
Channel edish

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She might be a racist pseudo-white supremacist, but I still would

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Makes me sick to my stomach just how close we are to the Fr*nch

So sick of yank posters, they just don't fucking get anything.
They take everything super seriously and when they try to fit in with the general culture they try far too hard and look pathetic.

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ah yes, the famed “quality britlad thread”
the english channel

>racist pseudo-white supremacist, but I still would
I thought that was the main appeal honestly

They had documentation, so did most blacks from that generation.
It was only the ones who didn’t who were targeted due to them not sorting it out.
Granted the government should have had records, but they should have sorted it out as well

Wife: Wants me to shave off my lockdown beard because she finds it unattractive

Also wife: Hasn't exercised once since I've known her

Typical woman. Wants me to look attractive for her but makes no effort herself. Maybe if she shifted a few pounds I'd be more willing to shave. Dumb bitch

The Peirce quincuncial projection, lads and ladettes. Highly underrated.

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dozens of boats a day traversing full of illegal immigrants... and under international law we can't stop them kek

Some lad in the Seattle secessionist zone had his stuff stolen

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you can be a racial supremacist without being that race
or haven't you heard of BLM?

>Priti Patel
>Doja Cat
>Tila Tequila
>Ayn Rand
How many other nonwhite slags who worship the White Man?

do you have the vocaroo

Get the fuck out of here


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Imagine neve having a passport. How did they travel?

are Ayn mentioned

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got 3 life options:
1. gf the proto', become a very comfortably upper middle class family and live forever as a highly paid wagey in a 3 story townhouse
2. fuck off both and take my enormous savings to the third world to sit on the beach and be effectively a sun tanned neet

Zoe Saldana isn't a slag she's a beautiful pure woman, but she too favours the white meat

Love how Ayn makes everyone seethe.

you invested tangible time into writing this comment yet it won’t change the frequency or quality of my posts in the slightest

Fuck off

The black one off Clueless, can't remember her name

consider just leaving the mustache

I tried growing a beard at the outset but it looked dire however my mustache growth was OK. Shaved the rest, left the tache and it looks decent. Quite enjoy having a mustache - have stopped getting ID'd now that I have it

They didn’t, that’s how they kept under the radar so long

all part of his elaborate plan to look like an average bloke

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Her interviews are great. Straight talking blunt russian woman. Reminds me of my gran

the 3rd option isdoing neither and just carrying flatsharing and toiling unto death

Do the 2nd option but claim you are volunteering.

shes an absolute cunt

azaelia banks

boris isnt even his name his name is alex

He is also a Yank so he shouldn't be running our country

Ayn rand is a racist hypocrite who's entire pathetic philosphy fell apart once she actually needed help lol glad she's dead

i have no clue of who could possibly think of bozza as the average bloke

t. angry collectivist VOID of self-esteem and reason

She had paid into the system her entire life though

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Should've thought of that before voting him into position.

And Anthony Charles Lynton Blair went by 'Tony', probably for the same reason Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson goes by 'Boris'.