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International #1250
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ + /bret/ + /brat/ + /brut/
Theres a lot of autists on this board
Magnus did not betray
What's the smallest town in your country ?
Can we all agree 1945 - 1965 USA was the peak of western civilisation?
Today is Flag Day here in the US. A day of celebration with the adoption of the 13 stripes and 13 stars
/dixie/ Southern US & comrades
Wow Portugal is so beautiful
I present to you, kot
Crimea is Ukraine | Кpим- цe Укpaїнa
Mutual combat, a term commonly used in United States courts...
I fixed Europe
My mother is Mexican
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
Be white Brit
Which one is better?
Today is our president's birthday. Say something nice about him
Have humans made your country better or worse?
Thoughts on the Anglo master race
Euros can go to another country and experience another culture on the weekend
Why the majority of american trash comes from here?
Why are westernized Asian girls so much better looking than actual Asian ones ?
/omorashi/ - ehemals /deutsch/
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Birthplace of communism
You wake up in Australia
Do classrooms in your country display the national flag?
Turns heterosexual men on Zig Forums into gays
/fr/ le francofil
Holy shit. Who's moving to #CHAZ!?
Why are Japanese men
Hello from italy :DD
1. Ur cunt
Who is your country’s greatest ever elected leader?
Female subject of my affectionate obsession turned out to be a lesboid
Why do you hate me so much?
Sverigetråden - På pannan ställ-upplagan
ITT: we post historical facts about our countries
I refuse to believe there are Japanese and Koreans here
What's up with Americans and suicide by cop?
Is your country a food exporter or a food importer?
Who of you has visited any country on another continent? Tell us how it was
Japan... i dont know what to say
Today I will remind them
Cute anime posters assemble yay!
24 °C
Why Japanese are so short, small and weak ?
Ugh... they took this from us... what could have been
/brit /
This confuses and terrifies the European
Language Guesser
What do you and people in your country in general think about homosexuals? Should they be allowed to adopt kids?
Is it frowned upon to date people outside of your race where you're from?
Can Zig Forums tell the difference between East Asian faces?
Wake up
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
Tell me some stuff that Americans really do
I stand with ethopia
We got too cocky, Nordbros
Survive covid
Sverigetråden rumpupplagan
I solved the paper-bidet debate. bidet uses justify their bidet saying that toilet paper does not properly clean you...
/ro/ - firul nostru
/fr/ - Le Francofil
BR-PT is objectively the most beautiful language in the galaxy
This is an apartment complex in Michigan
Work harder, Kim-kun
*scares and triggers Americans*
What's the fuck wrong with world
What is Taiwan?
Kurva anyátok
/v4/ + poop
/med/ - olive oil general
Why do Europeans hate optimized living
Russo-Hungarian Alliance
>Americans put butter in their coffee
Why does no one care about them?
Be a Dino in America
white girls
/esp/ - El hilo español
/cum/ + /centralamerica/
Why do Brazilians hate trees?
What are the differences in dating people from china vs japan vs korea...
If Korea unified will Korea become world power like China or Japan?
How do yu prepare to Russo-Canado-Nordic century?
Finding trad gf/wife
What was his fucking problem?
Why is the balkans considered europe but turkey is not?
Gaming in South America
Some sissy faggot out there in Europe is earning more neetbux in a week than I earn I 2-5 months working as a teacher
I suffer in Russia
If only
How is this possible?
What's your phenotype, int?
Why do white women love dogs so much? its like they can connect on a spiritual level
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Is Men at Work Australia's greatest contribution to world culture?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/ITA/ il filo
Do you think he's doing a good job?
I have listened to this song around 40 times since I found it yesterday...
When did the west stop being wild?
Greatest American of all time was an Italian
'History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it'
Is there more to life than sex?
Protect our gigantic forest since forever
In 10 years, most of the jobs will disappear
Why are japs stupid?
What book are you currently reading?
Your country
Why Zig Forums hate slanted eyes ?
Zig Forums music
Why do people hate a f*cking flag?
Do Americans really?
Hypocritical US leftist scum
Which one do you respect less?
This is what AVSTRALIA used to be about
Are eyes like mine common in your country? Here they are only common in big cities, California and Hawaii...
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Do you like spicy latinas?
What is your country's opinion on nordic girls?
Are you ugly?
Based or cringe?
You wake up in Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
I just realized that Paraguay has their capital right on the border with Argentina. It's a very fucking retarded move
I just realized that we are the boss of this region...
I wish I wasn't stupid. Does this ever happen in your cunt? I never realized until now how stupid I was
Why are they so dumb bros?
'2020....I am....forgotten....'
A video about Turkish man reviving his dying dog
Can Moroccans pass as locals in your country?
Hilo Latino - /lat/
What's the most reddit country in the world?
Do Americanas really do this?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/mex/ + /belize/
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Where are you from
What exactly is their culture? What's their contribution to the world?
Why are they called Germany?
Tfw no californian gf
/deutsch/ - sündhafte /nachtschicht/
Uum... france?
This is fucking infuriating. the US belongs to the Anglos...
