swag edition
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>27 police injuries in mostly peaceful protests
Based kiddo
breathing status: can
The police face massive backlash whenever they kill or injure a black person, regardless of whether it was justified or not. A black death at the hands of the police receives 9 times as much news coverage as a white death. Police officers are at risk of losing their jobs and families, they receive threats of violence against them. There is a massive disincentive for the police to act more brutally towards niggers than whites. The thing is, the evidence supports what I'm saying as well. You're just so thick and full of buzzfeed and vice propaganda that you will refuse to see. You're brainwashed lad, completely fucked in the head
love having swag
hate swagless little boys
simple as
>you reap what you sow
to be fair, while I suggested to someone when I was in year seven (back in 2008 or so) that he would be a good pm, I didn't vote for him in the last ge, I voted for the brexit party
nice trigger discipline
Why is leftypol so obsessed with people visiting the beach as if that’s anywhere near comparable to the protests in terms of scale?
what a shite hole
there was like 5 arrests from thousands of protesters
it never approached anything like a riot
do you nigel farage would have been a good leader in the corona crisis?
why do normies have to periodically blow off steam by doing big outdoor parties, riots, festivals and raves . i have never felt the need
America is rapidly falling apart.
Can't wait to see what new countries are carved out of it's corpse.
ah yea mad that
the point is a coronavirus point not a crime point
There is lots of footage of far left terrorists chasing the police down the street, throwing projectiles at the police and their horses. Not sure where you're going with this one lad. I kinda get that you feel compelled to defend your side and all but this is a strange hill to die on lol
Also ignoring that literally every single one of those was condemned daily on the news
plenty of people moaned
just because throw a tantrum in parliament square doesn't men they didn't disapprove
why do people on the internet mock literal children? I have to assume it's other children which spend time making images disparaging kids. The thought of a fully developed adult making and posting images like this gives me the fear
nah, while I own a literal farage shirt (buried in my draw), I lost a lot of respect for Farage when he focused too heavily on illegal migration while a pandemic is wrecking us, and supporting Trump while the USA justifiably burns down, even though I also voted for Trump
there will be no 2nd wave. coronavirus was a nothingburger
He'd be much more eager to shut down the airports I know that much.
>still discussing politics
oh bore off
>I own a literal farage shirt
>I also voted for Trump
state of it
Glad this made the news
balkanization aye
defund the police and put the money into more yoof clubs
Neither of those images are mocking them those kids are based.
dont usually agree with you but here i am
what uganda do about it? haha
The nog was released within a day of stabbing that lad and given a new home to hide out in with his family in a different county.
>raekwon marks bashes his girlfriends head in
"Hey buddy stop that! Want to talk about your feelings?"
yeah yeah what a tragedy
*yawns loudly in your face and walks off*
does being good at dancing mean you're good at sex or is the relationship merely symbolic
What are some film tropes you enjoy?
For me:
>Character is depressed/ alcoholic he has a big beard
>decides to give up the booze, shaves his beard
thought the news only reported on telling people not to share footage of the incident lol
>mboko ngyuaga telling brits what /brit/ should discuss
Fuck off
at least the people out sunbathing on the beach aren't attacking police and destroying national monuments.
Beach goers are probably only guilty of being stupid and ignorant. These rioters are just outright cunts who are looking to make trouble for everyone
malwarebytes going haywire on this one
zoomers making fun of us again
im the premier clogwog terminator, call me if he rears his ugly head
>nah, while I own a literal farage shirt (buried in my draw)
This is what I mean
fuck off nigger apologist
Supposed to mean you have a high sperm count.
The pictures are hilarious. No one’s doing it to try and make the kid feel bad. It’s just really funny and kids trying to act hard always will be.
>grow up and do a line of coke already
based zoomers
the police here had to shoot some lad with rubber bullets the other night because he was going to shoot himself in the head in the local park.
>dodgy flag
>dodgy link
No chance.
wtf am I a boomer now?
I voted for the man who got us out of the EU, and I voted for the POTUS who made me a £1000 by winning an election I knew he'd win
Who the fuck are you compared to me?
>grow up and do a line of coke already
that isn't a very grown up activity
literally or figuratively?
hello hacker
fucking kek
mental how any kind of counter demonstration is coined as far-right extremist rallies in the BBC and all other MSM.
Honestly baffles me how the people out to protect government sanctioned national monuments are the ones considered extremists while the cunts pulling them down and throwing shit at police are called peaceful protestors
Any leftypol would have you believe the BBC is right wing biased lmao. Severe cognitive dissonance absolutely everywhere
kek that was me
Extroverts don’t like being alone with their thoughts for too long. It’s a good way to have fun and distract yourself from despair.
Most people here would understand that mindset too if they weren’t so intimidated by people and noise.
>Round up link posters
>Purchase rifle
>March then to a field
>Create a mound of bodies
i'll see what they say
>the media
hate when twats say this
wtf Naboo looks like that?!
might have to give GCHQ a call about this post
loool 3 years since those golliwogs got cooked alive in grenfell tower
What forum is this
they'll be the same when they have to get proper jobs and can only engage in tepid office-acceptable 'banter'
not intimidated by people or noise, just prefer my own company
i dont see how being with other distracts from existential dread. i only see despair when I look into the faces of others
me jumping about with my bollocks out trying to take the hit with everyone telling me to just get lost
I'll show them the other mountains of bodies in empty fields too
They're marching in London for him yeh?
was just a victim of misandry on twitter
a classic
hate this culture war bollocks, miss the 5g 'rona conspiracy and ickemong making a fool of himself daily.
unironically would invest more money in seal clubs
Based. Fuck millenials and boomers
where does this guy get his news?
