Anglophile
I love English boys who are huge faggots
for real? my english teacher literally told some guy off for doing an obnoxious bongoid impression during a presentation
I'm a chad, i learn alone.
Yes. Ironically, he was a huge Americanophile and a fucking vegan~
>That nafri who speaks perfect english but insist on rolling his Rs
I thought europeans learned british english
>the lad who actually paid attention in French and didn't just learn the swear words like everyone else
>an english class capable of speaking eнглиш
>a British accent
Which one?
Bon chanson :)
lad don't do this you can't expect continentals to have an iq above room temperature
I did. But i speak English with a Dutch accent and not with a gringy bong one.
Queens English. People here believe that's how all of you talk because we learn it in school.
RP retard. I know you're a pedantic little faggot but when someone says "british accent" with no further context they mean RP autistic fucking loser
Same. We always tried to use americanized versions of words and their way of spelling, but that cunt would always mark these things as mistakes.
I don't know a single person who'd like to sound like a Brit, besides some boomer english teachers.
>I don't know a single person who'd like to sound like a Brit,
British vs American difference is miniscule and due to the internet people end up speaking in a mixture of two anyways.
Merci beaucoup.
lmao fuck off
that one where you sound like an obnoxious cunt
This, but she was from England in all fairness. Cheeky old bastard used to bully the sleeping kid for bantz.
lmao I know a guy like this
Nope. We're allowed to choose either as long as we stay consistent. Needless to say most normal people chose American English because most english language media we consume is American.
doesn't really narrow it down
>Germanic Eurotrash fashion their accent to be deliberately identical to a fat whiney yank's accent yet throw a temper tantrum if you think they're american rather than identifying whatever pointless sexless protestant germanic shithole they're from
based dutch bro dabbing on 'em
i think they use a british standard for teaching unless it's an american international school, that's why he marked it wrong, not because he was spiteful.
No, they don't.
>Haha dude you sound sooo dumb talking like a Brit man, speak AMERICAN like the rest of us bro, cowabunga
holy fuck, how will bongs recover?
What language are you speaking right now? The really obnoxious one right? That's strange.
Better than British
Do you mean neutral RP or literally the Queen's English because the Queen speaks in an antiquated upperclass way that even her younger family don't.
>british reading comprehension
>The German anti Anglo appeared yet again in a thread about the English language
RP doesn't exist, same as General American.
Teacher was from Minisoda so I didn't have to.
>continentals make yet another thread BOILING with rage at brits
Then why did he mark it wrong. Doesn't make sense.
Incredible that continentals would feel smug about learning another person's accent, why don't you just speak like you're from the country you're from your strange strange creatures, it sounds really odd to a native
vocaroo yourselves bros I wanna hear your accent.
Imagine talking like a yank when we're just across the channel.
isn't RP the same as "BBC english"?
Begone satan. I'm not letting you hear my voice.
RP is spoken by maybe 5 people in 2020
Why don't you guys adopt the new London accent MLE? relaxed and easy on the ears, like American English but not so irritating like American English
It's pretty much the same but it's not a real accent, there isn't a place where RP/BBC is from. It was created as a tool in schools to help people from different areas understand each other
>200 year old hags speak archaic
Thanks for the insight. It's two different names for the same thing, you hair splitting retard
I have a Dutch accent and proud of it. And if i had to take one i choose Scottish.
Most do to be fair you can tell frogs, spanish, italians etc. keep something of their own it's only really germanics who go full yank
>I have a Dutch accent and proud of it
Lmao they're not 2 names for the same thing because they're different, stop being a mug
Based proud dutch man
>I don't know a single person who'd like to sound like a Brit,
I do! It would be so nice if I could fake an RP British accent, it sounds so posh and cultured.
Unfortunately I mimicked the way Yanks speak early in my life so... pic related.
europeans who try to sound like yanks are utterly vile
stick to your shitsmear wog languages cheers
Can't even understand that but it sounds black
>look at me I'm a smug little pedant I'm so fucking cool
Just because certain dialects are artificial doesn't mean they don't "exist" and people don't strive to speak said accent. What even is the point in being this obtuse? Is it because you were smart as a kid but you failed to acquire any marketable skills so now you have to resort to pendantism to convince yourself you're still a bright little boy? fuck off
His teacher was a retard, most teachers dont give a flying fuck.
Something like this?
When I was in school they told kids they could use any accent or dialect they wanted, as long as they used it consistently.
I have no sound. But i'm sure it is funny.