How can one country generate this much butthurt by only existing?

How can one country generate this much butthurt by only existing?

Attached: turkey-map.jpg (1200x889, 325.71K)

wrong pic

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neither deserve the gift of God, the life

Make that three.

Russia doesn't deserve it either, it's pure cancer.

Kara boga bbc whit*y and etc


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lmao magyar shitblood and a russophobe chechen

Yes most of like Turkey, because of based Turanic brothers. It doesn't explain the constant screeching about it on Zig Forums though.

If Russia did one good thing in this world, it was stomping the Turks and freeing the Balkans of that filth.

t. Judeophobic pidoraha

have sex
t. JDF fag under proxy

they would went further if not for eternal Anglo

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I like turky :3

>implying they aren't the asshurt ones

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turanic brothers

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all me on proxies

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There should have been an 8 nation alliance against them.

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You know that this just proves my point

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they make good pizza

Why do Hungarians love Turks so much?

We are surrounded by enemies on all sides and Turks used to be horse niggers just like us.

Hungarians are a weak and subjugated people. They're genetically mostly Slavic and they look to the steppe people who had conquered them and enforced their language upon them over 1000 years ago to find some sense of national identity. For some reason, south Slavs really struggle developing their own culture and identity and often times find it easier to just larp as someone better.


in 1683 they supported Turks in fight against German-Polish army and im not joking
and today they dare to call themselves defenders of Christianity

That's not Greece

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Hungarians have common culture with Turk and both are "sons of Atilla" Also 90% of modern Hungary was once a part of Turkey and vice versa. You can find many common words in Hungarian and Turkish likes Sakal and Szakal and Elma and Alma and Var and Van and Aslan and Arslan, etc... The list goes on and this is just the tip of the iceburg
>t. Magyar pro

defenders of christianity one day, turanic bulls the next. what larp comes next?

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Besides autistic keyboard warrios and overly nationalistic polticians Greeks and Turks like each other and both visit each others countries for tourism. Greeks have been proved to the be the closest genetically to Turks followed by Italians and Albanians.

Orban is revealed to be Cengiz Han's great great great great (x10) grandson :O

#gypsy lives matter larp