what is the highest point of your country and have you even been there?
Rysy in Tatra mountains, 2499 meters above sea level
i've never been there
what is the highest point of your country and have you even been there?
Rysy in Tatra mountains, 2499 meters above sea level
i've never been there
I was there and I went to Czarny Staw pod Rysami but then it started to rain D:
Mont Blanc is at 4809 meters above sea level.
I have never climbed it but I've seen it from not so far during one of my vacation
Zugspitze, 2962 m high
haven't been there yet
can you even spell Kościuszko?
I was there last summer and we called our day short when it started getting cloudy, and it turns out lightning killed a bunch of tourists. Unquestionably the worst lightning and thunder I've ever experienced. The helicopters airlifting people were landed right where we were staying too.
when I was in mountains just near Tatry (Beskid) I and my family had to hide in chapel from rain and storm and I saw thunders just by me
no ive never been there
No, my last name is also a misspelled polish surname.
Kékestető in Mátra mountains, 1014 meters.
I've been there a few times.
did you buy some oscypeks from górals?
>what is the highest point of your country
Dinara (1830 m)
>have you even been there
no, I'm a mountain man myself but from other part of country
I actually visited Dalmatia only 2 times
Monte Rosa, 4634 meters above sea level
Yes but only in the tourist zones
Tak to są bardzo smaczne
Teide, 3718 m
never been to the Canaries at all
Pico Bolivar at 4978m, I've not been on the peak itself but we have a cable car that take us to the nearest close to it, pico espejo at 4780m
6757 masl
No. Though the highest I ever made was the hills that are near my hometown of Tinta 3484 in Cusco.
3,776 meters.
have never been there.
I want 4,NNN meters point because just I like the number 4.
2106 m
I have not been but some dude climbed it in a wheelchair.
Never climbed Mt blanc at 4809 meters but i did climb Piton des neiges at 3070m, the highest point in the indian ocean
Scafell Pike in the Lake District is the highest point in England, but it's a measly 978m above sea level. I climbed it in about two hours, with basic equipment and no preparation. It's just a nice simple hike really, nothing more than that.
Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest peak in the UK at 1,345m above sea level. I've not done it yet, but I understand that it's a more difficult hike, but still nothing like proper mountaineering.
Mirin that icecap bro, feels Bad being an icelet
I can't find my other pictures of it rip
But mount Bolivar has ice. Also I heard about one town in Venezuela that has snow every year in winter
Is that McKinley? I did a hike around the base there once, but never climbed it unfortunately. The highest mountain I've ever hiked is Whistlers Peak in Jasper, which is 2,463m above sea level apparently. Pretty nice hike desu, and surprisingly not that difficult (~4hrs if I remember correctly, and I saw some Aussie guy do it while wearing flip-flops)
Triglav, 2864 metres
I haven't been yet. People commonly say that you're not a Slovene unless you hike on Triglav and I am planning on doing it eventually.
I love the colour of that ground
Sadly that's an old photo, the peak is only covered in snow a few times during winter and even then it diminishes every year, according to scientist in 15 years there won't be any ice left in here
It was a tough climb for a non-trained dude like me and I completely overestimated it. I struggled to walk over the next few days. What broke me was the endless stairs up the first 1 000 meters or so. Once you're on the side of the volcano its rocky so its not too bad. Just gotta be careful on the way down.
Took us a bit under 12h up and down the same day. Most people do it in 2 days and i'd recommend to do the same.
Yerupaja is more based, mirin that shape