Thoughts on Canadians?
I suffer in the first wo-
Rate my breakfast
Sverigetråden - Vänskapsupplagan
User, why do you have hundreds of pictures of me on your computer?
What is your image of Japanese male?
Canada still has political ties to Britain
What language are you learning
How was such a small country able to create a globe spanning empire?
/ita/ - il filo
/desi/ Akhand Bharat Edition
Why do wh*tes think each and every one of them come from noble stock across europe and not just some illiterate farmers?
Do Americans really do this?
2020... I am forgotten
Funny to see all europoors on int talk shit about americans, u probably wouldn't say a thing approached by one...
Finished my skin bleaching process lads, im so happy
Is kpop popular in your country?
Reminder there's a temple in Spain that started construction in 1882
/fr/ - le francofil
I'm currently reading the Odyssey and I now realize how master race this country is
Why is USA so good when it comes about IT?
Well Zig Forums?
/brit /
Is your country white?
Does your city look good from the sky?
What word order is your native language?
Do you want a paki gf
Make new post
California was named by the Spanish after a mythical island said to be full of beautiful black women and ruled by a...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Your cunt
Spanish or Paki?
Japan isn't raci-
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
I love Europe
1. Your country
Do you know how to sing the American anthem?
Which of these two countries has the most beautiful towns/cities?
Stonetoss is based
"nafri/berber are not med"
Why are all the current Heavyweight champions white
Poorer than Lithuania
Hey Brazil, look this lol
Shiro "the Bug Killer" Ishii worship thread
How would you tell your parents your international girlfriend is pregnant?
There is girls on Zig Forums ?
Is this real?
Why don't they have scenery?
What is your HOME Zig Forums?
He cant name 2 turkish products
Do you support Kurdistan?
There are legit full grown adults that believe in astrology
In Germany you can't and mail with "mit deutschem Gruss(with German regards)" because retarded jugde thought it is nazi
Ur cunt
Do people in your country know South Africa was 99% uninhabited until white people settled so all the black people...
Yeah at least we beat the shit out of turks in Vienna
Why the light blue countries seem so soulless and vapid?
/kosovo/ bald /schweiz/ und eigentlich nur Sonntags /deutsch/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/fr/ - Le fil de /fer/
You are now painfully aware Germany used to be the modt beautiful country in the world
Jesus Christ, I'm so bad at expressing myself in my native language
Were you ever offended by a reference to your culture or subculture in a popular media?
How is this legal?
Sverigetråden - Trollupplagan
Tfw no russian gf
What's the most beautiful Russian name?
F for Minneapolis
Jordan Peterson seeks treatment in Serbia, Nedeljnik can reveal
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why have you not gotten yourself a nice Asian wife?
What happens here?
Persians vs Tajiks
Any bigfatsos here?
Has south american inmigration destroyed Spain?
What do women consider more important in your country's culture, motherhood or career?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ita/ il filo:
What is your body type?
Are cities in your country ugly? Brazilian ones are all gruesome
Do they really?
Rooms of Zig Forums
What's his phenotype?
Firstoids are complaining about their lives again
This country has to be one of the worst shitholes in the world
Do german girls date non whites? Say a manlet indian guy. Asking for a friend haha
Why are "people" so obsessed with drugs?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - Édition des pédoïdes
Sverigetråden - Skogsupplagan
Your cunt
He’s right tho isn’t he
I can't wait till renewable energy puts these fuckers back to irrelevance again. Apart from Oman (they're chill)...
Glory to France
Post SOUL from your country
Where are the best places to visit in Spain that isn't Madrid or Barcelona?
Tell me things you heard about the US and ill debunk or confirm it
Für Elise
Woke up
Accumulate wealth in Western European country
The carrot fields of SEVTTLE...home
/ita/ il filo
Why South Americans don't respect Spain and Portugal ? They created you
Do you love Ukraine
Der Untermensch
Do people in your cunt abuse steroids?
/world of poIska/
Why is nobita so obsessed about blacks? Do you think he has cuck fetish?
Is the IT sector really big here or something?
Father of Europe and India
Your favorite gta game?
This picture sums it up, Mediterraneans can not survive in a modern world created by barbarians
Anyone else notice the trend here of southern euros claiming attractive looking mena people as med ?
Let's talk about Austria
DJT is a language learning thread designed by and for those studying the Japanese language
Why do you have no GF?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
/ישר/ - /ΙΣΡ/ - /ISR/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת ליין
It's considered ok to say the "N" word epic style in most european countries
What sort of hobbies do retired people have in your country?
Is this the worst defeat in British history?
Here's your white gf, bro
Why japs are bad at english
What do you drink on a weekend?
/fr/ - Le fil français
If I go to the US I'll be considered a latino?
HOLD UP... norway gfs look like THAT?
ITT: Post the most attractive women from your cunt
Temps today
Reminder - they are NOT Arab
Where did the Japanese come from?
/deutsch/ ehemals /mashiro/
Hi, I'm 19, never had friends or a boyfriend. I don't have khazars, and yes I'm a girl(female). who wants to be friends?
