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International #1249
Why are Westernized muslimas like that?
/med/ - olive oil general
User! Take off your shirt, this is Brazil!
Why americans hate themselves
Poor Uyghur qts
Do you find finns exotic?
How easy/hard is it to get a gun in your country, legally of course?
Finland is supposed to have the best education in the world
/secr/ - Sancta Ecclesia Catholica Romana
Life is worth living and everything is going to be ok
I take responsibilty
/brit/ + /prc/
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Sverigetråden - Dubbelmördarupplagan
20% of the Economy gone
Dear foreigners
Name 5 cities in Spain
/luso/- o fio lusófono
China, the biggest non democracy in the world, has more trust in their government than America
How is he called in your country ?
/fr/ - Édition survivante
How are they 20 years ahead of us technologically?
Whoah... The Scots Now Hate Their Most Famous King
Is this what elevators are like in Germany?
You will die someday, back to darkness like sleep but forever
Does historical interpretation of mythology interest you?
/esp/ - Hilo español
/ita/ - il filo
How do people consider Canada first world?
Garantiert 100% bio - /deutsch/™
Northwest Caucasian General
This union is the biggest fear of the Anglo-Saxons
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Let's say I want to move to somewhere in South America. Which country would be the best/easiest?
Based AKP making Turkey irreligious at an incredibly fast rate
1. Your country. 2. Is it socially acceptable to wear shorts in public if you have hairy legs?
Cheeses of the world
Literally asians that speak russian
Literal shit colored brown
Can you have a norwegian gf?
Westerners constantly talk shit about eastern europe, call us subhuman and worthless
/lat/ hilo latino
/fr/ le fil des français de france
Sverigetråden - Frejaupplagan
Are fleshlights worth it?
Why the fuck is everyone so fucking rude in this country
Ur cunt
Why are first world men so odd looking?
Are people poor in your country?
How are these called in your country?
Guess the Country!
I just realized I have no appropriate memes to send to girls even with my Huge ass folder
Your cunt
/ישר/ - /ΙΣΡ/ - /ISR/ - /इज़रा/
What is the highest point of your country and have you even been there?
He's physically attractive
/hase/ ehemals /deutsch/
/balt/+/ausnz/ + allies
If you own a computer you have to come into this thread and say "Thank you, Taiwan"
Tfw I'm gonna bring back the high classical archievements of european art in my games using my own writing, music...
/MENA/ Steal your grill edition
In Civ 6 I picked Hittites and destroyed greeklings
Unpopular fact: Poles and Russians are the same people
1. Your cuntrie
This is our air force
This is my genetic proximity to different populations
What do you call this in your country?
What does Zig Forums think of this man?
EU welcomes you with open arms
Poland is so big... we have everything
/ita/ - il filo
How do meds and menas cope with the fact it's usually +40 outside yet you're the hairiest people on earth
/fr/ - le francofil
Chink hate thread
PISA 2018 and PISA-D 2017 results
I suffer in Korea
Why these countries are only relevant asian countries?
Do you have spiritual mentor? For me, it's Luo Dong. I wish I could learn this power one day
Sverigetråden - hahahahaha blattebrevar-user hittades på ticktack
I just can't respect them
Me every day
Why do people say that abortion is legal in developed countries and do not say that developed countries have legal...
Guise pls come to my coronation there will be free gits. everyone is invited!
Why do bongs do shit like this ?
Is it considered morally reprehensible to find this 14 year old girl sexually attractive in your country?
What's the point of having such a shitty currency like ruble where 1000 rubles is like 13 euros?
Bongs are mandated to pay for this cuckery
Do you like french children shows?
Have you ever visited any of the Baltic states? What was it like?
What are some common insults your flag gets on Zig Forums?
Is there political censorship in your country?
Where are you going for vacations this summer lads ?
Will you buy one?
Name three of your favorite European countries
18 Roman emperors were born in modern-day Serbia, second only to contemporary Italy
Does your country have an equivalent to the Japanese Gyaru?
1. your country
What are your thoughts on Romania?
Historical monuments killing destroyed and defaced in the US and in Europe
Guess the country
Why are Brazilians such faggots? Are beards like this popular in Portugal too?
Tell us about the grading system in your school
Sverigetråden - knarkupplagan
Post distinct architecture, people have to guess the country
Tear it down
Fuck, I suck at this. How do you fair Zig Forums?
How common is this in the Latvia?
Do you love Japan?
/fr/ - Le francofil
This is why racism exists?
Why so many people prefer China over America in this board? Selfhating? Masochism?
Kurva anyátok
Why do Yayoi do this to Jomon women?
Is the human nature good or evil? Are we inherently good or bad?
Why do they do this?
Any Russian bros know what will happen if you call this number...
How would your family feel if brought an Australian girl home?
The red on my nation's flag represents blood spilled to defend it
Only retard prefer savage white """women""
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
This is an apprecaition thread for the most discret country of Europe Belarus
Post redpills about your countries that foreigners wouldn't know about
French women are known as whores in Germany
White americans clap at "kill all whites" speech
It's Greek week in Lidl again
Seems as though the west has literally exported a cancerous culture war to Japan slowly...
