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International #1252
What's your name
/ita/ il filo
>tfw American
What do people in non-white countries think of the protests in the West?
You're cunt
What's the LGBT movement in your country?
Is America actually gonna abolish the police? I'm scared for you guys, honestly
Do you like American immigrants in your country?
Name a good American president in the last 50 years
This is the user you're calling a "roach"
Do you want to find love in the southern United States?
Sverigetråden - Fettoupplaga
Your cunt
Pls let me impregnate the women in your country! thank you
His country doesn't have cases
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Behold: all monarchies that still exist
/mashiro/, auch /nachtschicht/, morgen wieder /deutsch/
Who was in the right Zig Forums?
Get in here Ireland, Mexico, Norway, India
Why does everyone suck Germans’ dick so much? What’s so good about being German...
Bolsheviks destroyed this. Photo is from 1914, final peaceful months before the country gets raped for 77 years
/lat/ -Hilo latino
/fr/ - El francohilo
(((They))) took this from us
Hey Zig Forums, why do you unironically watch anime?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
WTF he is real!
Would you racemix with a Colombian girl?
just lift bro
Americans are very patriotic but what are they fighting for?
Sverigetråden - svenska kv*Nnor är ondskefulla och förtjänar inte oss män
How did the Germans manage to push so deep with inferior tanks?
/ita/ - Il Filo
All leftists want all white women to fuck blacks
Which culture is the laziest?
/PORSCHE PANAMERA/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Wow, what an adorable and soulful little village! Is that Spain? Southern France, perhaps?
The rest of the world fears the aryan alliance
Are children able to solve logic puzzles in your country?
Is French really a Romance language?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Why they are so developed and nice? What is their secret?
How do we finally make this happen, Zig Forums?
Tradcels btfo
Hilo /esp/añol
The new Windows update sucks ass
An American goes to a bar
How can Sweden be so based?
Who's the biggest right-wing pundit in your country?
Does height matter in your country?
Kurva anyátok
You wake up in italy
I've got your back, and you've got mine, brother
Finland thread
I wish we werent leaving the EU lads
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden ostbollarupplagan
Reasons why French is a superior language to German
Current state of Bongistan
Las Malvinas son _____________
Why Indians are genetically good at solving mathematics?
Kots. Show off Zig Forums kots
France turkey military conflict
Unpopular opinion
/ita/ - il filo
Can he pass as a local in your country?
Why east asians are so cute
Are trans people oppressed in ur cunt?
China kills several protestors secretly and hides it as "suicide"
I accept superior of American girl
/brit/ aka /pryd/
Asians with hispanic names and last names
Why does this flag trigger people so much?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Wakanda is becoming real
This is what we were promised
If Finnish men are so manly and straight then why are they always staring at the butts of Swedish guys??
Is corona over in your country? Like, really over? Shit's fucked here
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Post the most famous N ice guy from your cunt
Why are arabs this hairy ? i'm cursed...
Would you breed and/or marry this woman?
What do you think of france
Sure actually means no
How come Mexico is the only country that matters in Latin America?
This is the best TV show ever produced and you can't prove me wrong
/fr/ - El francohilo
Why are Americas "burgers" as a stereotypes?
Tfw you remember your homosexual phase
Imagine being Germans and living in Germany
Sverigetråden - Moggupplagan
Do you post in your general? I stopped since it's overfilled with underage gay left wing anime trannies
/lang/ - Language Learning: Motivation Edition
Asking for bobs and vagene doesn't wo----
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
How's your day /int?
Happy Independence day to Iceland!
Do you have an insane military culture in your cunt?
Humour thread
/ita/il filo
What ethnicity WAS he?
Imagine the world
Imagine having a military and not doing parades
Have you ever had extasy?
Eastern europe has communism
Spanish gf roulette
You're country
Why isn't ancient Finno-Ugrism ever used in media or fantasy, other than Lord of the Rings...
Tfw I remember my atheist phase
Let me tell u about what parts of the world are white
Well? What are the 3 words in your country?
What's this place like?
Europeans don't get to complain about where they live
Trapped between Sino-Indian influence since ancient times
In which country is this phenotype most common?
Hilo /esp/ /cat/ /(you)/
I have never read the bible
Anyone know something about this chick?
Honest thoughts on Croatia?
Sverigetråden - 2019-upplagan
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Wait, do Americans really?
Map thread
1. Your cunt
Churchill statue in hungary. based
How can I escape from this country? we are surrounded of water
True haha
/ישר/ - /ΙΣΡ/ - /ISR/ - /इज़रा/ - ꧁מהדורת ארץ אכזיב꧂
Faces of Zig Forums
Is your country and race a joke?
Is Fpop (Filipino Pop) well known in your country
Is there any hope for asian men...
