"Arab" character

>"Arab" character
>use Latin/Indian/Persian actor

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>"Irish" character
>actor is white

Das rite

you dont want your actor to explode and destroy your set and cast

Actual Arabs might look too white to audiences

Well lebs and Syrians look med but Jordanians and other Arabs look pretty much exactly like Indians
Even afghans and pakis are too white for you. Most Persians are too white too but some Persians have a lot of Arab blood so maybe they could play an Arab role

>pre-Islamic Conquest Egyptian character
>use Arab actor

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>Film about ancient Egypt
>they speak in Arabic

Attached: 1590331161366.png (894x773, 47.51K)

My analysis showed that Arabs are whiter than Indians, Persians and (probably) Latinos. And this is a Saudi sample I used, Levant samples cluster even closer to Meds.

Funnily enough, North African samples deviate much more, I was surprised with Algerian Berbers.

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Fake. We're BLACK.

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>historical Irish setting
>everybody speaks English

you should write comedy

So if you keep getting more and more Dravidian you become Asian?

What did they mean by this?
Yes, quite the comedy king if you ask me.

No, this is a limitation of 2 dimension PC graph. If you plot three principal components, you would see that from Europe to Persia to South India there is a linear cline to Australian Native. Asians completely lie on a different axis.

Similarly from Europe to North Africa to Sub Saharan Africa is a 3D cline.

>Movie about ancient Rome
>Everyone speaks Church Latin

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>murrikan movie needs an arab
>takes a latina, puts a towel around her head
>murrikan movie needs a indian
>takes latia and paints a red dot in her forehead
>murrikan movie needs a Italian
>takes latino and puts a gold necklace

Jordanians, gulfies, some North Africans = indians
Persians, afgans, pakis, lots of latinxes = too white to pass as Jordanian or gulfie

We have shit tons of paki/Indian/bsnghali "workers" (more like slaves to be honest) and you have to be a literal retard if you can't tell the difference between them and us.

>Pakis, Afghans
Don’t believe this. Pashtuns may be whiter than Indians but they still cluster close to Indians and Pakistanis than any other group. Although, they are pale enough and culturally distinct to be separate.

But Arabs, Jordinanians, and others especially extreme West Asia quite literally have actual European genetics.

>"jewish" charter
>use american jewish actor
just admit that the entirety of middle east is one big mutt fest and you can barely define who you are as a people

Latinxs come in every shape size and colour, just like Americans

You look different because of the Afro-asiatic negroid DNA. Also because Arabic slave traders were huge coomers who couldn’t stop impregnating Africans.
I agree with your first paragraph.
Your second paragraph is wrong. Any Europeans DNA is the Middle East is from rape. They were originally pure Afro-asiatics but then they mixed with whites and blacks

>"American" character
>use a British Shakespearean actor

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>middle eastern character
>uses a Mexican actor or tanned whitoid

13 years later I'm still salty about Xerxes in 300 being a black tranny

Okay I guess this is true, at least use actual MENAoid actors.


Learn to read pajeet.

I'm not going to read more than 3 words of some mut telling me about my country
Off you go baby

I hate when an 18-19th century Englishman has an English accent. Everyone knows they had American accents back then.

Lmao cope. At least Taleb has a point about being Phoenician or whatever, you’re just pure seethe-cope.

I'm responding to you with one liners, that's not how seething works.

I can hear the pain in your posts.

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>Turkish character
>use Greek actor

Attached: wypo.jpg (427x512, 20.97K)

>character of literally any ethnicity
>use israeli actor

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>arab character
>hunts the devil jinn

Attached: shaheen.jpg (1024x576, 104.34K)

>jewish character
>use a half mick half guinea actor

Attached: trud.jpg (1280x800, 64K)

>black character
>use black actor


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