*duckduckgo's misandry*
Remington special, that ought to do it, outside tescos car park
It's nothing short of mean spirited mockery, don't delude yourself otherwise. spreading images like that could potentially have lifelong adverse consequences to those children personally. it's probably really easy to just say 'haha but they're funny lol' without putting any further thought into the implications for the child in the picture.
but the fact remains you would be an irresponsible, selfish cunt in doing so
La Mulâtresse Solitude who in 1802 helped lead a slave revolt in Guadeloupe whilst 8 months pregnant, her last words before she was hanged: ‘Live free, or die’
This new phenomenon of NHS worshipping is bloody strange desu. Just went for a walk, and on one street there are several houses which are clearly trying to do outdo each other with visual displays of just how much they support the NHS. There's the usual window signs, but some have gone further by having NHS-themed furniture on display and NHS flags hoisted atop flagpoles. Very curious the things that people do to add meaning to their lives desu
I think Britain's worst crime is that everyone over the age of 50 acts like they fought in WWII
watched the ex get eaten alive on facebook for defending chris lilley, mental how violently lefties turn on eachother
Business idea: just kick them out
>tepid office-acceptable 'banter'
hate hate hate it
miss being on site where you can say whatever the fuck you want and nobody gives a shit. Was on a job when it was announced Harry and Megan were having a baby and the Polish machine driver showed the newspaper to the rest of the cabin shouting HAHA NIGGER BABY
you shut your fucking mouth, I didn't die in Dunkirk to hear this shit
why I am no longer talking to black people about social class
i think a lot of it giving their kids something creative to do
pretty based desu
>It's nothing short of mean spirited mockery, don't delude yourself otherwise. spreading images like that could potentially have lifelong adverse consequences to those children personally. it's probably really easy to just say 'haha but they're funny lol' without putting any further thought into the implications for the child in the picture.
>but the fact remains you would be an irresponsible, selfish cunt in doing so
reading up on the death of zdzisław beksiński lads
very upsetting
why can't people just accept that racial stereotypes are funny
i'm white, i can't dance, and i absolutely love mayonnaise, and i don't care
Yeah but before she did that she was a slave and therefore participated in the slave trade so on balance I think it needs to come down.
not committing genocide to the irish is far worse
love preggo girls
Damn she fat as hell
Any gamers?
Why I Never Talked To Black People In The First Place
Some people get a buzz from being near others, and don’t forget the alcohol helps too.
Even so, I’ve noticed that people who tend to actually be aware of the pain of others are also suffering from a great deal of pain themselves.
Americans over the age of 0 acted like they were personally the only soldier fighting for the allies.
hmm getting a bit sweaty here in my room with the sun shining through me window. shall turn on the new air conditioner me thinks hmm yes lovely
wish this rorkeypol raid would end
spot on mate, she tried saying some shit about how it's actually an artistic use of satire to mock what racist people think
Yeah that's definitely part of it for the window signs, but the flags were shop-bought, and the furniture was clearly manufactured by an adult tradie with too much time on his hands. It's not just the kids
That'll be another one to add to the pile
Only if it's White Girls-esque
Oh my is that the peng Orient
literally cant wait for my number nine long sleeve to arrive
Whatever, mate. Genuinely hope you don't have a child who becomes a living meme and kills himself before reaching adulthood as a result. That would be a bitter tasting humble pie
fuck this is good
imagine shagging her
If you don't own a fascist Nigel Farage Purple Revolution shirt, are you even British?
I say no.
Same. I’d love to have a lot of kids when I finally settle down with a girl.
heard one of the actresses from that film does porn now
oi fuckface
do you use a neo bank?
Thinking of using
we're not racist they said
Kino book that
Learnt a lot
Impossible. Ireland is comparable to afghanistan that it is virtually unconquerable. You can go to the main cities and try set up administration, but once you leave and go into rural areas there will always be a bunch of based paddys in the hills with a batch of rifles waiting to rage gorilla warfare
drinking stella and i have work tomorrow
this wont end well
just started going fucking psycho insane and smacking the fuck out of every gammon cunt in bermondsey
was at least 15-20 of the ugly freaks out cold on the paverment
I have a copy of the first issue of the Brexiteer around somewhere does that count.
Sundown, 1947 by Laura Knight
based. respect paddies i have to say. if only we had a bit of that spirit
air conditioners are fucking loud lads
police getting proper rowdy to whites cause they know we won't smack them but niggers? oh heavens no keep a safe distance from those lot, fucking joke
he actually made most of his art in a tongue-in-cheek fashion with deliberate emphasis on how OTT horrific the visuals were to poke fun at the horrors of life rather than plunge observers into some sort of 'hell' he was living in
in my opinion 'some do' means 'some party' means 'a good event'
These idiots have completely undone everything that's happened.
Defacing the cenotaph or the statues? Nah doesn't matter because these EDL twats have come in and acted like useful idiots.