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Nothing burger.
Also I've seen a lot of threads antagonizing Chinese and Indians lately. Neocon retards are at it again
The Chinese and Indians have antagonized each other for as long as their current countries have existed
Wtf there is already Canadian civil war and we don't know about it?
Oh noes, poos died, such an important happening.
5 Chinks have died too.
The Chinese have antagonised us as long as they have existed. We invited these yellow insects in 1961 and started a cultural campaign called “Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai” (Indians and Chinese are brothers).
Instead they backstabbed us, and invaded us unprepared in 1962. We could only muster up a force of 12,000 along the border while they came with a prepared force of 80,000. This is literally the biggest betrayal in Indian history since Mir Jafar betrayed Siraj Ud Daulah against Robert Clive.
The result of India's nationalistic provocation. It's sad because China wants to be on good terms with them.
Never trust Commies.
Yeah but are you gonna launch nukes?
The Chinese started this.
india needs to learn to curtail their aggression
friendly relations can only then be established
it is not like india is a tiny irrelevant shithole that this can be swept under the rug
the world should unifiedly embargo india with sanctions until they learn to act like responsible members of the international community
The Chinese fucking started this LMFAO.
Do Zhangs believe their CCPropaganda?
Holy shit this is getting ridiculous
>casualties countable by fingers on both sides
>of fucking million personnel armed forces
>of a country with billion of population
Literally nothing burger. this conflict will soon be literally what. It's just dumb Zig Forumsacks cheering for escalation to total war. because two sub-human nations killing each other is the best scenario for ensuring the perseverance of white people. And they temporally supports poojets here because china worse, any nations oppose china = good, india oppose china, so india good.
>india needs to learn to curtail their aggression
friendly relations can only then be established
>it is not like india is a tiny irrelevant shithole that this can be swept under the rug
>the world should unifiedly embargo india with sanctions until they learn to act like responsible members of the international community
>Are objecting India constructing a road within their own territory (Which even China considers to be Indian)
>Chinese soldiers enter into Indian territory time and again.
Is this how Chinese maintain a good relation.
Are Indian women ready for SCC (small chinese cock)?
I wish. Nuke the Commies.
No, hypernationalist retards started this. India should have fully purged British influence instead of continuing the same sort of imperialistic cancer.
>the world should unifiedly embargo india with sanctions
That would hurt the lives of million of Indians, you fucking sociopath. Unrelated countries fucking with foreign economies is neoliberal cancer at its finest.
Back to containment, subhuman.
what is ridiculous?
curb those aggressive warmongerers in new delhi already poojeet
it will only result in india's annihilation
Chinknadian kill yourself.
Never trust a chink
Built for SCC
The Chinese literally encroached on Indian territories and are opposed to us building roads in our side of the border. We didn't start anything?
nobody can form delicious omelettes
without the breaking of eggs
>any nations oppose china = good, india oppose china, so india good.
Yes Muslim chink.
It's Nanking time! It's time to behead chink heads!
Rape and war: the Japanese experience
Yukiko Tanaka
>Every day Russian soldiers would come and rape a group of them [Japanese nurses]. Japanese officers made many official complaints to the Soviet military headquarters about these incidents but to no effect. In fact, the Soviet forces responded to these complaints by asking the Japanese officers to provide a number of nurses as prostitutes, as they believed this would minimize the number of rapes by Soviet soldiers.
there is a little russian in all nips today
What? Ching chong? Me insect?
>Be liberal and tolerant and show your high morals to an uncaring world while Chinese and Pakis kill your citizens.
Back to /leftypol/ subhuman.
I thought it was a joke...
but only Australia and Canadian flags defending pooh ITT.... do they really?
T. Half-Indian half-Chinese mutt born in Canada and living in Brazil