How come indians are super based but Indian Americans are super cringe?

how come indians are super based but Indian Americans are super cringe?

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Rape...low IQ...malnourishment... where’s the based?

how is pic related?

>Rape...low IQ...malnourishment...
wtf based?

Indian Americans are at the forefront of the industrial society working on H1B visas to make a shitty future for us all.
But they’re also just cringe in general.

Blame the Brits for fucking over the caste system and not letting us industrialize. India wouldn't have existed and I'd have been a happy in my kingdom of whatever region with high gdp and hdi

Hello r*cist, is that way

you just listed it

>not letting us industrialize
The Brits are the ones who gave you infrastructures for industrialisation that you still use today (railways and roads). Without the British Empire, you would either
A) Be genocided by less generous invaders
B) Live in mudhuts like Africa because you have administration

*no administration

Lowest iq post. Like can't even do basic geometry level iq post. What a sad person you must be irl. Your parents have my sympathy

Ironic coming from a country with 80 average IQ (literally categorises you as mentally retarded)

Are you retarded? OP said Americans are super cringe

Post uni degree

We are more genetically diverse than the Europeans, so obviously not all ehnicities in India have same average IQ.

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I don’t need to prove anything to fauna

Again showing your low ape tier iq. What a pathetic person you must irl.

You all have abo genes, so you will never be able to compare with European intellectuals.

Chutiya newfag.

So do the Brits.

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Neither can you so....

Why bro?

Those were wiped out.

Abos are high IQ. Also they are very ugly but they aren’t as ugly as you think, you just see the supreme uggos online because of welfare obesity

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Nope. They are your ancestors.

>Abos are high IQ

>Indian education

Should I visit the UK bros?

The PIL is right, *nglo muslims
You'll be a kang there

You can just go to Pakistan. It's cheaper, same culture, better food and scenery.

Why don't you educate me then? Post the research articles which concludes that They are not the ancestors of modern British in any way.

The fact that Brits don’t look black and have no negroid features is enough evidence. You’re brown because the mixing with abos happened recently, and there are still abos living in India.

I don't understand why people bring up IQ like it has any relevance considering most Indians come to western countries and end up becoming doctors and engineers

>sub 50 IQ
Explains why you won't post Uni degree

I asked for scholarly genetic research paper.

So this is the power of UK education...

They're spoiled more than whites but want to play the victim despite the U.S. having no history of exploiting India or Indians.