How did the Germans manage to push so deep with inferior tanks?
How did the Germans manage to push so deep with inferior tanks?
Other urls found in this thread:
big germanic cock energy
Stalin refusing to provoke hitler in any way before they were actually invaded
lots of previous hours in tank simulator
>inferior tanks
wtf bros, i thought g*rms were great engineers?? i guess i was lied to by the jewish media. slavs are true aryan master race after all
Stalin thought he could deal with hitler so the red army was totally unprepared for he assault
War isn't just tanks
Also, our tanks were not as bad as you think
Russians had a lot of shit tier tanks then like the BT series and old T-26.
Additionally, the T-34 and KV models of the day were good on paper but in practice were shit due to often lacking radios, but, most of all, due to being essentially blind. So yeah, nice gun and armor, but on real battlefield conditions they did very poorly until both the tanks and the crews were improved.
germans didnt have enought tanks for blitzkrieg and shit
all the good tanks came from czechoslovakia
This. They were caught so unprepared that the Wehrmacht almost made it to Stalins doorstep.
Superior people.