We wuz Nokia n shieeeet
/med/ - olive oil general
Would you....?
Japanese redpill
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Do Americans really?
I fixed Europe
What spanish autonomy do you like the most?
Wh*te: I'm tall and have a big penis, clearly I am the superior race
/ita/ - il filo
German "democracy"
I would rather die than eat this
Hilo /esp/añol
Good morning Zig Forums! The week is finally over. Are you excited for the weekend? Do you have any plans?
Moving to Japan
National height averages in Scandinavia
There are British people on this planet RIGHT NOW that are looking at this monstrosity with their own two eyes and...
I fixed Mexico
Powerful stuff
Is this common in your country?
I am OBSESSED with Persian culture...
/v4/ + friends
I don't get it
/desi/-Remembering Rajiv Gandu edition
Sverigetråden - SLAVA UKRAINA upplagan
ITT: Countries with no or very little good publicity
/漢字/ + /汉字/ + /한자/ + /Hán tự/ 漢字文化圈 Thread
Hates America
Do attractive South Asian people exist?
Will you support the Japanese economy?
Why do russians smoke so much?
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
Why is Japan so wasteful?
Thank You Russia
It's common to set small road-side memorials for people who died in car accidents in you're a cunt?
/cum/ - North American Retards
Where can I find a girl like this? Literally just wanna fuckin dip outta this hellhole and live as a nomad
Post your city's metro map
Invaded us three times
Morning Zig Forums how did you sleep?
Do Americans really think of feather people and not Pajeetas when they hear "Indian"?
/deutsch/ auch /johnnycash/
Do you want me to tell you about your country?
How are the relations between Mexicans and Chicanos?
The whole world is laughing at the Anglo Saxon world right now
This scares american
Are you open to the idea of child tattooing?
I'm 3/4 German 1/4 Hungarian
Strongest warriors on Earth
Black people in asia
Have you any debt?
I refuse to believe this many non-americans speak english
Finnish food
Fun Fact: Did you know Mexicans eat cactus?
PS5 has revealed today
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
You are cute
How would you raise your daughter if you had one?
You wake up in Russia
Did anyone here actually go to Asia for sex?
I just learned the Aztec nobility bloodline is still around...
When will Swedes and Norwegians stop their oppression of the Forest Finns and give the Forest Finn territory to Finland...
Montana is best USA state
What phone do you have Zig Forums?
What is your favorite cheese?
Do people in your country have white guilt?
/fr/ - El francofilo
Why can't japs into English?
Russia is last bastion of wh*te race and i love their culture and want to move there and learn their lang-
Why the fuck is this board so gay...
For me, it's Tradition
Why do they act like they're in a movie?
Post cool maps
/skandi/ - Junglefeberdrøm
I get it
What are you drinking Zig Forums? I'm drinking port
Do you prefer Latin or Germanic languages?
Whats having a nordic gf like
I can't tell you my sources, but these two countries are going to really, really...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2411
"I killed millions of children in gas chambers because I was ordered to do so"
Why does their existence cause so much seething?
Sverigetråden - terroristupplagan
Oh no third world bros we got too cocky
What's this called in your country?
Do you prefer Greeks or Romans ?
Les QLF je fais l’appel
You get into a bar fight and you can only pick 1 (ONE) gf to protect you. Choose wisely
Guess the country
1. Your country
What is your favorite philosopher? Are any philosophers popular in your country?
Any countries that would be friendly to an American refugee? I promise I won't rape anybody
You're country
They took this from you
Say goodbye to your KANGS and QUEENS whitoid
We never had any slaves here so i dont get this meme. Can someone explain it to me?
Alright guys let's settle it once and for all. Is Catalan an actually a language and not a dialect...
Are all Norwegians this handsome?
Are euthanasia allowed in your country?
/ita/ il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
EU grouped together
Be visiting paris
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Your country
Bros I am unironically OBSESSED with Finland, is this common in your cunt?
/esp/ - Edición tigres
I found my class photo of 3rd grade
/lat/ + /esp/
Nordic girls are blond, big titties and fat asses
/balt + ausnz/
I'm not "Hispanic". I'm Mexican
How big is it Zig Forums?
Ooga booga me tribe good you tribe bad
Spain is officially canceled
How North african BVLLS are perceived in your country ?
Asian women are the cutest!
Sverigetråden - Pokémonupplagan Uwu 卐 卍 :3
/CHAZ/ Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone general
Why is there no porn in Korea?
/med/ - olive oil general
How come indians are super based but Indian Americans are super cringe?
Which countries have the best gun laws?
Live in perfect first world country
/luso/- o fio lusófono
What is the best university from your vagina?
When will the mods give them their own flag?
/mena/ /شأشأ/
/cum/ and the gang
Guess the country
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Do this test then post results
The English language doesn't have a plural "you"
Why did Americans even accept Italians as white? They don't even look white like Irish or Slavs do, at least
Recommend me some good show
Only pics of you as a kid
Tell me about your country's nature
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/ita/ il filo
Why didn't they name it Illyria?
