Based or cringe?
Based or cringe?
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Hasn't JK Rowling burned every piece of good will her mediocre YA trash generated for her?
Cringe, because Rowling is /ourgal/ due to her consistent anti-tranny posting.
Cringe. While slapping a woman is based, it is not worth more than a billion dollars that he could have shared.
Terfs love her
I still have my cock big boy uwu
Based online, cringe IRL
do anglos really look like this?
I am paranoid, literally every tranny here posts under the usa flag and acts the same
if you are who I thinking of then you really need to stop posting because you are in every thread
Why couldn’t she have married a nice asian cho chang
I was just larping for shits n giggles
sharing is not based.
Americans are crazy.
fuck off troon. you'll never be a woman
What she said perfectly makes sense. When one writes an opinion piece about menstruation under covid, the biological process exclusive to women and uses “people who menstruate” you know that person is a joke. The number in intersex men who can actually bleed akin to a women ya astronomically low.
There’s even better ways to frame it to be inclusive the people who menstruate.
I don't know, but it's pretty funny. She certainly deserves a slap.
ask the guru
why does everyone with this phenotype always get abused?
Will Rowling ever get her tits out? This is the important question
this is also powerful
>putting bitches in their place
extremely based
I'm sure she's crying about it. In her million dollars mansion. Sleeping next to a giant pile of money and blow
Karen genetics make them mouth off
Yes I am uwu
How did she get more attractive after aging 30 years?
you can't use logic on brainwashed Americans