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International #1251
Kurva anyátok
Be Sweden
Tbh i wish Mesoamerica was colonized by portuguese chads instead of spics...
Why can't place names just be standardized? It's so retarded...
Western """front"""
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + allies
Thoughts on China and India going to war
China will CRUSH India
*japan-tier engrish*
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ITT: We cheer our depressed Dutch frens up!
The worst culinary region in the world. The fare here is deporable, depressing and best left unmentioned...
How is your relationship with your northern neighbors?
Why do anglos do this?
I am 25 years old
Why is the balkans considered europe but turkey is not?
As of Q3 2019, the bottom 50% of households had $1.67 trillion or 1.6% of the net worth, versus $74...
Would you date an Arab woman?
Did you learn about the Muslim slave tradery business in your cunt's school thing...
Tfw my country don't have any deserts
1. vagina
This is a big island, not a continent
/esp/ - Hilo español
/v4/ + Turkmenistan
/ita/ il filo
Bienvenue en France!
Do you love kpop?
Why are we mocked for our influx of Indian and Chinese immigrants?
Corona in Norwegian Salmon
/ex-yu/ #cgb
There’s niggers in this country
Norwegian NEETs make more money and have better lives than thirdies working 60 hours a week
Imagine being a white supremacist
How come no one talks about police brutality in venezuela which has the highest rate in the world?
Asian bois belong to white men
This is 12 year old Kaoru Otsuki. Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China...
Why is this site so obsessed with black women?
What is it about Anglos that make the whole world angry?
This dude Is from Uruguay
/mena/ + /cutfags/
Blaming the victim!!!!
How Zig Forums is Zig Forums?
I will answer any questions you have about your country
Were shield maidens real?
Sverigetråden - knegupplagan
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Your country
Do you want to live in the year 1898?
Message to /leftypol/ immigrants:
Are Asian Americans White? Or People of Color?
Why do Anglos and Nordicks leave their parents house so early? Do your parents hate you or what?
Do you have racist monuments in your country?
My pp hard what do brehs
Say something nice about UwUguay
Why dont they remove their cuckstamps?
Do Japanese like BLACK?
Post your country spaceman
/lat/: hilo smug
Are you white?
I've never traveled outside of my country
The least white country i can think of. why are they so racist then? imagine being brown and saying racist things
Why are you so obsessed with us
What group of people commit the most crimes in your cunt?
This is a typical relationship in Japan
Post your town city flag
/cum/ - canada us mexico
What books have you read recently?
Do you live in a shithole, Zig Forums?
Why do Koreans use Chinese names?
Do you own any pets?
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Do people in your cunt feel this same way??
Arkhand Bharat is retarded. Why is it based on British colonial borders...
/fr/ kop1nation (anciennement francofil)
Your country:
What was the last country you searched for on google?
You guys like lego's?
1. Your cunt
Speaks their colonizers language
ITT: speak your third language (second for English native speakers)
2 more years until I vote for Bolsonaro just to piss of libtards
What do people in Mexico think of Antonio López de Santa Anna?
Do Recent African Migrants hate African Americans?
Mfw live in germany
Map of every battle fought in human history
Say something positive about them
Do americans really
Your thought on Korean with Hanja?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
People of the Americas
It's crazy to think these guys' GDP per capita was higher than the Brits less than 15 years ago
140 more days until I vote for Trump just to piss of libtards
*call suicide hotline*
Wh*te wom*n
/ita/ il filo
What made them so stronk?
Is your country LGBTQ+ friendly?
American niggas be like
Oofff Portugal is greaat and developed (first world)
Are you ready for these new posters?
Say something nice about blondes
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Name 7 cities in China and 4 Chinese persons
/mena/ + /cutfags/
Would you rather spend your quarantine stuck in Brazil or Mexico?
/ita/ - il filo
Would you be willing to date a Brazilian transgender woman?
/fr/ - le francofil
Europe bro
What is living in Luxembourg like?
