Be walking around berlin

>be walking around berlin
>*fidgets uncomfortably in you're path*
what's the correct move here?

Attached: mariagf12.webm (640x900, 1.08M)

Beheading the whore for not covering herself

are you offering me your pussy for ww2 reparations lady?

Ask for Caroline

Attached: 1.webm (720x896, 1.78M)

Ask for the directions to the nearest Hauptbahnhof and leave the shithole called B*rlin as soon as possible


Attached: anger.jpg (584x590, 39.03K)

Call her a whore for existing and deserves punishment for LARPING as suffering from autism and chainsaw her in 2

mental that I will never cum inside of her, despite that she lives in the ssame district as me

Attached: 1591044890316.webm (640x800, 2.05M)

stressfully look around me to make sure a kara boga isn't sprinting towards me to claim her

Ask her to marry me and then burst into tears when she says no

it can still happen, just not willingly for one of the parts involved

Attached: 1589711832153.jpg (300x300, 23.9K)

Sweet Caroline OH OH OH
Good times never felt so good

Who is this?

I'll do it some day, if I dont have anything to lose anymore

Attached: 6.webm (640x1136, 2.99M)

maria she is the cutest girl ever much more cuter than that girl caro

Attached: maria9.webm (640x750, 2.49M)

based maria counterposter

Maria who.

maria from easy german on youtube

based rapist user

Can you post some pics of her pussy?

Haha that's funny. Maria is pure.

Attached: mariagf6.webm (640x900, 2.41M)

I’m going to marry her.

get in line



Is she really a girl though? I heard she is trans...

I know I will never marry maria so you guys can try, good luck!

Doens't matter I like maria because of her charm not her look

why does she have her feet in a gutter?


thats not the gutter

Hello. Marry me, Princess.

so I can drink it downstream until I pass out