Why are there four wives in Islam?
I'm done with the US. The only logical place to move is Brazil. Yes, it is only logical
I suffer in Netherlands
Why Indians like this?
How aryan is Zig Forums ?
Which countries have loyal women?
Why do Meds hate ketchup?
Your country
Do women play vidya in your country?
Sverigetråden - Svenska upplagan
Name 5 cities in Portugal
Why are mustaches seen as a mexican thing? We barely have any facial hair
/fr/ - Le Fil de la France
Choose your side
/lang/ - Language Learning General
David gandy lost his virgnity at 23 and was bullied at school because he was fat
Arabs marry virgins thats why they dont know what a divorce is
I told you that Jordan is 1st world
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
Was the finnish race a mistake?
Einstein fainted
Somewhere in Sweden
Why yes I'm the greatest athlete EVER how could you tell
I have improved socially this year!
/ita/ il filo
Hilo /esp/añol
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Africans living in africa are becoming youtubers
Tfw no real mountains
You wake up in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
Is there a shithole version of your country?
I hate being born working class
Mexican Cartels
Freedom or sharia?
Is BLM movement the american cultural revolution?
ITT we tell Zig Forumsernational jokes and laugh and rate others
In Japan...
Pajeetas look like this?
Do dutch people really?
Bandit swedes on motorbike rammed and injured by police in Norway, Oslo
How high is the cost of living in your country ?
Koreanons, can you post distinctive Japanese faces that won't pass as Korean?
Has anyone in your family killed someone?
British “police”
Norway or Sweden?
What way of writing is your country
/ישר/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת כפיר האמיתית
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Do you like girls with round faces?
Sverigetråden - fågelupplagan
Third worldies, where would you rather live, given the choice: Europe or the USA?
If you don't like Naruto you are faggot
Tfw you were born in Ireland and lived here your entire life but you’re black
Muslim women are built for Hindu BVLLS
What is your sexual orientation Zig Forums?
Are you trying to quit porn?
Who took her Zig Forums?
Do you love America?
What caste is your ethnic Zig Forums?
Post some comfy pics of you are country
This is what Sweden used to be about
Tell me a statement that shall destroy the mental health of the Anglos
>Spain was so rac-
/fr/ _ Fil francophone
The English language should 100% have this character
What do you think of Swedish women?
What does your town look like user?
These Three Places Will Become Mega Cities Within decades
Your country
How Caucasoid is your country Zig Forums?
What will be the next first-world country?
Sverigetråden - Stockholmsvirusupplagan
Anglos are objectively the worst people in the world
Viettoid be like: MULTISYLLABLE WORDS are too spicy for me! Imma name your cunts using only a single syllable
Does the average Dutch girl have a long face like this?
Pros and Cons of moving to Ukraine?
Study in RUSSIA
I'm considering learning Scottish Gaelic
Post most dangerous creature in your country
Why can't these cunts just get along?
You need at least 10k$ to immigrate to Canada
Anglo first name
Did they deserve it?
/eden-hotel/ ehemals /deutsch/
Post a picture from your town a little known fact
Have you ever wanted to be the funny guy in the group yet it just wasn't meant to be...
Can't we all just get along?
I have couple of questions
What is the most beloved/hated European country by European?
The communist state has the highest HDI
Where were you when the first American Reich was built?
Would you care if we nuked them?
During its history, the United Kingdom's forces (or forces with a British mandate) have invaded...
Your cunt
/med/ - olive oil general
What's the most common travel destination for people in your country?
/esp/ - Hilo español
That one faggot in English class who tried desperately to do a British accent
How do they do it bros?
I wish I had money to move to Europe
/v4/ + friends
/ita/ - il filo
Turkey is underrated
Russian men look like THAT!?
Fellow Latinoamericans, what do think about this bitch? And all that shit about "The Latinos have to be united"?
Kurva anyátok
Is the minimum wage in your country enough to sustain yourself?
Hilo /lat/ino
A jeepney (public transport) driver went to me a while ago...
I want to ask Muslims some questions...
/fr/ - le francofil
WTF? Why are Indians so happy at their job?
Will Japan ever fight for America’s behalf in the next coming war?
Name 3 countries with the best cuisine
/balt + ausnz/
Tfw my Japanese gf makes fun of my Japanese instead of encouraging me when I learn it
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
Sverigetråden spelarupplagan
How do you cope with crippling loneliness
Hilo /lat/ino
/mena/ - مينا
Why do people have so mythical notions about death and consciousness? When you burn a bacteria...
This man is a national treasure
How long would it take you to clean that up, Zig Forums?
Post your ideal China
Where did this nose shape come from?
With the jannies gone
These creatures are NOT human. Australians are NOT human
America now has Weimar tier communist strongholds claiming independence
Do you have a nickname for the leader of your country...
Vocaroo thread
Name 4 universities from the country above you
What would living in your cunt be like if it was communist?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine