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Sorry for Shetland.
Hinderly we gat a braw threid on this buird. Lang mey yer lum reek brither.
ohhh back in my day we'd call this gaff /alba/
failte, fear math.
yeah but no scot knows what alba is.
Glasgow Uni accented wanker
not sure you know what a uni accent is mate
Burns done the most harm to Scotland than any other man. Even Cromwell did less.
Sadly A daena ken Erse but A'm thankfu onywey ;)
by promoting Scots worldwide?
I have a Scottish surname and I am of partial Ulster-Scotch Presbyterian ancestry
Hello brothers
you suid sith "failte" is bekent throu aw scots.
his "scots" was just buttered English. he would smartly switch to English whenever he had anything serious to say and only uses scots to mask the quality of his poetry/
alri troops
me but have an irish surname
Do they not realise that Burns was anti-Jacobite as the vast majority of Protestant lowlanders, the majority of Scotlands pop., was in 1745 and after.
Are Scots nats massive idiots? Yes.
presboids done more damage to Scotland than a nuclear bomb could have.
Scots literally is “buttered English” always was.
>holding centuries-long grudges
Are you Protestant? Your ancestors took the soup
Agreed, they damaged Ireland very badly as well
you want to know how I know you are either a weedgie or Edinburgh?
yeah but at least Ireland kept the monasteries.
Scotland didn't and 900 years of literature and artifacts were lost. even England kept theirs but in Scotland the monasteries just ran out of peple so just fell apart over time.
Any /Cullen Skink/ men in?
>SHUT UP I don’t like that history because it doesn’t fit my modern day political opinions
>SHUT UP SHUT UP I’ll just make up my own history to fit my retard opinions
Awtho the wird cam frae Erse?
Scotish nationalism has nothing to do with the Jacobite wars. And protestants supporting the protestant side of the war is no surprise. But yes, William the conqueror was indeed a "conqueror", a Dutchman who conquered England and Scotland. Anyhow, it's all in the past now.
burns was anti Scotland.
burns back then is like nichola sturgeon today.
she must be pro-Scotland because she give money to support the gaelic language, right?
William the conqueror isn’t Dutch William you swedfag.
yeah. never ett it fresh. only can.
aye. it did.
Doesn't matter. The "glorious revolution" was an invasion. Anyone using it for modern day propaganda is a coping cuck.
me firing a solid steel ball into your head.
Any Glaswegian fenians in?
>political opinion
kek just posted a countryball and you've got rattled cos of it. Scotland's history encompasses the good and the bad, warts and all. the feuding of a bygone era is of little relevance today outside of a historical point of view.
>I don’t understand history
Still waiting for an explanation
you hate Scotland.
Then why do some natters try to act as if it was a war of independence? I’m not disagreeing that it’s irrelevant, but then why do the SNP spread bad history?
>you are from Edinburgh or Glasgow
>therefore you hate Scotland
since that is what all the old records show it as.
Somebody ban the retard spamming wojak edits.
yes. those places call scots "scum speak". very strange to say you like Scotland but then call it's language for scum.