Be walking around berlin
Tfw french canadian
Eastern European surnames (Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Balkan) are considered trashy here
1. Your cunt
Post sleep schedule, I'll start:
>Economy the size of Italy
Sverigetråden - ETNISK SVENSK upplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your cunt
I just realised how stupid "tak", the Polish word for "yes", must sound to foreigners
Apologize for nazi war crime
What is the worst country in every continent
Was good the euro for Italy?
Would you kill a child for life changing money?
Gay lefty Bavaryan here
Sweden is angry at us. They say that Sweden will go under soon if Norway doesn't open up its border
Is Portuguese the special kid Romance language
Bro just go home and fix your country haha
Do surnames like Hitler and Himmler still exist in Germany or are people forced to change it?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Bosnia and Herzegovina, a majority muslim nation is lighter eyed and haired than Italy
Partial ban against Indian IPs
/lang/ - Language Learning
Uhhhh, based department?
Crazy to think an African country is the most successful Spanish colony
The enemy
Post the most common surnames in your country
Is Islam really the evil religion? You have heard of paki terrorists but Indian terrorists, this explains a lot
/ita/ il filo
Pobre Portugal
UK almost as poor as Span wtf
/lat/ hilo latino
He just wanted to be loved
Your country
Rate my late dinner
What is the future of EU?
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
I am not attracted to ordinary Japanese women
Colombian women
Sverigetråden - Höga upplagan
The myth that U.S. cities are ugly must be ended
/fr/ - le francofil
Was your country ever communist Zig Forums? What was it like?
Based Chechens
Is it weird being attracted and date women that look like your mother or sister?
Say something negative about Argentina
Talk shit about my country
Your country?
There might be a war preparing in my city AMA
You will never live in a small town of like 200 people
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2414
Never forget the Sauna world championships in 2010, when a Russian cheated and used drugs to sustain the heat...
/esp/ - Edición ingeniería española
Hated them in youth
/ita/ il filo
Average European couple in 2020
I've fixed european union
A race war between Chechens and nafris has begun in dijon
Tfw both my parents are thankfully okay with the fact that I'm gay
In America having Pale skin is seen as a bad thing
Is this true?
Do you believe in miracle workers, Zig Forums? Weird to say, but I think I do
Post glorious communist farms from your country
Why have Anglos always conquered and never been conquered?
Everyday another cute thread yay!
Make good thread
Real question : do citizens of France get awakened and called to the mosque in the morning with loud speakers?
In your opinion, what's the most irrelevant part of your country?
Why yes, I did immigrate to rich, first-world atheist Western countries to escape from my majority Islam shithole
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Japan would be a better place if 1 million male Greeks moved there
Sverigetråden - Kungliga upplagan
I just asked an american girl about her origin/ethnicity. she said it was a strange question and wouldn't answer it...
Why do Asian companies use European women in their advertising?
/fr/ Les vies sans-emploi comptent. (anciennement le Francofil)
You wake up in a south korean insect hive
Well, Zig Forums, would they take him?
Indian men vs Chinese men
Pictured: probably the #1 most respected rock ""artist"" in Finland
Why india hates china?
Ur cunt
Woah, did u know this? Pretty remarkable
A Spaniard made fun of me in a thread the other day because I can't roll the R
Your cunt
ITT: Subtle signs of third world
How do you deal witht these in your cunt?
Zig Forums posters tier list
Is voting important in your country?
/ישר/ - /ΙΣΡ/ - /ISR/ - /इज़रा/ -מהדורת העלה-
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + allies
CHAZ/ USSR History Comparison
Planning a trip to Russia, what areas should I avoid Zig Forums?
/ita/ il filo
What is the worst country?
German girls look like that?!
/flagtism/ | /extraflags/
Countries that SHOULD exist
/secr/ - Sancta Ecclesia Catholica Romana
Woke up in the middle east again
Leave us alone
Poo soldiers were chained in pillboxes
Do politicians in your country make jokes?
