late night edition
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Cute birdies
God I wish I were dead.
is that naruto's emblem
lol sorry sloni
No worries bro))
I mean your thread is first but i guess everyone's already here.
Aye, I got distracted and didn't post the link quickly enough anyway. Says a lot about my attention span lol
fun fact, do you know that chickens can count to 5?
Some guy designed the experiment. Put seeds in a row, the chicken goes and pecks them all.
Put a second row of seeds, except every second one is glued to the ground - the chicken eventually learns to peck only the odd ones. Then do another row where only every third, fourth, fifth seed is not glued to the ground. Around 5-6 the chicken gets confused and starts pecking every seed again.
lol, I'd call ém bird brains but that'd be redundant. Crows are where it's at in terms of birb brains.
fuck yeah, crows and ravens. I would love to play with their dna and make super smart pets
This desu
Yeah, some of them can even imitate speech like parrots too.
Every time i think of crows I get reminded of this.
How do we solve the Greek question?
can we talk about crows for like 5 minutes? You had a whole day to settle the race question
Look away when Erdogan gets nostalgic
Are you going to talk about crows? Then I'll leave, I get horny if I hear about crows.
I bow down to sultan Erdogan!
If odd number women are evil
If even number women are not evil
dub dubs for great truth
ded gn
Why did Slowchuga make a second thread?
>Balshas are Shqiptars now
Based on what? Because they ruled over Shqiptars and led punitive missions into Ghegeria?
chicken use debian too?
What makes Serbia white?
I dunno, are Slavs white?