Saturday Night (the song) edition
g'day boys
there's supposed to be a thunderstorm here tomorrow
don't know if i can handle that
mmm yes ahaha
The fall of the CCCP was a mistake
are you FUCKING with me
be honest
Easton, PA...America's answer to Australia
#why, storms are fun
the virgin utilitarian black cube vs the chad modern art monstrosity
talking to this girl for 3 months i dont feel any excitement towards her shes never made me nervous or butterflies dont know whether that means im not attracted to her, shes not BAD looking just not my type
Blacks have gone TOO FAR
why don't sony just accept that the stick layout on the xbox controller is better?
Dry July on the horizon for me de lads
frankly I think the xbox will age better
nah mate it looks comfy like a british town in the americas
also the nearby wilderness looks nice too
truly mental spelling of cancelled
my all time aus rock songs
cold chisel- forever now
cold chisel- khe sahn
cold chisel- flame trees
skyhooks- women in uniform
stevie wright- evie, parts 1 2 and 3
dave warner's from the suburbs- convict streak
go betweens- streets of your town
acdc- rocker
radio birdman- alohja steve and danny
listen to this
The controller for the PlayStation looks like underwear
this FUCKER is about to say that riegersville pennsylvania is the most beautiful and historic thing he's ever seen
why lad why on earth would you subject yourself to that
mental how the consoles of last generation wouldn't even let you put your consoles vertically but now they're encouraging you to
good meal deal? tesco does the best ones but theres none near me
do it brother i gave up drinking years ago and my wealth, health and self esteem has soared. all my mates still getting pissed and bendering have gone no further in life. its all well and good to joke around about being a bum, but actually being one is no fun.
Pennsylvania is a heroin addled shithole of a state
similar except shorter timd
mine started having a go because my texts are short. so i said i was just getting more familiar with her and didnt want to like overtext her
then she made a snide remark
honestly talking to women is worse than toil
hadn't thought of that
good observation lad
Oasis? Blur?
No thanks, for me it’s snow patrol
holy SHIT
haven’t coomed in quite a while and after edging for just 20 minutes, my cumshot arced all the way up in the air and splattered my elbow
is there a better confidence booster in the world?
the jam are best english band
McCoys Chedder&Onion is fucking disgusting
actually i think you can do the ps4 vertically although it obviously wasn't designed for it
the xbone just flat out wouldn't work though if you put it vertical
Triple M here, where's Screaming Jets - Better?
lots of successful people get properly pissed with their mates
feel like your boys have something else going on
Because it's not.
It isn't
The Xbox block would slow away nicely but it'd need pulling out to change disc
>mono-colour cuboid
used to watch so much Forensic Files back in the day I became convinced I could pull off the perfect murder and not get caught as I'd take every precaution I'd see on the show that actual murderers overlooked and got busted on
This might be the first time I buy a console day one just to play Warzone with super fast load times with the LADS
definitely, but in my experience all my mates who're still partying are pretty fucked
PS4 can be used vertically
>not going out the back verandah to have a beer and watch the lightning storm
You disgust me
Australia? Gotta be INXS
Only your elbow?
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Electric City
the crappy remains of britains completely wrecked economic prospects will be utterly destroyed in 3 months when the second wave of covid19 hits and causes another mass shutdown of all economic activity in the UK. compounded with the isolating effects of brexit which i wholeheartedly supported and campaigned for because I knew it would completely destroy the loathsome and putrid so-called country of britain which disgusted me so much, will cause the macro economy to completely grind to a halt. everything british from its companies shares, its real estate, and its currency will become worthless as investors head for the exits like rats from a burning ship. the people of britain will be left scrabbling around in the dirt looking for food and shelter while their material wealth completely evaporated.
The U. K. government can only fund itself if yields on gilts are miniscule. If yields went to even 5%, they'd have to cut something as large as the NHS, or pensions. But if they went to 20%, which, at this point, is the bare minimum which free-market price-discovery would make them, the whole system would collapse. No schools. No hospitals. No pensions. Nothing. Everything would come tumbling down. This is because the amount of debt they have is simply enormous. They only keep yields low by money-printing, so the state of affairs is temporary--it can go on for a few more years at best. Either they pull the plug now, and the whole country falls into oblivion, or they keep inflating the currency for a few more years to suppress yields until the pound is destroyed-and then the whole system collapses. expect the second, far worse hyperinflationary collapse. when there's anarchy and mayhem in the streets, you won't even be able to own a gun to protect yourself.
why does rorke think that a statue for churchill is necessary
Nah it should just go in
i've heard that the fingers are supposed to be quite painful tbf
getting the new xbox for the new halo simple as
marry me archie
had most of my body tattooed, most painful by a huge margin was back of head- almost unbearable, sides of head ok, sternum is also awful
*dangles a rattle-toy in front of you as you stare agape in amazement at it*
why'd you get most of your body tattoo'd lad
what did you get tatoos of
i have ptsd from one time when a hailstone shattered a window right next to me and i got glass in my face tbf
t. queenslander
post picture of tattooed body
Post pic of your head tats
Erie, Pennsylvania
Gem City
I guess it's hard for me to how emphasis why I'm overreacting to your post
I guess the basic idea is that Easton is actually in northwestern Pennsylvania Dutch (German) territory and isn't actually that "british" at all and now that region is now full of Puerto Ricans and all sorts of halfcaste mutts
scenely in that region if you're up out there look at Jim Thorpe PA, or Frenchtown or Lambertville NJ,
I'd actually love to take a /brit/ poster along that northern stretch of the delaware there, I think the towns, the river, and the canal would blow them away it's not what you brits seem to think america is like at all
That's entertaaaaaainment !
