Stonetoss is based
Stonetoss is based
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comrade stonetoss
open borders means open borders for everyone
open borders for Israel means you're a jew addicted imbecile Zig Forumstard
pegate un tiro trava de mierda
Why do right-wing incels think that everyone but them fails to understand subtext? No one calls Israelis who advocate for more openness in their immigration system. No one calls Liberal Jews anti-Semitic. No one except Israeli right-wing incels calls scholars and other actual thinkers anti-Semitic for arguing that Israel's policies are wrong, harmful, unproductive or whatever. But when idiot Americans with anime in their twitter avatars does the "open borders for Israel" thing everyone understands why you're saying it.
Have sex coonlicker
>words words words
There's a stonetoss for everything
imagine making this
Based, those comics are the soul of Zig Forums
>He's a professional in the eyes of a degenerate, decaying system so he must be right.
this is a classic
He isn't anything, he's just an attentionwhore and does whatever gets people either mad or on his side. I honestly don't think he thinks all that strongly about politics.
But yes, this one does have a point, but that isn't news at all.
I really really really like this image
i can't even tell in what is rockthrow's ideology
are righties physically unable to make a "funny" political comics without just going
>I really really really like this image
Attentionwhoring. He's a webcomic artist, he needs traffic on his website. That's how he gets money. So he's just taking whatever controversial shit he can think of and draws it
Someone do an edit with a star of david around the doctor's neck
Ahaha it started out as one of those "I AM SILLY" but the ending is fucking gold.
This is next level sarcasm
>when all you can do is vent your frustration through strawman comic strips
seethe more
do trannies really?
>getting triggered because someone insults the jews
Zig Forums is cringe but this is pathetic
this looks like an elaborate shitpost
so now we can't call lazy jokes out, mr rockthrow?
Why pro-palestinians are considered to be anti-semitists if palestinians are semites too?
do you like this song?
because "palestinians" aren't real
the labels in this comic are factually accurate.
"open borders for israel" is used exclusively by anti-israel people, and not just any anti-israel people, but by people who are jealous of their status as an ethno-state, because they do not think jews should have one, because they believe they are trying to ruin the world, because they are anti-semites.
>because "palestinians" aren't real
Which alternative universe do you live in?
>as an ethno-state
If it's an ethno-state then why does it have so many Arabs and Ethiopians?
absolutely based
the state of israel is not legitimate
Heh heh
it's not an actual ethnicity they are just random ar*bs
The point of that slogan is to show the hypocrisy of people who believe ethno states are evil yet see no problem in creating a Jewish nation state on occupied land. Those are some fucking double standards.
>those are people responsible for dividing Zig Forums
thank god he clarified that or i wouldnt have known
Next-level shit
I don't like how the right flails this statistic around. Transgenders already have a mental illness without transitioning, they are extremely unhappy in their skin so a lot of the commit suicide.
Transitioning is just a way for them to cope. Their suicide rate would probably be higher if you wouldn't allow them to transition
because anti-semite isn't a literal term. like homophobe. most people who we call homo-"phobic" aren't "scared" of homosexuality.
the term anti-semitic comes from a time when the semitic element of society was jewish, and if jews were hated, it was because of their foreignness, and their characteristically foreign lack of loyalty.
pro-palestinians are not considered to be anti-semites automatically, but they often end up labeled anti-semites because of their (perceived) double-standards, or are informed by anti-semites.
Stonetoss is BASED, and the only people who get mad at his comics are white KEKS
>They're just random Arabs
Then I suppose Italians are the same thing as Portuguese people? A Moroccan can't communicate with a Palestinian in their native tongue. Same goes for Palestinians and Yemenis etc. These peoples also have their own cultures and are genetically distant.
fantastic argument
Why is Pornography connected to Banking but not Media or Hollywood? It's pretty obvious that he started with the "hidden" star of david motif, then tried and failed to make it clever.
Why do the artists behind these comics pretend that they're being subversive? Surely their audience would be just as happy with "remove da joo" with some pretty art?
you just know his appearance is the reason for his mental illness. i almost feel bad.... almost
>it's not an actual ethnicity
Funnily enough, it is an identity which emerged directly from israeli-palestinian conflict
Nazis are idiots.
they have no history of being distinct people with their own state or common values
there is no one who looks at this and doesnt think göring was based
I refuse to believe that he really looks like that, must be camera distortion.
because ethno-states can have ethnic minorities too.
and the comic is factually accurate.
and yet the labels in the comic are factually accurate..
if you're an anti-racist you believe in open borders without qualifiers. you admit yourself the full slogan is insincere and so the people who use it aren't actually anti-racist.