What happened to 1960s California?
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it's still like that
Those girls look like men in bikinis
Germanic girls are ugly
Don't most Americans descend from Germans?
Why do you hate yourself?
Its actually still like that in places like Orange County and San Diego
I'm a son of Deseret, I descend from crazy Anglo bvlls
>Remember what they took from you youtu.be
Hold up what's that last video
It's a South Korean girl group imitating (or paying homage to) 1960s Californian culture.
I am not G*rmanic
Its still like that at the beaches, Ling-ling.
Do you expect non-whites to go to the beach?
To get a tan?
The tanned complexion plus blonde hair is a top-tier genetic feature, but German women are let down by their facial structure.
In Ireland we are let down by inferior paler complexion and low amounts of blonde hair, but the girls here are typically much more feminine looking in terms of face shape at least.
We unironically have a bad problem with foetal alcohol syndrome here which we refuse to own up to, but if we got a handle on it we could improve further.
Still, we need more Germanic blood to improve our number of tanned skin blonde hair types, and the Vikings did not do near a good enough job of raping and reaving to bring that about unfortunately.
I'm not chinese or mulatto or black. I have white skin. (No I'm not going to say I'm "white" because it's a heavily political term)
>What happened to 1960s California?
Immigration and liberalization.
lots and lots of serial killers
I have never liked the tanned blonde look, but more power to you if you want more of that.
What look do you like?
Now days they’re just as tan, but more Hispanic looking. Less clothes too. Overall I’d say it’s an improvement.
>No I'm not going to say I'm "white" because it's a heavily political term
HOLY shit, I really do hope you are just baiting.
For most Americans, "White" essentially means a person that comes from Western Europe (Germany, The Netherlands, the UK, Northern France, etc.)
They were just toddlers or babies.
We both know they are retarded in that matter.
? Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They were protesting hippie adults by the 70s and launched the decline. Boomers were in all honesty the worst thing to ever happen to this country.
How so?
First of all, you’re looking at an idealized version of Pacific USA (seemingly as viewed through East Asian eyes). I saw you in the other thread and several people told you already. It was the boomers. It wan’t that the USA became less white. The whites just moved somewhere else. The boomers game around by the 70s and turned everything on its head. They’ve been the source of all our problems ever since and whatever last vestiges of California culture (it’s actually just American culture but I’ll play along) that remained in the 90s and early 2000s in things like pop-punk and skateboard culture were shattered entirely by the mental chaos that ensued after 2000s. At the end of the day, it was the boomers who killed it from start to finish.
>What happened to 1960s California
White flight
How were they the worst thing that ever happened to this country? They were the first generation that refused to work or grow up. They opened up the floodgates to immigration, pushed worthless degrees, various flavors of socialism, poor monetary and fiscal policy, outsourced and automated every single job they left after they got promoted, came up with SJWism and Neo-Conservstism, with an ounce of inspiration from Europeans, refused to raise their kids, and used them as a financial tool to fund Medicaid and social security as well as a bloated welfare state. 30% of all student loan debt is from boomers, almost entirely liberal arts, and they now have no savings for retirement. They are literally eternal children that will never grow up and decided to sell everyone else out along the way. I can keep going but the point is they took everything great about America and flipped it on its head and they’ve been running the show ever since.
I mean 30% of all student loans are held by boomers mostly in the liberal arts. Think about that. They are literally senior citizens taking out loans to go to college for the liberal arts. Meanwhile, they are fucking broke and selling their kids and grandkids’ futures to fund their retirements. They are literally political scum.
Isn't that liberalism as a whole?
Reagan was pretty good when compared to Carter or LBJ, so...