Single-handedly brings the West to its knees
Which region has the ugliest flags?
I am literally TWENTY FIVE years old and I haven't experienced putting my penis in a woman yet...
Sverigetråden - Pizzaupplagan
Do continentals really?
Ideal China
Guys, so I have enough and kind of want a radical break with my current life. Also I kind of want to die...
What is road infrastructure like in your country?
Antifa vandalized a statue of julius caesar in belgium
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are Chinese like this
Sverigetråden - Bards upplaga
Well, what are the results ?
Tfw no californian gf
China must be destroyed
Can somebody beat Hungary in chess? No.. i don't think so
Don't know guys, seems pretty based to me
Muh goldylocks
For me it's Deng
Only countries in blue may post in this thread
/desi/-Portugese poster is a hijra edition
My university is shiiiiit! what's your university like
Does your country have female criminals?
Why does 90's Korea have Japanese vibes?
Weather today
It must hurt to have your country invaded like this
What should we name this land?
Do muzs really...?
I want these two lads to get along
Your cunt
I have already seen Germans in my isle
Black man saves Far Right White guy's life in London protests
Sverigetråden - Självmordsbombarupplagan
Kurva anyátok
Then the winged hussars arrived
Arr rook sa-
What are some statues in your country that should be torn down in your opinion?
Which European countries have the worst flag?
Births in Finland dropped to 45,600 last year, the lowest level since the nationwide famine of 1868...
How do you call this phenotype?
He thinks the Czech Republic is in Eastern Europe
I wanna see one on one world tank battle
He must be feeling pretty smug right now
/med/ - olive oil general
It's just a better version of Germany
/v4/ + friends
Schengen has been reactivated, at least between Italy and its neighbouring countries!
What is life in Croatia and Serbia like? Is it really as bad as Zig Forums says?
Nips new rifle
Why do they fight each other when they are literally same niggas?
/fr/ - le francofil
Post the most influential alt-right figures from your country
What is your favorite hairstyle for a woman to have?
/esp/ - Hilo español / Fil espanyol / Fío español / Espainiako haria
/rus/ and friends
How can we fix Australia's poor flag reputation?
Girls are posting on Zig Forums RIGHT NOW
This lockdown is fucking me in the head bros
Do you want to find love in Korea?
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Arabs are the only people who marry virgins
/ita/ - il filo
Jap cuck vs. Anglo BVLL
What's with the inferiority complex?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your cunt
This dusty old cunt has ruled Germany since 2005
Wtf is this true?
Lemonade with condensed milk
What subject in school were you good at? what were you bad at?
United statians
What's with the murderous cults and the edgy right wing lunatics?
Reminder 1945 - 1965 USA was the peak of western civilisation
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
GTA IV TBoGT - Pause Menu Song
You do like Italy, yes?
Red pill me on Finland
German “Humor” thread
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Post your country's smallest State/Province
Southern Californian Accent/Dialect Awareness
Century of humiliation
Brazil is a third world cou-
China is FUCKED
Had sex lads, wouldn't recommend
Why is French loosing?
I just realised that all the Americans on here make comments with an American accent
What country has the best broads you can marry? I'm talking about culture and attitudes, not physical attraction...
Is there any country that's more pathetic than australia?
Is Varg okay bros?
Anyone else wish they were a girl?
Why the FUCK did they invent black people?????
What does Zig Forums think of Chechen people?
This is the first thing that comes to mind when people mention México
/lat/: hilo de pintura corporal de menstruación
Hey Zig Forums
If you could own literally any historical artifact, what would it be?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Grow up in rich so cal
Do you like your state/country relative?
Thanks for supporting #BlackLivesMatter user
What's in upstate new york?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
"It is acceptable to bully people from this race. There's no outrage when it's done to them...
Have you ever met a dane, Zig Forums?
What went wrong?
/deutsch/ im All
What makes your pp hard Zig Forums?