Are they?
Why do americans do this? It's cringe
In Germany, they play a sport called "faustball" and they dress like this
Is this achievable in your country?
It is time
Slavs lives matter
Never realized it until now
Why is 'wrestling' so big in the US? It seems incredibly autistic
How do the Bongs cope with this?
Will you buy a property in your cunt?
/v4/ + hot girls
Are there black people in the countries paint in green ?
Tfw no Iranian gf
Ur cunt
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - svartisupplagan
Why the fuck are we importing apples from Poland? On every market I go to and ask ''Where are these apples from...
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Not to be rude, but why are MENA people and Africans smelly?
/fr/- le francofil
Why does the US have all the good universities...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is Eastern Europe the future of the EU?
/ita/ il filo
/bel/ + /ukr/
Do you miss the Polish People's Republic?
Are Turks the only people who hate their ancestors and praise their rapists?
/med/ - olive oil general
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Post lewds!!
/esp/ - El hilo español
Japan is saved
Why people prefers planes to trains?
/brit/ in the old manor house
Were they better when they were ruled by Turks?
Why are Japanese so heartless? Something like this would never happen in Greece
What is your honest, non-meme opinion on this failed artist?
What can I do so Germans accept me as German
Why are zoomers leaving Islam?
Are you having fun in my african village, user?
So this is american agriculture, eh?
What area is the Norf of your cunt?
Are double digits common in your country?
The White boy is, in essence, what you get when you enclose an angelic being in mortal flesh. In Him...
Kurva anyátok
Does this country even have its own developed culture? Or is everything taken from the Germans and the French?
The truth for britshits
Being Asian male on Tinder is like jews in gas chamber
What's your current job situation?
How do you cope with not being white?
Would Hong Konger move to Japan ?
Turks look like this
Why is this the norm for american girls?
Just watched a documentary on Aztecs and I'm sad such s different culture was lost...
Are Chechens white?
Why did Canada end up being much more liberal than Australia?
My girlfriend literally thinks I am racist for not participating in my local town's police protests
How much is the Argentine peso worth in your country's currency? In the Brazilian Real, 1 peso is worth R$ 0.07
To all the third worlders, how hopeful of you about your country's future?
Finally got around to see Starship Troopers
We must make Asian Union, and must revenge to western
/turk/ formerly known as /tr/
In the US, can a company fire an employee for no reason?
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Are you okay?
/desi/ Kangali Manlet Edition
Do argentinians?
What book are you currently reading?
How many girlfriends have you had in your life?
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Explain this russian bros
1. Your country
American movie
Current and projected metro systems in the world
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Lebanon has no Arab genes. Very few speak Arabic in Lebanon
Would you ever move abroad? If so, where do you think you'd move?
Would you date a refugee gf?
Do Americans read Lucky Luke ?
Did you know that the concept of "white privilege" was created by an EXTREMELY rich white American woman in the 80s...
What nationality scares you the most?
It really do be like that
How do men deal with feelings in your country?
Choose your country wifu
Post your strongest and most based leader in the last century. If possible, post some song...
Your country
For me? It's german gfs
/fr/ - el francohilo
Amerindians have pretty eyes
Describe the creepiest dream that you have ever had
Do muslims really?
The son of the Argentinian president is a tiktok trans drag queen
Countries where is easier to have sex
Rate my breakfast
What is he thinking right now seeing all the chaos in the west
Why do women world wide like cats?
Please....god....get me out of here....let me move to your country....please
/polska/ nocna
In 2018 an Icelandic whaling company owned by the country's richest man killed two blue whale-humpback whale hybrids
You're a cunt
/mena/ + الريح
Unfunniest, most underage and all-around worst poster Q1 2k20:
I fixed mexico :)
Do women in your cunt suffer from this?
French shitposts
We're the kids in america (whoa)
Sverigetråden - spökeupplagan
What's in berlin, new jersey?
We're supposed to work +40h a week with no money and no time for family
Ur cunt
Are there girls on Zig Forums?
The only thing I want in my life is a Mexican bf
How do you want your army, Spain?
Zig Forums‘s dreams
he sees you're reading self improvement shit
Were you bullied at school?
Tfw very inequal developing country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Norf England is culturally closer to Germany (Industrial working history, beer drinking, love the football etc.)
These are the only actual white countries
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
/lat/ hilo latino
If italians became "white" then why wouldnt hispanics become "white"? theyre both brown and catholic...
80% of spaniards look like this
/ita/ - il Filo
What do you like about this country besides anime?
Orthodox: we're all equals under God
Are german gfs the best kept secret in europe?
Do you want to find love in China?
Sverigetråden rispajupplagan
1.Your country
Does your country have enforced conscripted military service?
We wuz frogs n sheit
Poors? are you ok rn?
/fr/ le fil francophone - édition RTL
Mom believed she was German her entire life
Have you ever seen your a member of your family having sex?
Why did he disappear from the internet?
/balk/ The Balkan capital edition
Ur Cunt
"Arab" character
How is it even possible to be an incel in Southern Europe?
America Thread
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine