"Murder of Yun Geum-i"

Why did American do this to K-pop goddess?

>In 1992, a camptown sex worker in Dongducheon, South Korea, was brutally killed by U.S. servicemen.
>she was found dead with a bottle stuffed into her vagina and an umbrella into her anus.
>the U.S. government compensated the victim's family with about US$72,000.


Attached: Murder of Yun Geum-i.jpg (401x401, 75.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


more detail

>Kenneth Markle was accused and convicted of sadistically torturing and murdering a Korean prostitute, Yun Geum-i.

>The walls of the room were splattered with Yun's own blood and she had obviously been bludgeoned. A picture taken of the crime scene showed “her nude body lying upon a sleeping mat, the left side of her face severely battered and numerous bruises on her chest, arms and legs.”

>Markel shoved in an umbrella into her anus. The umbrella was inserted about 27 cm (about 10 inches) into her anus, almost reaching her rectum. And he shoved in 2 beer bottles in Yun’s womb and the cola bottle was already half inserted. To remove evidence, he broke some fire matches and made her bite them with her mouth, and sprayed white laundry detergent all over her body.

>Markel shoved in an umbrella into her anus. The umbrella was inserted about 27 cm (about 10 inches) into her anus, almost reaching her rectum.

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what's the problem?

No worries, this brave Korean warrior successfully avenged the death of Yun Geum-i on devil-incarnate inhuman yank brutes.

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>he already returned

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>what's the problem?

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>That's for Yun Geum-i, bitch

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Damn... even our ching chong massacres in Nanping ling wong wasn't this brutal. Yanks aren't human.

>5 poster in the thread (before me)
>3 non japanese flags
Obviously he replies to himself, so I guess he has a proxy and thinks people don't see is just one schizo?

What? Ching chong? Me spico chinco bullied in Mexico?

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Mexichads are the Samurai 2bh

Mexican mob butchered Chinese

That's fucked up

Ya se que te estas respondiendo solo, no engañas a nadie

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¿Cómo les va en este año?

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どうして夜明けに就寝しないでただでさえ刺激されてしまったのかよ? 気持ち悪い

What was/is the local reaction to this? Is there a lot of crime perpetrated by American soldiers in Japan or is it pretty rare?

En todas las escuelas había fantasmas

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Mi tamal favorite es el rajas con queso

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jaja pero que hijos de puta

why do you allow american subhuman in your countries ?

el mío es el de elote con picadillo

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Siempre aprendes algo nuevo

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because we have both russia and china right next to us
europeans wouldn't understand it because you're all living in a paradise

Been an hour and a thread with a burnt corpse is still up (*-*)

they have bigger american bases and with black american soldiers too, but never shit happened

Me preguntó si conocen a la rosa de Guadalupe fuera de México

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Are most of the Japanese peeps really just Americans larping with a VPN? I never understood this

Korea and Japan should be friends. Then you dont have to be afraid of North Korea or China. And russia will not do anyhing.
Americans are subhumans, you should kick them out or kill them


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I would say 50% are.