Nooo young man can't you see the bus driver is playing the quran...

>Nooo young man can't you see the bus driver is playing the quran? Turn off the music in your headset at once!what do you mean by fuck off boomer???! I'm calling the police this as an assault!

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Do bus drivers in Jordan play readings of the Quran instead of the radio? That's interesting, I'd love to know more.

>you don't see it, but there is a group of demons dancing to your music and they are all around you!!

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They do yes. Sometimes even in my university's bus, at first I tried to respect them but I eventually said fuck it and started just listening to music in front of them.

What music fampai?

Thanks for explaining

Depends on the mood and how loud the rest of the bus is. classical music and even oblivion soundtrack when it's calm, pop in most cases and metal when it's loud.

does this actually happen?

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Repent to your god faggot Jordanian

T. Nafri

I am white (germanic)

You are mongoloid (chinaman)

do you guys think there will be a picture posted in this thread of someone standing on the quran?

It unironically does and it happened to me multiple times. They get butthurt even by you listening to stuff alone with a headset.

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haha kill yourself literally, faggot


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>haha kill yourself literally, faggot

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Seething nafrioids

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>third world problems

ma aspettate, qualcuno può spiegarmi meglio sta cosa di beethoven nero?

>purifies the bus from shaytan
>provides essential reminders to believers and invites misbelievers
>provides an additional layer of divine protection from accidents
>wards off the disgusting negative effects of modern 'music'
>and most of all provides good credits to the muslims on the bus, for free
what's the athiest's problem now? first azaan now something as benign as this? Pathological hatred driven by self-doubt

sorry, wrong thread

Do you feel my problem is with them playing quran, or with them telling me that I shouldn't hear music in my headset, music that they can't actually hear anything from and doesn't affect them in any way?

Jordan is the real Berserk world

I always feel like want to go mad and go to a killing spree of muzdogs. Thovghts?

whenever the quran is played you're inclined to listen as a muslim, wearing headsets isn't just makrooh its a rejection of god's message

You are right, as a Muslim. Telling non-Muslims that they also need to listen to it is called being a dipshit.

sure you did

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Rejecting god is impossible, it is not real

based ikhwan

they need to respect the spiritual atmosphere and avoid microaggressive acts like that too.

Reminder that quranic verses have been played in congress, not just your daily commute

Just start humming some nasheed when you see some boomer approach.

Maybe if your parents raised you any better you would learn to respect their religion and take your dhanb elsewhere.


Isreal is Falconia

And the brand is pic related

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god wouldn't just out himself, that negates the test of human faith

my based brother, allah strengthen you always

could you tell them you're listening instead to your favourite passage of the corehan?

lmao what a cuck religion

I'm listening to music in busses 100% of the times when I don't have a friend sitting next to me or something, so yes.
>respecting the atmosphere
No? Fuck you. I'm not busting it with loud speakers, I'm privately listening.

They can tell from his weak feminine appearance he's not a believer.

the act is offensive to muslims

according to your perfect pedophile he did tho

He only appeared to one person in order to correct mistakes made by other prophets.

he has unique provisions from god, 99.99% of muslims don't marry minors. In addition to this, the marriage was a means of strengthening ties with Abubakr, the best companion. The sexual act wasn't performed until she was 16.

Europe has countless instances of minor marrying between freakin' monarchs, like Isabella of Spain

Well, like I said fuck you lol. Butthurt subhumans taking offense in people privatly listening to music and people eating in their shitty Ramadan but not the fact that there are bloodbaths in half of Muslim countries.. What a waste of oxygen.

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what isn't? you niggas seem to be triggered by anything. worse than woke feminists

>until she was 16.

How brave of you bro

so is this, what are you going to do about it?

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Hide your post and move on, for an insect like you is not worthy of my time. I will not reply to you again from this point onwards, but will pray for you to not burn eternally.
It is never too late.

didn't you say you can hear voices in your head or something?
maybe they're right

i am going to pray to allah to help you find hidaya or enlightenment, you guys are far too down the athiest hedonism hole to consider the tiniest bit of benign ascetism and spiritual fulfillment

Nah it's university students not some salafi gathering bus, some of them are Christians and some are also listening to music

how did you know

>gamer music
Exmuslim trash

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I'm just busting your balls, does anyone actually say something to you for listening to music?

how is it? you had that thread about the voices the other day

>Hide your post and move on, for an insect like you is not worthy of my time. I will not reply to you again from this point onwards, but will pray for you to not burn eternally.
It is never too late.

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>you guys are far too down the athiest hedonism hole to consider the tiniest bit of benign ascetism and spiritual fulfillment
Why are you always strawmanning?

based salafi man

>make mudslimes and diasporats seethe
>is a gay
ugh, still based I guess

Sorry, don't care enough about what you think of my musical taste.
It's always boomers, although I was sitting next to a bearded fellow and he just started reciting the quran to make me feel bad or something, he seemed dangerous so I just pretended to be sleeping.
They tell me to kill genocide muzdogs and praise Ba'al, but they aren't demons they are angels sent by Ba'al.

Would anyone say something about you looking at porn on the bus in the USA? Or when masturbating in public?
Is it weird people respond to public indecency?

>listening to music is like jacking off in public

You're amazing, really.

You will burn eternally because you deny Jesus Christ and make up lies in order to sodomize your sister.
Islamoids are literal subhuman retard scum that think that the good that they do outweighs the bad.
I will personally heem muhammad in the face and toss him into the lake of fire.

I understand former muslims and emphasize with their struggle. I was with you until you came out as a video game playing subhuman. May you burn in Gahanna for a thousand years.

You are mistaken. Jesus of Nazareth is a prophet in Islam.

No.. Please stay with me what I can do without you.. Lol. I'll give you a notice when I start giving a flying fuck about what you think, insect.

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[wojak with scraggly beard, glasses, and mouth opened wide]

What is your end goal? To embarass your father? Make your mother cry? Bring shame to your family?