is your country LGBTQ+ friendly?
Is your country LGBTQ+ friendly?
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no, we lynch'em, lynch em good
>No Pro./ No Crim.
Fun fact: There is no law against LGBTQ+ in North Korea, because North Koreans don't know what is it and all unaware LGBTQ+ people in NK are just treat like weirdos.
yes Brazil is a free country
Why is Mexico so progressive, yet so backwards at the sane time?
>Death Penalty
Yes, especially my state: the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Ypipo be like ooh dis vagina is too spicy for me!
Employment protection is logically the only that actually matters or should matter
Forgot to include source on that.
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muslims being based as usual
>Укpaiнa зa гieв
We are progressive as fuck.
How come angola is more progressive than namibia
not much
in general people don't like lgbt, but not like islam-tier or anything, mostly just vague dislike, if the government enacts pro lgbt legislation nobody is gonna complain
>There is no law against LGBTQ+ in North Korea
why would there be?
sure, a whole country doesnt know what gays are, incluiding law makers (whom, if they knew about homosexuality, would forbid it because le comic book evil villian dictator xD)
>because North Koreans don't know what is it and all unaware LGBTQ+ people in NK are just treat like weirdos
they don't know what it is but they also treat them like weirdos
those articles are just defectors pretending to be retards
the reality is that like in many third world countries it isn't a priority to legislate about it
Employment protection is a given, and the only one that makes sense to be honest, I'm not even sure what other protections there are
Poor info visualization on this; the Iraq yellow and Russia brown should be switched
yes, we are the gayest country on earth.
fuck the lgbtq though, only the l, g, b and a are somewhat acceptable.
Gays and "traps" were much more common in Sinic cultures than in Catholic countries. There's no fucking way the whole country forgot about everything.
Considering that Mozambique is also blue it probably has something to do with the Portuguese/Brazilian influence
It's probably because Mozambique and Angola both had very left governments after independence. Angola is also pretty developed thanks to oilmonies
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Lefties in third world countries are usually still homophobic though
Usually but sometimes the leadership isn't ie South Africa