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International #1253
You still sure you want to immigrate to the West, Muslims?
Are white people the most non-racist people now?
Faces of Zig Forums
Why are they addicted to coffee ?
How are ginger girls treated in your country?
What European country is Japan most on par with? And what country do Japanons respect the most?
/desi/-Kazakh Friendship Special edition
Does your country have a large right wing extremist presence online?
Your cunt
Asians are our saviors?
/ita/ il filo
Has the recent issue with BLM changed your views and opinions on black people?
/ישר/ - /ܝܣܪ/ - /ISR/ - /इज़रा/ ꧁מהדורת נגמש גנוב꧂
If France was such a shitty colonizing power...
THIS just so much this! Do you like blackity black girls in your country?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Soon 75 years since WW2
Miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
Do you love Japan more than your country?
What went fucking wrong? No I mean seriously, DR isnt an utopia...
/mena/ + /cutfags/
Are Central Asian women hot? Is it normal for Russians to interbreed with them?
Tencent is buying everything
What do you think of them?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Tfw third world internet
How similar is Turkish culture to Arabic and Iranian culture?
Tell me about the police in you're country, is it good?
Would you ever marry your sister or your cousin?
Black hole in japanese
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
/Guinea Pig/ General
What are mongolian girls like?
When you're under 6'1 and you come to the Netherlands
This is the New York mayor's daughter
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Meme War
Random Korean woman not even that famous or well known for her beauty
What do women do in their freetime?
Draw a line up to where you think you could go unnoticed without seeming the least ethnically suspicious to locals
Why are there less blonde women in Canada? It feels like regardless of race...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post your favorite paintings
/brit - The British Culture General
Diversity is a code word for white genocide
What bust size is your favorite?
/ita/ il filo
/esp/ - Sbean edition
/lang/ - language learning general
What countries are "germanic"?
Why isnt china considered a first world with all these modern infrastructure and urban outlook?
Why do Spanish have R1b paternal lineages like northwestern Europeans? Are they white rapebabies?
India is going to liberate Tibet and then destroy Pakistan
Why are they like this
Thoughts on the French Revolution?
Why are they the most unfunny posters?
Wow, is that true???
Random Map thread
Can you get into trouble for publically displaying pic related in the US nowadays?
There is an Asian male genocide going on in America right now
Why are western countries doing so little to help refugees?
Half French
/fr/ - le francofil
Wtf Ukrainians
ITT: We wish Happy Juneteenth to the Americans
Why do they hate slavs?
Sverigetråden - hefuseupplagan
Land of the free
How popular is tanning in your country?
Zig Forums has unironically moved me to the left
The Dutch language is ridiculously ugly...
Your country
Does ketamine really cure depression?
Let's talk about the sex market
New south wales
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
When will you get along?
India boycotts China
For me its still Danzig... because the Germans build it
Were gonna fuck your daughters whether you like it or not
You sure you want that race war, brown boi?
Which country has the best subdivisions borders and why is it Poland ?
He is unable to roll r's
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
I am starting to unironically prefer reddit over Zig Forums
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/esp/ - Edición invasora
Why is it so fucking hard for americans to understand that gypsies are scum...
/desi/-Dravida BVLL edition
How did u learned deutch?
Do you love white people?
/ita/ - Il Filo
What is life in Romania like?
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Why isn't Russia's capital, Moscow, in the middle of the country? Shouldn't their capital be in the middle...
/mena/ - /مينا/
/ישר/ - /ܝܣܪ/ - /ISR/ - /इज़रा/ ꧁מהדורת יאיר꧂
Sverigetråden - Midsommarupplagan
Ironically, but people who were born in communist DDR don't have such culture of guilt as West Germans...
Do they have any good characteristics? I've never heard something positive about Spanish women
Why isn't Turkey blamed for colonialism like western europe...
Unit 731: Shiro Ishii worship thread
I don't get the appeal of cats, why are they so popular? I mean, a dog is waaay more useful in protecting your house...
Why are they so fucking inferior?
Dutch people make me so fucking angry
/balk/ + friends
Why are Europeans so racist against gypsies?
Are BMWF couples common in your country?
Do French girls really?!
Why is this even a single country?
ITT: Something you do/are that's very unusual for your nationality
What are the pros and cons of having a Ukrainian gf?
Wehrsportgruppe /deutsch/
Reminder hindupoos lurking
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico + Friends
Unfunniest, most underage and all-around worst poster Q2 2k20:
What's the difference between catholics and protestants?
Your country
Kurva anyátok
*Blocks your path*
Close to major trade routes in east asia
How is history class like in your cunt?
*sigh* this is what they took from us
Why don't palirats just move to a different arab state?
I masturbated 8 times today
Do white girl like black guy for real?
/med/ - olive oil general
/lat/ hilo latino
Why are pajeets so based
What country has the best outlet
/v4/ + friends
Fixing world borders part 2
Africans are going full Genesis Khan on Chinese people
Can a tutorial worlder drive in the 3rd world and vice versa?