Which foreign country do you think yours sees the most eye-to-eye with, on any given issue?
This fucking shithole is going ot infect us all
Germany have completely cucked themselves in regret for WWII...
Are people from Niger and Nigeria both called Nigerians?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
You wake up in wherever you get
France Hate Thread
Fr - Le fil francophone
Why asians lack empathy?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
"Thanks for taking me out to lunch today user. What traditional meal from your country are you ordering for us?"
Are there any Euros who are happy when they see an American trying to learn their language?
By Allah I deliberately moved to a Western country because mine is a shithole and they won't let me practise my...
Is it true that the Dutch don't lend you money, and if they do they harrass you to give it back constantly?
I suffer in uruguay
Post irrelevant shitholes with no culture, cuisine, industry or even scenery
/mena/ + /cutfags/
Sverigetråden - värmeupplagan
/ITA/ il Filo
Is she a 10/10 in your country?
Japan in a nutshell
Autism map of Europe
Hilo /esp/añol
Which beliefs do you hold?
Why are Europeans/European diaspora SO bad at the cyberpunk aesthetic?
What phenotype is this
A single gay Italian guy adopts a normal Scandinavian kid who everyone assumes has downs syndrome
>went to Sam's club today and remembered that every single person in this country is fat
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Do Americans really?
Yt w*man
/balt/ + /ausnz/
ITT: post jokes translating them from your native language so that they're not funny anymore
Your cunt
Dried reindeer jerky from Finland is the best jerky I have ever had in my life
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Do girls hit on you in you're country?
God I wish I had that in my life
Not a single fucking cheese in the entire continent
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
/cum/ + /southamerica/
Is minimum wage too low in your country? In canada it is hard to live on it in the large cities, even working full time...
Do anglos not get taught the crimes of their ancestors at school?
Sverigetråden - Ekofascistiska upplagan
Which country have the most anime phenotype?
Are Californians able to afford to stay in their home state once they start wage-cucking...
When will Germany re-Anschluss this "country"?
Your country
1. Your country
Daily reminder
Why yes i live in a city in the middle of the desert were you die if you dont have AC
Being black in the suburbs is like living life on very hard mode
Is it over for asian man
Why are the majority of US state flags so SHIT?!
Why isn't Switzerland in the EU?
/ITA/ - Il Filo
Does your country have funny dogs?
Don't have kids
Will you help me restore Greece? I'm putting together a team and I need your help
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Post REAL pics of your cunt. Not some tourist ad photo, but something that represents how people actually live
Post train station from your city
One shot at life
Do you think they will manage to fully develop and have high salaries but also avoid bringing millions of africans and...
Be in small down in France'
/deutsch/ - diesmal kurz vorm Auslaufen
Hey dude, I’m Daniel Zhang
Arabic world thread مرحبا بكم في
Sverigetråden - måndag imorgon
Post a product made in your country that you think people from other countries should buy because it is very good
Why yes, I wil be doing my Doctorate at America's most prestigious university, Prager University
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2413
What do "interesting" boys talk about when talking to a girl?
What are radicals like in your country
Would you renounce your count citizenships to live somewhere else ?
Are you handsome?
This is the most sought after item in the world
Guys I have been doing some history learning on wikipedia and I found out serbians were so mean and violent in the 90s...
Why is nearly 30% of south korea christian?
40% of Swedish under 18-year olds are of foreign background
How will /dixie/ ever recover?
What is the easyiest and fastest way to get 1.000.000€ for an autist neet?
Unironically the highest-IQ-required-to-learn slavic language
99% of europeans on /pol are amerisharts in amerikan bases or using proxies
They took this from us
/ישר/ - /ΙΣΡ/ - /ISR/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת חיי שחורים נחשבים
What is something you like about your country?
Forest percentages in Europe
Your flag
Are you jealous of Korean writing system?
/Fr/ - fil de la langue française
Sverigetråden hedniskaupplagan
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine