oqLim ne MAL adamlarsınız yauw ketlemişsiniz tiradı
buraya adam gibi yazında KET olmasın artıkın yether
oqLim bisey yazın LAN yalnız kaldım
ÜSK izle oqlim
o monitör düşer ordan kafa yarar yauw
2006-2007'ye gideyim de istersen kafamı da yarsın
Fuck off Chink, we haven't even started to calculate how much you owe us for your unnatural inclination to eat raw bats so be quiet.
50 prime Russian females have moved to Israel since this was posted.
Mazl tov.
no no no, you say that after Israel samson options itself
I say it when my poor female compatriots craving for circumcised dick have to run in the general direction of Israel real quick because there are no flights to Israel this month. Seems appropriate to me.
rusyada devlet muhalefete göz açtırmıyor değil mi moruq???
Israel needs the steady supply of propaganda girls, of course they're getting through
Muhalefet sikerdin olsun.
So I hope fren.
putin ketlior oqlim hepsini
Anlamadım moruq, Putin blah blah hepsini. Türkçem çok iyi değil, yanlış yazıyorsan eğer anlabilirim maalesef.
putin öldürüyor oqlim muhalif siyasi liderleri falan
Muhalif siyasi liderlerimiz o kadar sefil ki onlara hiçbirşey yapmana gerek yok.
Onlardan çoğu ruslardan nefret ediyor ve inkar etmiyorlar.
Aslında, devlet bu aptalları halkan korur.
müslümanlara nasıl bakılıyor genel olarak? neo nazi baya çokmuş duyduğuma göre?
Yüzyıllardır müslümanlarla yaşıyoruz.
That's beyond my capabilities to explain in Turkish at the moment, I'm really sorry but here's what I think.
So, there was always Muslims in Russia. We kind of get along all right with the most of them. For example, Tatars are really cool and we get along very well. I mean Kazan Tatars.
Then there are Crimean Tatar, which are now part of my family, on my wife's side. Some of them were really happy with Soviet Union, because they managed to have high positions in the Soviet hierarchy. My wife's uncle is an example, he's Muslim, he prays and goes to mosque etc. but he at the same time praises the Soviet Union, because he had high position back then.
His wife hates Soviet Union and Russia because of deportation of Crimean Tatar during WWII. They have an agreement (for more than 50 years now) to never discuss politics in family, that's husband and wife.
Now I'm Russian (well Western Ukrainian technically but I despise Ukraine and I don't speak the language even), and they love me and the kids. Certainly more than the guy that gave their daughter, my wife's sister, three kids and then fucking skipped. But they don't hate the guy either.
Then we have Dagestan and Checnia which larp as hardcore Muslims but drink vodka and eat pork like there's no tomorrow. On the other hand, the Chechen, given a good guidance, are very good soldiers, we can't just ditch them.
Then we have the Tajik which as far as I understand are basically low level Iranian and the Uzbek which are mostly seculiar, and then we have some preachers trying to radicalize each and every group and then I didn't even mention some groups.
For me personally, Tatar (Kazan Tatar) people are compatriots, maybe sometimes falling for Turkish propaganda. Krimean Tatar are the family but them supporting Hitler at some point is hideous. And for them us Russians deporting them is hideous. Chechen and Dagestani and Azeri are better to stay away from. (1/2)
I wish I could stop checking that place out. I've relapsed. It's almost like i'm back in 2018, "doing nothing but seek dangerous autistic adventures".
I generally dislike all post-USSR non-Russian countries, because Soviets drove people there to work as teachers, engineers, mid-level managers, and then it crumbled and the mobs drove the Russians away, not based on religion but based on ethnicity. I do collect the facts on that, from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan etc. I do think they owe us some. I do think this debt is to be paid at some point.
We then have some Muslims in our elite, not all of them perform very well.
We also have mostly village vs mostly urban population problem, which never looked good.
At this point, I think I don't have problems with Islam as such, it's always ethnic, class, state, redistribution of resources, village vs city more than Islam vs Christianity (I'm Russian Orthodox).
As for Neo Nazi, to my opinion they are close to non existence here and now. Last time I've seen skinhead was, like, 2002 or something.
Granted, there is discrimination, some companies won't hire Asians. But then again some companies won't hire Russians. I'd say it's mostly başabaş here.
As for Turkey and Turks. We'we had some wars in the past and most likely there will be some in the future, geography is a bitch. But that was wars, not some demagogy. Something to respect. We're in peace at the moment.
I'm fascinated by your language first and foremost, it's logical and peculiar and poetic and I'd like to hang out with you guys. I have no illusions about you and I'm not trying to pass as a great fan of Turkey. I just count on some decent human to human interaction and some bants of course.
Wouldn't like to type that much ever again too XD.
I hope some day I'll be able to explain that in Turkish, that'd be amazing.
Hope I explained myself more or less adequately for the nearest time, sorry for all the English there's no other way to sincerely answer the question you asked right now.
Umarım kunusabiliriz /tr/
*konuşabiliriz, biraz yorgunum bu zaman
>Hope I explained myself more or less adequately for the nearest time, sorry for all the English there's no other way to sincerely answer the question you asked right now.
Imagine caring about that on Zig Forums. Is this what normal people feel like? Do they have a point in calling me crazy because of my complete disregard?