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how well is your country combating covid?
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Honestly I'd rather just hate on China more. I don't want to focus on our failures and impotence.
what the fuck is that spike
those are the new reported cases on 6/15
what happened on 6/15
Southern shitholes who weren't taking it seriously/lying about their numbers have had a massive explosion in cases. No one could have predicted this. China made Trump do this.
despite the memes not that bad
that must be fake
Great, thankfully.
What the fuck
very well actually
our overall daily cases is still going down
stop lying
28 states have reported a decrease while 22 have reported an increase so good
Given that 1/3 of states are straight up lying about their numbers this really isn't that reassuring.
we are having a very restrictive and long quarantine, people is starting to lose their patience
so far we had a relatively small amount of cases but it's accelerating so time will tell
Why isn't it slowing down? You have about as much new daily cases as you did a month ago.
you can’t lie about hospitalizations which are going down you panicfag
more american deaths onegaishimasu
Because our "leader" has been telling his anti white supporters in state governments to downplay their infection numbers for the past two months and now that he has become even weaker they have stopped stonewalling for him.
hundreds of thousands of americans are dying
so well I get to be smug at all of you
testing has increased to where anyone can get a test whenever. It’s part of the opening up process so sick people know they’re sick.
And.... That's A Good Thing?
of course
I live in Florida and we are handling it just fine despite previous fears. The only problem here is unemployment not being dished out for some people. New York Coty has like over double the deaths of the entire country of Germany as a whole last time I checked.
Florida has been faking their data for months and is now re-closing bars as a result. then again their state is painfully non-white (cubans are not white, no matter what they tell you.)
uh oh
Basically, America has stalled out any progress they may have previously made and in week they're probably looking at a catastrophe
we barely have any deaths so dont use us as an example lmao
>Cali and Florida are both getting raped while NYC is finally calming down
Fucking based.
two largest states failing hard
results from the George floyd protests
fortunately our police shut them all down here
I must say i'm not entirely convinced. US testing isn't even in the top 25.
Looks like even coronavirus is bigger in Texas
You are correct. They are just repeating Trumpfag cope.