Boomer edition
Boomer edition
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Damn I want to coom on tiny hohol tits
Shut the fuck up you dumb race traitor whore DONT YOU EVER DARE reply to me again you filthy slut.
I curse the minute that I made this thread, I dont want you EVER posting in a thread of mine again.
I would feel bad about your father, but at least you made it obvious you dont have one, at least no good genes would be wasted when you spawn a roach or a nigglet since you are subhuman midget with brain defecency, im actually surprised you learned to speak decent english, but it was probably so some nigger or turk purchases you as mail bride you actual embarassment of a nation.
Hope your dream of becoming a cumdumpster for a turk comes true and you end up like those russian brides being forced to shit out babies, wear hijab and cook while they beg the ambassadors to save them.
Worthless filth
>thirsting over internet women whom you will never meet
Ok /balk/ pimps, give me your advice on getting women.
To animebey the Macedonian simp-bey, this is me
I'll date you but only if you sent me 1 btc to HHkniGGaLnbY55THbbBLkkfag
I don't know dude, i post to Zig Forums.
So big tits, what a disgusting.
I can only give you wisdom on how NOT to get women lmaö
God I wish I were dead.
>Thread was created 8 mins ago
>We're only 11 posts in
>I've already got to give 20 push-ups
Easy, lad.
It has zero risks in it.
Sloni wtf! This is pure impertinence!
Like getting cucked?
Or getting rejected or getting heartbroken or being exposed :)
>being Xpozed
So this is what Turkler eat in Ayvalι
Have you tried not being a little bitch?
Did macebro get cucked by the roach?
Yes and I got hurt.
I don't get why he's so upset. Balkans have been getting cucked by turks for 5 centuries.
This is what Türkler eat in Effendi's room.
nice tsai
>mfw have the exact same plate, knife and glass
You should start tearing down statues and shieet.
I drink ÇAY day and night, like a proper Türk.
ITT: We thank the Balkandogs for saving Europe from the Ottomans
Do you realise that westeners drink tea in cups? Only you guys and Arabs drink it from glasses. Just weird somehow
>burnt the best parts
we had this in middle school damn i miss it