Dude she's 15 years old... You're a fucking predator, have fun getting raped in prison!
Christianity in Japan
Mexico is not going to be the mestizo society it once was in the last century...
How do we get Asians and Latinx to reproduce together more bros?
Fuck off jannies
Is this the future of Texas?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
What happens in Fujian?
The United States is a third world country
I go to army tomorrow.. say something nice to me
1. Your country
40% of young Australian men are incels
Uruguay appreciation thread
So on a scale from one to ten, how much are MAGAtards coping right now?
Is spanish for God (dios) plural (since you include "mios" in "dios mios") because the Hebrew word for god (elohim) is...
1. Your cunt
This is what a Peruvian male looks like
What do you think of them?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Are you sure is Colonialisms the cause of racism in EEUU?
Tfw 5ft8
If blumpf tries to cling to office through declaring the election as fraudulent, what happens?
Just how powerful are the Cartels in Mexico?
No this CAN'T be real
Are white people in Anglo colonies that are not the US still majority blue eyes like in the UK?
USA Britain Australia bad
Your cunt
/cum/ - canada us mexico
What book are you currently reading?
Which nipple colour is more common in your cunt
Why are german girls so tall?
Have you ever seen an actual white person who has black hair, like Snow White?
/fr/ - El francohilo
Is he senile?
Man, I fucking LOVE being a TURK on Zig Forums. everyone is universally butthurt against us for one reason or another...
Some 93-year-olds with terminal cancer died so everyone has to stay inside for a year now and wear masks
Why do /mena/fags hate us when they know very well that...
Virgins in Sweden and Germany
Does this happen in your cunt?
What you think Russia would look like today if the Romanovs were never overthrown?
Is it true that Chinese people are high iq?
Can someone explain to me how can they larp simultaneously as pure turkic conquerors that came from the stepps and...
Gotta love the hypocrisy
I AM cute!
Which nationality has the most pride with the least reason to be proud?
A Brazilian invitation
WAIT A SECOND... this show is boring as shit
Are you jomon or olmec?
Russia, why do you have so much Asian blood in your country? Why aren't you pure Slavic like Ukraine, Poland...
/lat/ hilo latino
A world dominated by China in <15 years. Let's learn Mandarin!
The jogger fears the CHICANO WARRIOR
How common is fake news in your cunt?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
My grandfather is talking shit about jews again
/desi/- Indian Kino edition
Why are Turks unironically proud of their history
Nigeria is the 7th most populous country in the world
Do you like strudel?
Blacks and Mexicans will take over California
/ita/ - Il Filo
What phenotype is this?
/fr/ - le francofil
Turks don't like Pakis anymore
Alright, Zig Forums memesters. Make it Zig Forums related
You arrive in france
What do we think about the china pakistan couples?
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Finska upplagan
Do they regret being born there?
Why is music from the shaded region shilled so much across Latin America?
Uh oh
I will move to Netherlands
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What if middle east never existed
Your country
Fucking really
30% of Spanish economy comes from tourism
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Do you like the US?
Are people nice in your country
Post news girls from your cunt
ITT it is your cunt in the year 1000 AD
So which one is Spain's favorite child?
Remember 15 yrs ago when we all thought Turkey was gonna be a threat?
I hate Chinese people so much. They're the most brainwashed, arrogant...
/fr/ - Le francofil
What are some ways of structuring a society that aren't capitalism or communism?
Med countries
I don't get it
Why are gay firsties so pro-islam?
Do you have them in your country?
I head a job interview on Skype this morning and it only took like 5 minutes, 10 at max...
Explain yourself brits
Why don't the saudi king just declare himself the new caliph? after all, he is the custodian of the two holy mosques
Google image "Afghan people"
Imagine what this board would look like if this website was popular and unblocked in India or China or both
Some of you guys on here are really funny and clever
Finnish cuisine is an embarrassment
/ita/ - il filo
Why are black american larping compare to the rest of humanity?
Thanks for the weekend in Paris user, I had a lovely time!
Wish that were me
Are interracial couples common in your country???
Hmmm I don't know man, is this girl with huge tits and a big ass legal?
Post a pic of current landscape in front of your home
WHOA! Italy looks like that !?!
What do they think of each other?
Will he pass as a local in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Serbia ready to sacrifice EU membership over Kosovo deal
Why are we the only proudly nationalist country? Non-nationalists are losers...
When someone says European, do you picture someone from blue or red?
What people are your grandmas racist against?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
/desi/-Thalaivar edition
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
A perfect world doesn't exi-
Wait a second, Germans look like THAT?!?
Live in third world shithole
Is there a reason why Slavs are generally happier and more optimistic than the average Western European?
Why do the Huemonkeys continue to allow this
/balk/+Armenian emoji
Akshually, the Aryans were Iranian/Indian and not Nordic
How come kpop is far superior to western degenerate pop music?
We original Italian natives have blonde hair and blue eyes
Peruvian girls
Korean-American Juche Girl?
Nooo young man can't you see the bus driver is playing the quran...
