
a toast edish

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First for poo

saw this on the latest hilbert

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Me in the middle.

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What's the deal with the Irish? To be plain.

Don't want to go back to toil

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havent had a jacket potato in years so today im gonna have a jacket potato, not sure whether to use butter or garlic butter

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Fish allergy.

Is that r boxy?

too early OP
janny? the mop
yes, right up his arse please janny

A life without love of any kind is honestly the worst thing in my opinion
Would rather be a destitute second class citizen, but know I am loved and able to love than to live without it at all

he posts here doesn't he

>racism was used to justify the Atlantic slave trade
the slave trade that was abolished hundreds of years ago
it's only relevant now because it can be used to convince innocent white people that they're guilty, and to convince free black people that they're not free
both lies
white supremacists believe in their supremacy for all kinds of reasons, and the existence of the slave trade might be a tiny part of their delusions
but white supremacists are a tiny minority of people who have zero impact on how oppressed or free black people are, compared to the victimhood mentality forced on them by people claiming that they're still victims, that "systemic racism" will hold them back until this statue is smashed, or that tv show is banned, or these celebrities apologise for things they never did
black slavery was FAR more prevalent in the USA than here
they had a black president
stop turning potentially great black people into whining defeatist victims of a force that doesn't exist.

i know im able to love but nobody would want me to love them

Shelly or Audrey for best girl

doubtful, comes across as le reddit memester most of the time. probably got it from there

that's basically the extent of hell, except that is eternity separated from love

Got to love yourself before loving someone else, and yes that does mean looking after yourself in the best ways possible for you

White silence is white extinction. We must secure a future for the Ænglisc and Brythonic peoples. God bless Enoch Powell and the Brexit Party.


hello dumb monkey creatures


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Reminder that we're all being played off one another for the sole purpose of profit and exploitation
Britain cries out for Civic National Socialism

did u say me

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Wish we had actually committed genocide against the Irish. They always accuse us of doing it but they're not even dead

too many issues lad, broken soul but a good heart

too scared to try this with a pic of myself

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am man not
n monk

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this but unironically

Like the Oblivion cc slider

imagine caring about politics

>Would rather be a destitute second class citizen, than to live without love
you should try both mate
proper hardcore mode

Damn... uk seaside looks like THAT?!

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fucks wrong with Ronaldo

what's he up to?

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My name, is Michael Caine.

duped by that other non-thread

looks cool in a horror video game way

take one. and JUST ONE!
*walks away*

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there is literally nothing more peng that british summertime

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remember in january when people thought the random chimp even was just a shit tier meme then it actually happened haha

found a way to debate his brother

Just back from the 'test

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They've removed the League of Gentlemen from Netflix

>why yes i do spend hours debating politics on /brit/ and spamming the words "rorke" and "leftypol" because i've nothing better to do with my sad existence

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Porky LOVES identity politics because it divides the working class

AND I... am a nosy neighbour


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if i had happened to be in manhattan on 9/11 2001 lets just say shit wouldnt have gone down like that

Also middle class leftists are using minorities as a battering ram, all of them need to be stopped

mangled my bollocks into a non-euclidean contortion

London terraces are so a e s t h e t i c

>Xiaoran Shi, 28, faced Parramatta Bail Court on Sunday alongside her friend Charmaine Morrison-Mills, 27, after the pair allegedly graffitied a statue of Captain Cook at about 4am on Sunday.
there's something curious here, hmmmm...

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if thats your gf she is gorgeous mate nice one

could be a simple streaming rights expiration, that happens often in the current era for netflix

going round to dads house to have a few beers in the garden desu

*appears from down a dark alley*
PSSST hey mate
wanna buy some comedy?
*opens my trenchcoat to reveal dvd box sets of the league of gentlemen and little britain*

how would shit have gone down then

*follows you*

this guy's content is tops

hate lockdown
can't chat women up in the pubs anymore
don't want to use dating apps

Did I ask?

i remember the first time i recall seeing a chinese person when i was like 3 or 4 i thought they had a disease

nooo not the scott monument-erino

called jaundice lad

*turn around and walks back towards you*

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there’d be two less planes crashing into buildings for starters