Imagine AU is made(Asia Union)
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Is it true brown bois are more trʌd than white women...
Ancient people were stupid and primitive
You're visiting Moscou and pic related says to you
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sovth Italy, home
Do americans on this board possess guns?
Is Greece considered Eastern Europe?
What occurs in this general area?
How come European countries became so much more successful than African countries
/ita/ - Il Filo
Why the fuck are zoomer flips so fucking tall this generation...
Rural Spain, Castilla, home
Finnoids be like gaysex and shit
China should just use PVKI BVLLs against India
My GF just announced me she's half Chechen
/ro/ - firul nostru
Which country is Reddit and which country is Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - Erik Stormkuksupplagan
Scandinavia: in a nutshell
Why are Turks so ridiculously high T?
Do the japanese see white gaijin as wee see africans?
Based and redpilled
We are sorry
/lat/ - hilo latino
WHY do whitoids hate christianity so bad?
Chinese should know their position
Valeriia, 19 just graduated high school...
Why do they rike China so much?
What happens here?
What happens in Taiwan? Is it basically a Mandarin speaking version of Japan?
/med/ - olive oil general
Realistically, what does it take for an American to move to your country and live?
Your country
This girl posts in brit, say something nice about her
Laugh at Latin America
Kurva anyátok
Do they really?
My neighbor called the police on me for listening music too loud at 8 PM
I dont understand whites. Why do they want a woman that was fucked by another man?
Post Zig Forums humour
This scares the European
Karelia was supposed to be sold to Finland
How did Danmark manage to survive throughout history? Why weren't they eaten up by Sweden or Prussia?
The Italy of Asia
The Chinese clubbed our lads to death like they were a bunch of baby seals. China do the needful and stop attacking us
Why wont they remove their cuckstamps?
Japanese second imperial princess Mako Sama is thick body desu
/ita/ - il Filo
M-muh calories!!
How do we make poor countries rich, Zig Forums?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Is this legit?
Genuine hatred or bickering married couple?
I'm scared now, Zig Forums. I leave my shitting streets to the boys at Zig Forums...
This is moot now
Peaceful thread
Why do you still come here? Be honest
I suffer in america
/fr/ - El francohilo
Hilo latino
/agg/ Asian girl general
/漢字/ + /汉字/ + /한자/ + /Hán tự/ 漢字文化圈 Thread
/mena/ + /cutfags/
The last thing a Pajeet soldier sees
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Is there anything japanese about japan?
Are Nigerians the BVLLS of Africa?
I'm never going to be able to get out of this country will I
Does this happen in your country??
Americans claim Chinese are brainwashed because they don't hate their government and love their country
Portugal? More like
How do you feel about foreigners trying to learn your language?
When a eurofag assumes he knows how all of America lives based on movies filmed in California
Based brits dabbing on k*wis
/sd/ - Small Dick general
Tell your entire life, Zig Forums bro
Are Kurdish people more open and nice to westerners than other MENA’s?
/dixie/ south and friends bla bla bla
This cunt has never been white lol
Do you ave a lot of pedophiles in your country?
Thoughts on refugee girls in western countries?
What's the most based moment in your countries history?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Hey Americans, can I ask you a question?
Trixie hates her life
What happen in Brazil?
Anyone up to date with india vs. china and south- vs. north korea?
Why can't Americans master Python lmao?
There's no such thing as Europe. You're all Northwest Asians
/lat/ - hilo latino
It's a joke
Why does our superiority cause so much controversy?
It's over
I don't suffer in Japan, Japan is nic-
You are Chief of India's armed forces
Post your favorite countries
¿Quieres un plátano?
Her parents come to Canada to make a better life for their children
Can we just appreciate the fact that all of the west's problems were caused by Germans...
Polish anons are most people in Poland conservative or just the old ones?
Why won't they evolve?
/ita/ - il Filo
Girls of Zig Forums
I <3 Brazil thread
Black or Yellow, Zig Forums?
Post evil countries
Your cunt
Hey user, let's go to my room to smoke a blunt
/fr/ - le francofil
Zig Forums hates Chinese people but I have never experienced racism in real life, even with corona. Actually...
Ugly English words
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Tfw no french gf
Why are americans so obsessed with race
23andme reports 82% european heritage
Is this true in your country?
What do Germans think about Angela Merkel?
This is what EVROPA used to be about.... They took this from you
Post yours
How many first world countries do you see on this map?
What's their deal? other than being ugly and angry at the white man ,for winning the genes lottery
Does your country have a lot of joggers?
Some Australian told me he is more Dutch than me because he is 1/4th Dutch but doesn't speak the language at all
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2415
Only good Muslim is a dead Muslim
Have we Americanized your cuisine?
Sverigetråden - Socialistupplagan
Why does euroslims and asiathins fear the American food?