Do barbers open on Monday? Mullet is starting to piss me off
because it's ugly. PS controller is quite iconic, Xbox one is a virginious utilitarian hackjob.
out on the patio
we sit
and the humidity
we breathe
we watch the lightning
crack over cane fields
laugh and think
this is australia
This but with 45 minute detective shows like Castle, Mentalist etc. I'm certain I could.
>No Billy Thorpe
You're dead to me
just always liked them,, wanted them as a kid they're stupid and like a bit vain but i like them nonetheless. honestly id liek walk in most of the time and just get off the wall traditional flash like sailor jerry stuff, or homejobs of my mates traditional flash
Stop talking about Pennsylvania, stop giving it undue attention, talk about Florida instead
don't have any tattoos because I'm not working class nor am I a pretentious middle class person going through a hipster phase
didn't read a single word, putinbot
there's really no towns that are scenic out of like st. augustine in florida
nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning
Kek this is me (the last bit)
northwestern Pennsylvanian here, can confirm the puerto ricans
every nigger around here claims to be rican because it’s genuinely more desirable than being black
Word of the Day: NITIDITY (n.) shininess, the state of being highly polished
Omg I accidentally thought about big black cock and now my bussy is wet
quite a pleasant savoury smell coming in through my window tbf
neighbours must be having a nice dinner
Love a mug of hot coffee
Just have to wait until it's a bit less hot before giving it a drink
You can stick your elbows on a frying pan and not feel anything. I doubt tattoos will hurt there.
aren't the offies in pennsylvania govt-controlled and only open for like 2 hrs a day like in sweden?
need a qt latina gf right now, i mean RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
no, 4th july for barbers mate
>he hasn't cummed on his own face before
There are plenty but they’re not as old
I also happen to live in st Augustine...
>Jim Thorpe PA
looked around it just now
doesnt look as structurally comfy as easton
toil recommences in less than 48 hours
dreading it
for me its midnight oil
excellent lyrics and distinctive, memorable tunes
hurts a lot man haha
wouldn't mind latinxs so much if only their music wasn't so bad
Latinas are fucking insane and I’m having to claw my way out of a relationship with one right now
Shoot yourself.
get them piggies cooking
christ on a bike
I’m assuming you mean liquor stores. Here in PA, they’re all state owned and called Wine and Spirits. They’re open for much longer than 2 hours a day though.
We also have beer distributors which can be owned and operated by anyone but can only sell beer and other light alcohols
There’s a beer distributor at the end of my street in fact
I'm fucking bored lads. I'll be on the /brit/ tag on Omegle if anyone wants to shoot the shit.
the so called english experience
Elbow tattoos hurt like a motherfucker
My nephew has PTSD from the time lightning hit a gum tree right in front of the house, split it in half and set it on fire, I was babysitting him at the time. Fuck me we had all the windows and doors shut but it sounded and felt like someone let off a shotgun twice next to our ears. I still love a good storm though.
big fan of beto's new 'shoot yourself' gimmique
Fine Wine and Good Spirits*
Sorry, I’m pretty tired
>You can stick your elbows on a frying pan and not feel anything
I'm not sure that's true
had to look for a while to find this haha, can't get one of the back with hair
going for a pint down the beer distributors
>eating meal deals at home
get a fucking grip mate
didn't realise tattoos were very painful
shan't be getting any now
the crappy remains of britains completely wrecked economic prospects will be utterly destroyed in 3 months when the second wave of covid19 hits and causes another mass shutdown of all economic activity in the UK. compounded with the isolating effects of brexit which i wholeheartedly supported and campaigned for because I knew it would completely destroy the loathsome and putrid so-called country of britain which disgusted me so much, will cause the macro economy to completely grind to a halt. everything british from its companies shares, its real estate, and its currency will become worthless as investors head for the exits like rats from a burning ship. the people of britain will be left scrabbling around in the dirt looking for food and shelter while their material wealth completely evaporated.
The U. K. government can only fund itself if yields on gilts are miniscule. If yields went to even 5%, they'd have to cut something as large as the NHS, or pensions. But if they went to 20%, which, at this point, is the bare minimum which free-market price-discovery would make them, the whole system would collapse. No schools. No hospitals. No pensions. Nothing. Everything would come tumbling down. This is because the amount of debt they have is simply enormous. They only keep yields low by money-printing, so the state of affairs is temporary--it can go on for a few more years at best. Either they pull the plug now, and the whole country falls into oblivion, or they keep inflating the currency for a few more years to suppress yields until the pound is destroyed-and then the whole system collapses. expect the second, far worse hyperinflationary collapse. when there's anarchy and mayhem in the streets, you won't even be able to own a gun to protect yourself
its not fun and anyone who says otherwise is lying haha
Love how brits call cops there piggies but they’re actually extremely fucking tame and won’t gun you down or beat the fuck out of you for no reason
Just another way brits wanna be like Americans
That MUST be NI? nobody has the balls to throw petrol bombs like that in england, thats an attempted murder charge straight away (2 counts of attempted murder as 2 in the car)
i *do not* care at all about police officers
shouldn't have picked such a shite career if you wanted my respect or sympathy
For me the worst spot (so far) was the ditch of my elbow or up near the armpit
Easiest was the calf by far, could sleep through that
jim thorpe is considered more scenic, it's in the coal regions of pennsylvania but is a somewhat decedent town with a lovely area and nearby hiking
it's a bit more desolate
I think brits would generally like Bucks county PA, like Yardley, New Hope, Bristol, or Doylestown and stuff
Of course it's NI
everything about this still makes me laugh