Live in perfect first world country

based realistic kim explaining the reality of sk

sk and taiwan and singapore are in the same tier. they are like 1.5 world counties. or simply new countries. hk ofc failed it.

Whats wrong with conscription? Are you some sort of fag who can't handle a gun?

Is there really no porn

why dont koreans just stop giving a fuck? who cares what others think of you, live like a trailer park cracker if you want, what are they gonna do? call you names behind your back? tell those boomers to fuck off, if they were so good they themselves wouldve succeeded

I agree with you there but there's a lot of countries the US has "built" and they have turned into absolute shitholes. I'm happy to see that one turned out well for once. Koreans helped out with the cause though.

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>I want a queer & worker president

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go back to 5ch or lurk. i hate that prick. to begin with.

our feminists are deranged
no. kpop whores have so much potential for kav yet we're just handing over this market to japan
if you get injured with a permanent disability the government won't do jack shit to you. plus wasting 2 years of your 20's when you have to compete in one of the most competitive labour market is such a burden
there is softcore porn where there is no penetration

>I want a president under the age of 40

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