Muh goldylocks

>Muh goldylocks
Why do scands think so highly of themselves when their scientific contributions is less than that of Africa

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>hah people in your country invented less things, don't you feel bad now?

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I'll bite. Where's the African Linneaus, Bohr, Berzelius, Celsius, Arrhenius or Brahe?

>I'll bite.

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never heard of any of them except celsius who invented the worst unit in the metric system

Cope, answer my question

Linneaus invented the field of taxonomy and the binomial nomenclature. You must have slept through high school biology if you don't recognize his name. Bohr is essentially one of the founders of modern physics. Berzelius is along with Dalton and Lavosier the father of modern chemistry. Arrhenius invented the field of physical chemistry and Brahe was an astronomer

nobody cares you dork; I'd be fine if my ancestors only invented a turd on a stick if I'm living comfy atm

Inferiority complexes, they have to compensate and larp as w*men do

because they know our dicks are hard for their boiholes

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das rite

no need to invent stuff when you are a tall blond skandi, you got everything handed to you and life is easy mode.

that's only because you're brown and your ancestors have invented even less than a turd on a stick

>The UK invented/discovered so much
>Average Nigel's still a retard

There's a reason they're called snowniggers

you are one of the snowniggers

>their scientific contributions is less than that of Africa
Sweden has some of the highest scientific contributions in europe

US education truly is absolute garbage if you haven't heard of them. What the fuck is wrong with you?

t. tulip nigga

Because they live in ""progressive"" and ""tolerant"" societies with ""free"" healthcare

Swedes discovered like fucking half of the periodic table didn't they? With our help, of course :3

Don't bother, he's an American

No one knows who they are

shouldnt brag about being uneducated

Aren’t you technically part nordic, Strapwoofel?

Everyone who knows anything about science and biology knows.

If you consider germans nordic as well

No one knows who they are. Get over it

Like I said, shouldnt brag about being uneducated.

Like i said. No one knows who they are. Get over it