Do you love korea?

Do you love kdrama?
Do you love Kpop?
Do you love qt korean gf?

Attached: qt korean waifu.jpg (235x293, 12.62K)

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I only love the broken english east asian posters have

korean boywombs...

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true, only internet conflict funnier then Zig Forums counsel wars

Please love korea i love usa

Sorry, but kpop sucks.

books on love of Korea ?


she's turkish

I love Sechskies

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I love jdrama
I love jpop
I love qt japanese gf

why? please love korea.

Post them

>dollar store Japan : the country
no thanks

No plastic only
But I'll gladly visit your country

Korea bros, can I have one of your women for sex please?

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I like old 90s Korean music. That's about it.
I don't understand Korean or plan learning Korean to ever consider getting a Korean gf.

I like Korea, but Japanese is easier to understand than Korean and Chinese.

only if you impregnate them


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I like Koreans :3
Even though i don't have any korean friends.

Do I have to raise the child?

nah orphanages are pretty good
i think if you think you won't make a good parent here it's actually better to make them an orphan because they're gonna have good welfare and dodge conscription legally

For me, it's the Joseon dynasty

is this really a boy????

I like Korea, but fuck k-pop and fuck your plastic whores.


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never had sex pp might not fertalize must do trial run

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the only qt Korean GF I want is

Attached: North Korean GF.jpg (2967x2103, 803.04K)

what's his name? Asking for a friend, certainly not because I plan to masturbate to him right now

plastic whores are patricians taste

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