why east asians are so cute
Why east asians are so cute
Brayden Anderson
Other urls found in this thread:
Angel Wood
we are not east asian. east asia is only japan and korea
Angel Morris
Do you support hong kong protestors? Do you support the CCP?
Logan Scott
parts of china are more eastern than korea
Ian Miller
real macans look hispanic tho
Liam Thompson
Why koreans hate black people so much? Small penis?
Aaron Thomas
don't care
no we have different language culture genes and appearance
Justin Lopez
aren't you a western sexpat?
Benjamin Thompson
>different language
Kawaii = cute in Japanese
Ka-ai = cute in Chinese
Do seo gwan = library in Korean
To sho kan = library in Japanese
Taeyang = sun in Korean
Taiyang = sun in Chinese
Asher Harris
No it's not