
Attached: slag (893).webm (640x960, 2.98M)

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why's she walking towards the camera


Ask yourself, who are the people who bring political placards to protests and who are the people who bring cans of Stella Artois?

I just want leftypol to present one valid argument
is that too much to ask?

an ass only a nigger could love

why make new games when you can make vastly more money from in-game microtransactions?

Sonic Rush, now THAT was a game

build statues of peng paki slags

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The 1000iq economy stimulators

I'm not racist, I use lynx Africa!

good fucking lord
how do you even fuck that?

The saffer really is a tedious cunt isn't he? Never seen him once make a good post either.

leftypol scuttering

from someone who is completely apolitical and doesnt care about politics I have to say that rorke just edged out and won the last thread

mad that racism wasn't a problem in the UK at all right up until leftypol started bringing US politics to the UK like it's all our fault too

t. chinese traditional medicine practitioner using ground-up African lynxes in his herbal tonics

rorke dragging his knuckles

any aussies in here regularly order dominos? got a question

Too much ass + black boyfriend = dropped

fucking hell
life is so unfair

The US is the UKs fault

Nazi salutes in front of the Churchill statue.

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they're not nazis guys

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mad how the UK participated in the slave trade before the US even existed

jesus christ, you can almost hear the stomping of this fat yokel

not really, they fought a war against us to be the usa

rorke and his mates

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listening to the smiths

love sueposter's pics

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>No more mosques


used to order dominos all the time in australia couldnt believe how cheap it is there

>BLM talk up a massive protest today
>Rorke starts frothing at the mouth on his Facebook groups and a protest is organised
>Thousands of fat gammons from the provinces descend on London to defend muh statues
>BLM cuck Rorke once again and the fat gammons are so angry at having wasted their dole on petrol that they start attacking the police making themselves look awful
>Hundreds will die in a few weeks because they’re old and fat and none of them wear masks

Is this, dare I say it, yet ANOTHER leftypol masterclass? How do we keep winning like this?

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>Too much ass

rememver that meme

you're south african? i should have gueeesed

not from today’s protest you pathetic lying worm

in all fairness it was the UK that abolished it and had the power projection to police it



so sick of this need a wog to validate my views meme

going for a walk, fuck this

>not knowing the difference between a natty bum and silicon implants

come on mate

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these aren't even from today's proster you disingenuous roach

mate everyone can see this is a massive cope just stop embarrassing yourself

destroy all cenotaphs.
they're ugly and the veterans deserve something nicer to remember them by

considering he's obsessed with what other people believe, and with interfering in other people's lives, you have to assume he'd want to change what people believe
so if he could present a reasoned, rational argument at some point, the kind that changes minds, he would
we can reasonably infer from the fact that he never has, that he simply can't
we can also infer from the constant attempts to ridicule those who have different beliefs that this is a source of great frustration for him


nice try shlomo

are you the phwoarr moni poster? you type similarly

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Churchill admired Mussolini and had no problem with fascism until it threatened to wrestle away British colonies and put them under Japanese-Italian control, what's surprising?

Get me back to 2019

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the slut cannot even walk properly anymore

>anarchy and mayhem in the streets

we're not yanks lad