Mfw a jew in America and able to watch the shitshow coming down on whites when I know I can just escape if shtf
Why do people here feel like society owes them anything? Be it jobs or partners...
I wish I was born in one of these countries
Which african country will become first world first?
Would an Italian feel more at home in North Africa and Turkey or in Northern Europe?
Population density map of egypt
Who is the worst poster on Zig Forums?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Japs are monsters. I can't believe they'd do that to an undeserving Finnish man
Can we just fucking nuke America please?
You wake up in the global USSR
How do you call this in your cunt ?
Why is it this country refused to evolve and progress like a country with a similar population to it?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
Guys this is not true right?
Wtf!?! I love Russian now!
Tfw graduating this December
/fr/ - le francofil
I will learn Japanese
Is life here as sad and souless as it looks?
/mena/ + /cutfags/
/world of polska/
/isr/ thread /ישר/
Here is your house in the Netherlands bro
What's the John Smith in your country?
Sverigetråden - apupplagan
2020 going to be a interesting year
Ever notice that Meds look and behave exactly like North Africans?
Only countries with incompetent governments can post in this thread
Why do people on this site care so much if we are white or not?
Faces of Zig Forums
In this thread we learn israelish
Can we join the EU?
He never gave a robot a suckle at a local hospital as a kid
You will never experience this
>foreigners don't understand this
What Does Zig Forums Think Of Our Language?
ITT: Zig Forumsernational trivia that blows your mind
How rich are you when compared to the rest of the world?
Muh EU superpower!
Do you love Korea?
What's the correlation between tutorial countries and black lives matter...
/fr/ - le francofil
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Iraqis created that in 575 BC when europoids are walking monkeys
Spaniards be like
When will Germany return Ishtar Gate back to Iraq?
Tfw get bullied for liking guns on the internet
/lat/ hilo latino
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Nonwhites don't realize that we are going to kick them out of our countries one day and probably kill a lot of them
Did you know French Fries was a Dutch invention?
Why this just happens in Southern Europe?
Makes me think
Things I hate about my country part 1
Was he right?
How can one country generate this much butthurt by only existing?
What's been happening in your cunt Zig Forums lads?
What are your thoughts on this country?
Tfw australia does not have many latinx immigrants
/esp/ - Hilo español
Kurva anyátok
How do we restore the long lost masculinity of Japan?
/med/ - olive oil general
/desi/-Bhangali Pseudo intellectuals edition
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2416
1. Your cunt
Your country
Get on plane
Are Jannies of Zig Forums paid by Chinese Communist Party...
Onii-chan ! When we will visit Shibuya? I wanna go to shppoing-u and buy Nintendo Games...
Do Americans really?
Is the police dangerous in your country?
What's your favourite sub-saharan african state?
Why can’t Europeans rap?
They took this from you
Whats the most beautiful part of your country?
How do you earn money
/ita/ il filo
I fixed the world's borders. What changes would you suggest?
Is nationalism a cope?
Please visit the Pacific islands before we die rising sea levels
What the FUCK is wrong with americans?
How thicc are the babes in your cunt?
How is life in a tutorial country? Tell me stories about it
What are some problems tutorial worlders experience in their lives? Tell me about them...
And how many languages do you speak r/int?
There's too much hatred of yanks, say something nice about them
How can they remain so based and first-world while bordering an Africa-tier shithole like Brazil?
Off-White Syndrome
If I killed myself you would all cease to exist, so you should treat me better if you know what's good for you
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Who's the best leader your country has had?
Elf girls are made for BHC (big human cock)
They should remove stars on their flag
Do black people really?
Countries you’ve never heard of until you starting browsing Zig Forums
The Romanian parliament adopted an amendment by which it forbids activities with a view to spreading the theory or...
The Mutts have started breeding with the Mongrels
Post your town city flag
Are island SEAs the same race as mainland Asians?
The Indians fear the SINO BVLL
I apologize for Americans on this board being racist and Zig Forumstards. The average American is not that way...
How come the world (UN) hates us?
Do you love korea?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Istanbul? You mean Constantinopolis?
"hola guapo como estas?"
What are you doing to make your country safer for white women to visit?
Is this info true, int?
Do they really
Is panic suicide common in your country?
So true. African Americans invented 90% of modern pop culture. You listen to black music, period
Princesses must be beautiful
What does “Puerto Rico” mean in your language? In Chamorro it means “house of Cringe”
ITT: We posts our cunt's military
Las Malvinas no son Argentinas
What's the second-biggest urban area in your country? What do people think of it?
What is it about mena girls that makes them attractive?
Every single bad thing you say about us is true
Soviet Union
What's the first city one should visit in germany?
Do you purchase PS5?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Among the most developed countries with the highest quality of life in the world. 0 poverty
Why do they still speak Russian?
Does this happen in your country?
We thirdie now
Really want to nuke Chile, lads
Why does South America have so many transgenders? Also why is it so gay...
Do Muslims
/fr/ - Le Francofil
We are going to conquer Nepal first
Bestiality was legal until 2013 in germany
France thread
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine