Pint edition
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The collapse of the Soviet Union was a fucking mistake.
wonderful edition mate
>no head
flat and disgusting
Great edition.
That appears to be a lager in the OP pic. Lagers don’t typically have good head retention.
Does it look like the feet are moving?
love lager so much lads
addicted to webcam slags because i love the power over them
lots of time wasters but it's great when you find that peng ukranian slag that will do whatever you say on command for 70p/min
it often ends up in me pressuring them to fist themselves
i don't even find fisting that arousing but i love pushing them to limits even though they're uncomfortable doing it
You’re going to get banned for posting this.
Who cares
that was his plan mate keep up
Need to suckle Oriental chebs
Fake chebs are disgusting.
can hear my mum doing a big poo
Is your mum JK Rowling?
want to buy some wired in ear buds but everythign is bluetooth now
rip me
i know it sucks aye
>This is 10% cucks
>20% shills
>15% concentrated power of redpills
>5% pleasure
>50% pain
>and 100% reason to remember Seth Rich's name
check out /iemg/ on /g/
Heeey Macaronavirus
autists ruined the nordvpn game
bit based this
had a thing for webcam girls years ago and just did vanilla stuff like dirty talking that I was impregnating them and stuff
Hey, is that Sinterklaas!?
idk what you're on about lad please give a quick rundown for these sorts of things
Blacking up to support black lives matter
I was born to play DPS
What's that?
Weird looking
On Overwatch?
You like that bbc innit?
everytime im out clubbing one of my friends always disappears for a few minutes and manages to find someone who will sell us MDMA
however she is graduating soon and will move away, so I was wondering: how do I score mandy at a club? do i approach likely-looking people, or do they approach me? whats the etiquette?
virgins need not reply, thank you
>wake up
>turn on PC and sit in front of it for the whole day (unless I have something else to do)
>get home from work
>sit in front of PC until bed unless I'm exercising or cooking etc.
What do normies do instead of sitting in front of the PC? I feel like I'm missing something here.
the blacker the more blessed
you're like me lad (except when I'm hanging with mates and that)
to answer your question they usually watch streaming services
you ever see those weird looking swarthy brits and wonder if they're just remnant roman phenotypes
they always look weird as shit too
Just drink beer with friends
Tank main me
They watch streaming services for like 4 hours a day? I mean it's kind of believable considering they're glued to their phones as well.
Simply despise the peasantry
they watch TV shows, exercise, cook, and go outside for things like dance class or pottery making or coffee with a friend or whatever
even just keeping your flat tidy and cooking nice food will take up an alarming amoutn of time
Sir Joseph William Bazalgette, CB (/ˈbæzəldʒɛt/; 28 March 1819 – 15 March 1891) was a 19th-century English civil engineer. As chief engineer of London's Metropolitan Board of Works his major achievement was the creation (in response to the Great Stink of 1858) of a sewer network for central London which was instrumental in relieving the city from cholera epidemics, while beginning to clean the River Thames.
when do u lads reckon his memorial will be defaced
Indian nationalists should kept India in the Empire and reverse colonised the UK and Dominions. They already had diaspora in lots of island territories and South Africa, they could have flooded the white dominions easily.
Is succession supposed to be funny
grim shit nigga
what do normies watch on streaming services???
just anything? it seems like shit without premium ones like HBO
you mean defecated aha
What's flabbergasting me even more is how African Americans got that unafrican look
>At that time, the River Thames was little more than an open sewer, empty of any fish or other wildlife, and an obvious health hazard to Londoners.
damn, mental
imagine just a giant toxic poo smell wafting over london constnatly
clever joke, i must admit
but this guy saved your shitters from the shitters, surely he deserve some respect
what do you mean in particular
you know slave masters and stuff fucked their slaves
african americans aren't all that african
brooklyn 99, ghibli movies, etc
Pre-Celtic Britons were dark
Reruns of Friends, The Office etc
Let's let down our guard and glow a little, WHY haven't you shits observed the Magnitsky Act???
I like ghibli movies
do they even show those on most streaming services?
need that vandalised pronto
All of them are Netflix
that guy is unironically a hero, as well as this lad
I know that but still what about that massive nose swarthy look some brits have got? is that entirely briton??
seems just too exotic to me
UK netflix added almost all of them a month ago
have been working my way through them with the gf and they are really excellent
Porco Rosso is my favourite so far, followed by Kiki's Delivery Service and Spirited Away
The what
Fell in love with MissAlice years ago
They all seem to agree on the latest FoTM drama series to watch, and discuss it around a so-called 'water cooler' at work. Same with sports.
Only good shows of the last few years have been Bojack horseman and better call saul
she's the GOAT of streamer bitches
>Bazalgette's foresight may be seen in the diameter of the sewers. When planning the network he took the densest population, gave every person the most generous allowance of sewage production and came up with a diameter of pipe needed. He then said 'Well, we're only going to do this once and there's always the unforeseen' and doubled the diameter to be used. His foresight allowed for the unforeseen increase in population density with the introduction of the tower block; with the original, smaller pipe diameter the sewer would have overflowed in the 1960s, rather than coping until the present day as it has.
>The unintended consequence of the new sewer system was to eliminate cholera everywhere in the water system, whether or not it stank. The basic premise of this expensive project, that miasma spread cholera infection, was wrong. However, instead of causing the project to fail, the new sewers succeeded in virtually eliminating the disease by removing the contamination. Bazalgette's sewers also decreased the incidence of typhus and typhoid epidemics.[4]
>Bazalgette's capacity for hard work was remarkable; every connection to the sewerage system by the various Vestry Councils had to be checked and Bazalgette did this himself and the records contain thousands of linen plans with handwritten comments in Indian ink on them "Approved JWB", "I do not like 6" used here and 9" should be used. JWB", and so on. It is perhaps not surprising that his health suffered as a result. The records are held by Thames Water in large blue binders gold-blocked reading "Metropolitan Board of Works" and then dated, usually two per year
something deeply satisfying about reading about highly competent people doing their thing
kiki's delivery service just seems weird to me like it's not a complete plot, *something* is missing and I can't put my finger on what
never seen porco rosso
l i t e r a l l y
m e
>something deeply satisfying about reading about highly competent people doing their thing
well said
found a poo in the greenhouse
Up to season 5 of 'The Middle'. It's alright. Sue is hot (not a nonce because her actress was 18 in season 1)
did yall learn about him in school? cause we certainly didn't.
for me it's
Why do tonks not cdlfnyddyr Easter
Know someone EXACTLY like this, right down to the War Thunder.
why would we you stupid shit
why would you even post this??? why would we learn about a LONDON reformer
you know what I want an actual answer
why would we have learned about this answer me
Just got a fucking earful from the gf about not talking to her enough
I should break up with her but I genuinely feel bad for her