How many girlfriends have you had in your life?
I've only had 6.
>tfw single
>tfw feel like a loser
How many girlfriends have you had in your life?
Why would you post this OP?
5 that were any kind of serious.
Banged 40 I'm at i think now
And I don't feel bad about it
6 already makes you a whore.
I don't feel like i need more, they're all the same
Gibme mommy gf who looks like this or no deal
Three, first one was more of a friendship than anything GF like but we did make out sometimes, second one lasted like seven months before breaking up. Third one I put my pp in her vagene and it felt nice.
1 and i married with her, and feeling like winner.
t. 23 year old kissless virgin
2 girls I consider to be real gfs, and had some one night stands or just 1month of going out stuff
im married to the 2nd gf i ever had in my life
i wasnt that interested in girls and it may or may not have to do with me being bi
based i hope i can do this as well. When did you guys get married?
One. I had secks with her once at prom and hung out with her for a couple weeks before uni. I haven’t spoken to her in 5 years.
Oh i meant what age. Im scared ill marry someone too early and fuck my life up
i mean really i don't think there is an age for marriage
um its a bit weird but i was 20 when i got married, i'm happily married for 3 years now so
3 but ive only banged 1 girl
you lucky son of a bitch
hey user life is weird like that
you'll get someone too i'm sure just don't focus too much on it you're not less for not being married or having no girlfriend
don't base your whole life obsessing with it like some retards do
One and I'm still with her and I don't think I could get another one if she left me.
Same here bro
I've fallen for the distance meme but soon I'm gonna go over and rescue her from her ass of a city
please tell me its not some russian bride or some shit like that
None. Working on getting one right now. Too stubborn to lose hope.
Nuh she's in Hong Kong (inb4 >incel)
Video chat almost everyday and have visited her multiple times
I've got a stable job so after this Coronacrap I'm pulling her out before Xi cucks me
0 but 17 boyfriends
5 but only 2 were particularly serious and I feel like I’m getting old enough that I’m started to be stunted (just turned 27) it’s been 1.5 years.
hope it works out user it sounds like a cute relation
It is indeed
Hopefully it will be my one and only that can help me figure out this crazy world of ours
Good luck for you too user