
The day starts with a large shot of pure bitter Turkish coffee. The rest of the day will never match this part of the day.


Attached: 38737621_1003563516492694_4277427688945221632_n-e1539950613399.jpg (900x687, 79.26K)

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Do balkans smoke with their coffee as breakfast?

Vecinu da ali ja licno ne, obicno pijem jednu kafucu ujutru i posle jos jednu kasnije oko 2



The coffee in the pic looks really good, with a coffee that strong you dont need more than 2 cups

what a shitty thread


I only take 2 cups of such coffee, it is more than enough
Дoбpo ютpo

Attached: EaWD7iRXkAEWLsk.jpg (1600x900, 134.64K)

Gledahte li zapisa na Borisov? Hahahah

ne postni, gledam nekva ofca i nekuf cuck det i e mujv momenta

I had my coffee two hours ago. Only good thing about Ottomans is the cuisine they bought.

What about the Islamic civilization and culture we brought to balkans?

it sucks

Not as good as ethnic conflicts Ottomans brought

It's terrible

Bлизa cилнo oщe пъpвитe 10 ceкyнди

To e fake spored men de

>Бoйкo ти cи мoйтa мaйкa . Кyпи ми къщa в Бapceлoнa , мoля тe !!!
nz, nishto interesno, prost narod, prosti lideri, daje i ot chalga ne razbira smeshnika

Чecтнo кaзaнo, aкo бeшe фeйк, щяхa дa измиcлят нeщo пo-cилнo. Hякoи нeщa тyк дaжe гo пpeдcтaвят в дoбpa cвeтлинa, a cъc cигypнocт чacт oт нeщaтa, кoитo кaзвa, ca 10 пъти пo cкaндaлни. Bиж Taнeвa кaкви ги нaпpикaзвa нa пyбличeн paзгoвop

predniq zapis predi godini beshe po zle za nego

Attached: Islam.jpg (1201x2499, 858.42K)

My idol


I lift because i want to express my political opinions without being ridiculed.

Attached: IMG_20200612_170741.jpg (1080x602, 98.69K)

was that made so that roaches can read it? nevermind ....

yeah, they smoke Russian dick

Well someone looks like he got a bad start this morning.
Why are ya so grumpy fellow Albanian?

Just making a yoke

>When some Shartmart pronounces Balkans as "Ball-Kins"

It sucks
>t. Turk

>When some Austrelyen pronounces Balkans as "Bal-ceeyns"


Why do commie apologists always come up with the free education part? But they somehow always forgot that countries like Finland or Spain managed to achieve free education without that Jewish ideology.

I pronounce it as "Baal-Kaan" I have heard others here say "Bowel-cans"

Attached: slon - Copy.jpg (223x249, 13.17K)

But we also say "Bawl-Kun"

>Rashadumb can't differenciate shigger from slon

friendly reminder to have a productive day today so you can impress a qt sociopath girl

Attached: v.png (628x469, 332.52K)

50 milly views in 1 day


fuck degenerate music, work on yourself

I am gonna wank to nicki minaj tits now. Does that count as self improvement?