
A pro ginger-tranny willard general

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I sharpen both ends of the pencil

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yes lads

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this is the ONLY song released after an artists death that ever made me feel something
the rest are all shit

Rorke finally meets his maker

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Dont know why you lads keep leaving it up to me to make the news

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oh my days i am erect

m8 come on

leftypol still seething

Still can't believe he's gone

delusional, even if it’s worse than the first (it won’t be) we will not be having another lockdown

agree with this. can see it flaring up again from the fact that no one is bothering anymore.

winter lockdown will be Very Very grim. we've been lucky wih summer lockdown
>walking about, having bbqs etc etc
winter lockdown will just be being locked in your house for weeks on end
people will be at the end of their financial tether
wagies won't have had a chance to take any meaningful holdiay this year and will literally just be waking up to toil
and then in the dead of night brexit will happen and probably food supplies will get briefly disrupted.

not good lads


the saturday night scran x

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Gonna find a black boi on Grindr and take some revenge desu

Another Welsh bvll in the Confederacy

holy shit she's packing

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whats this now

there won’t be another lockdown lmao

bake him away toys

people will call this disgusting but I bet every single person here has eaten something similar at some point

looks like a diaper

leftypol posting the female penis again

left this in the other thread m8

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that's a weird looking clitoris

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reminder that in 1848 the leader of London Chartism, the most important working class movement in history up to then, was a black man and the son of a slave


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Very interesting front page, isn't it?

got some bad news for you lad....

thank god its not 1848