lack of height, small frame, skin tone
I am not so highly melanated
whats stopping you from getting an proper ass?
but I already look exactly like that
I literally can't gain weight, even a teenage girl is heavier than me
Reminder to never lift for women
i already look like that
I'm a human being that doesn't have a sub 80 IQ.
I won't take roids. I've been hitting the gym for an year, I look very nice, but there's no way to look like that if you don't live 24hrs to the gym and take roids.
I don't want to use steroids
Try eating more often and try to drink your calories in the form of high calorie shakes/smoothies.
My ancestors were peasants and kings not slaves and negroes
Beer is horrible.
I am a savolaxid reduced cro magnoid.
how come fit black pornstars still have bbc's? sounds like massive coping.
in brazil, i don't doubt it
tastes just fine here
I'd rather fool around with guitars and mend something than lift for some vapid whore.
Also this
Don't want to
I'm gay and prefer a slimmer body
>Posts a professional athlete
I can't afford a bicycle.I'm poor.
Not everyone can pull of this size
pls cum 2 china
The female isn't even good looking
Gyms aren't open.
Every woman i pass look at me, i'm a fuckboi
Not 4 chubby hags like her.
He must be a poorfag. You can get good beer anywhere here if you can afford it.
I'm not black enough
also weed
I did some kcal calculations a few days ago and realized I don't even have to drink that much less beer to not be fat.
i'd rather look like this
I rather not to pick a cotton, to be honest.
one of the most athletic players in one of the most physically demanding sports
he has 100% been taking steroids since he was in highschool, probably even earlier.
Why is twitter such cancer
Dear Women...
What makes you think you're hot enough to make demands, Samantha?
some people genuinely don't like the taste of beer, and palate changes over time too
Thankfully being white prevents me from being blac