Try to enjoy their media
/ita/ - il filo
Berlin authorities placed children with pedophiles for 30 years
They killed 43 chink soldiers yesterday with their bare hands
This is typical dinner in Suomi
Why does every city in Mexico look the exact same?
Do Americans REALLY live in McMansions?
Land borders
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
And the White Woman raised her sword
Faces of Zig Forums
Why are they so unhappy?
Is this true jap bros?
Americans will eat this and call it a meal
Guess the country, Zig Forums. Winner gets to choose the next location
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
I suffer in Poccи́я
Do Americans really?
"Murder of Yun Geum-i"
Hilo /lat/ino
The collapse of the U.K. is so sad
Why are Hungarians brown? i thought they were supposed to look like Asians?
Well int? who does int support?
Okay but what is your honest opinion about the Dutch and the Netherlands
Sverigetråden - Delawareupplagan
This thread was made in Germany
Hilo /esp/añol
Where you live, how often do you see
Which do you support?
Is there any French influence in Vietnam that's obvious? I can't really think of any
What will the world look like when the US Balkanizes?
1 - your cunt
How do you say "God" in your language?
Redpill me on Romanian
Are italians arabs?
Wieder /mashiro/, ehemals einge/deutsch/t
Why Japan?
/ita/ il filo
Suburbia hate thread
I like French people
/fr/ - Le fil français
Why are they so obsessed with WW2?
Why are most Iberian paternal lines R1b like northwestern Europeans? Shouldn't they be J1/J2 or E like other Meds?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Shittiest European Capital and why is it Madrid?
White people unironically find crossed eyes with the tongue sticking out hot
Why aren't they united?
Why are you lurking in the changing room user? can't you handle the heat? come and join us!
/desi/-Maulana Modi edition
ITT things that trigger meds
Imagine if they went to your kunt
Tfw getting semen on your hands while masturbating
The ultimate trifecta
US has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Even countries like Russia, Belarus...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Einge/deutsch/t ehemals /mashiro/
Taiwanese students are very friendly to me, and I have a lot of Taiwanese friends because of this...
How powerful is your country's military?
Okay but what is your honest opinion about spaniards and Spain
Why do Americans think white people all love each other? Do they not know history...
I'm watching History 101 on Netflix. The one about China is kinda scary. Not that China is all that powerful...
Cold, heartless people
1. You're cunt
I hate Amerikkka, get me out lads
Ideal China
What the hell is happening in Dijon, France, with Algerians and Chechenians?
Post your cunt's breakfast and other anons will determine if it is "chad" or not
Fuck, marry, kill, nuke
Has a girl in your cunt ever liked you but you were too dense or scared to pick up on it?
We are buying this from the French
Name one good piece of art your country has made
/fr/ - le francofil
Japanese princess Aiko is breeding silkworms
From /sci/. This is the most useless military branch ever
Why teenagers from the developed countries are more likely to suicide than the developing ones???
I am embittered and indignated when I see a Muslim happy. I want to attack them, their women...
/ita/ - il filo
Do you support Cornish independence?
Is 23 years old too old in your country to put your life back in order?
Which western country has most weeb girls???
Ask a swedish guy anything about his kunt
Can people from these countries explain the reason for so many suicides? Almost all of them aren't total shitholes
Tfw swarthy dark blue eyes instead of white light blue eyes
How is life in a tutorial country? Tell me stories about it
Are they indians?
Sverigetråden neoskytiskaupplagan
Convince someone from a country you want to move to to switch places with you
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
/tr/ + friends
What's your honest opinion about Germans?
Wtf France
The map that saved Zig Forums
What are your thoughts on this?
Upper Middle Class
I wish I was Spanish
Why doesn't the Netherlands have any car brands like other European countries?
Why does Zig Forums hate women so much?
I love Byzantium, do you?
Imagine your cunt is located in south korea
My download speed is 200 kilobytes a second with a cap at 50gb that slows it even more
Direct descendents of the Srivijaya Empire rulers
Would you move the the USA if you had the chance, Zig Forums?
France sends the army into Dijon as city is turned into a war zone
What can Zig Forums tell me about Asian Martial arts?
Latinas invading Evropa
Sverigetråden - Krypskytttupplagan
Do you have regular power and water outages, Zig Forums?
Why is Brazilian chicken so cheap?
Are girls mean in your country?
Rank and rate your countries neighbours
How did the Japanese people create the best motor vehicle company ever?
Can they pass as local in your country?
/desi/-Hosanna edition
/med/ - olive oil general
Do you like central european games?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why do Americans wash chicken before cooking?
The difference between Norway and the rest of the nordics is that in Norway we give credit where credit is due while...
Do you have fast internet?
Black Lives Matter
Asian women love black men
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine