Century of humiliation

Century of humiliation

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I seriously don’t understand how women can do this. Do they have no conscience?

No? Women are fucking demonic, every single one

You were lurking at that thread right lol

That's Japan you shitter.

No. A woman's loyalty is only to her father and son

Me on the left.

do what

Yes, Japan is in their century of humiliation.

have sex with foreigners, that's what the incel meant

Start dating and fucking the people who were destroying your country and shooting at your fathers and brothers a couple months ago?

To be fair, man did the same thing.
You would be surprise with the amount of german soldiers that married french women

It makes sense for the conquering men to do it. But it’s fucked up for the conquered women to embrace their subjugation.

>It makes sense for the conquering men to do it. But it’s fucked up for the conquered women to embrace their subjugation.

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they have been doing it since the dawn of time. Its basically a biologically ingrained survival tactic at this point

They could be Australian. Otherwise yes, women have no self control or self strength the way men do.

>I seriously don’t understand how women can do this. Do they have no conscience?
You're late to the party.

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Women are a currency and they have always been.
They are not interested in "men things" such as politics, literature, philosophy, science, art (in standard meaning) or building.

All they want is a shiny thingy to wear.

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Dude, one cannot exist without the other

Why are women such a race traitor?

Unless the french woman was a freedom fighter blowing up krauts that is not comparable

Females copulating with alpha male who just won a fight is one of the most natural things on this earth, however Injustice in rape is a fundamentally bourgeois concept

This is obvious once one realizes rape is a revolt against the injustices imposed by the sexual marketplace. Thus, punishing rape is mainly in the interests of those who wish to perpetuate the inequalities in the field, namely the capitalist class and its lackeys.

Such becomes obvious when one realizes that one of the biggest recurring themes in rightist propaganda is the morbid and ubiquitous fear of leftist or inferior-minority rape of "their" women. This fear is not only justified, but amongst committed revolutionaries it should be encouraged.

Rape of reactionary and/or fascist women, "Misogyny against the Madonna", is the supreme revolutionary act. Fascist mythologies hold very dear the ideal of the pure motherly woman who faithfully raises a brood of infantry for the nation to invade and torture other countries, who blinds them with faith, who celebrates her own bondage and encourages her brood to do the same - to spread their unclean blood and soil. This ideal mother is in fact the font of fascism - just as in the vulgar image of "L'Origine du monde", fascism is a feminine force that emerges from the filthiest, lowest cunt.

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>not a korean poster
same gook shit

t. mulatto

It goes both ways, the white men are doing it too. In fact it's worse, their diluting prime navy genes with two 1,5m tall goblinas

>prime navy genes
I'm surprised it isn't the two men going arm in arm.

how can they love the men who nuked their country???

You mean to tell me macho men like these can be homosex? Yeah I don't think so

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why would they care about someone they've never met?