
no americans edition

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Need an honour killing arranged pronto

furlough was unironically the best time of my life

Attached: Carrot Sphincter.jpg (3296x2472, 1.92M)

Attached: you came to the wrong neighbourhood zoomer.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

is it over or something? Seething that I didn't get furloughed

This is fucked up. Tory scum!!!

Attached: 9A427224-EAA1-4C3F-8076-7E16FD7ED079.jpg (1152x2048, 449.52K)

need my stomach wrapped around this meal pronto bonito

Attached: 14295388_678695382311301_3214437430807494656_n.jpg (1080x1080, 230.72K)

The most obvious point of dysgenics in the West are people's hands

you are one sad sad man