
no dents edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


can't wait for the chest-pocket on t-shirts meme to die

don't really want to wank but am going to do it anyway

are boy brendan crying over the death of his friends career




By all rights /his/ should be a good board. There's no logical reason for it not to be and it's comfortably one of the worst

still no word from the dole office

they come in handy
cig packs

she longs for a railway signaller from cheadle

Right youre all fucking boring

Thoughts on the physical media collection lads?


This image will go down in the history books, your children will ask where you were the day the film was broadcast.

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Zig Forums and /leftypol/ waged a war from the moment the board was created for the soul of the board. That war never ended. It's still contested by both.

/lit/ used to be the same, but I think most of these provocoteurs and partisans moved their arguments to /his/, and /lit/ has its own comfortable culture now, with a slight leaning towards Zig Forums when it used to be a lean towards /leftypol/ a few years ago.

feel like punching the GF when she's on her phone while pretending to listen to me, complete and UTTER lack of respect for the man of the household

Paradox interactive kids and "history enthusiasts" and Zig Forums - Zig Forums crossposters

pineal gland absolutely shot. peak-bugman

was more of a fan of your so called breakfast

shut up virgin

do brits know how to slam timtams

the jews unrionically right about circumcision and all you phimosis lads prove it

they usually don't mate, it's pretty frowned upon to do that with your daughter and everything

>are boy brendan

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still laughing at the pic of the huge turd sad neatly on the salad

not sure which asian to have tonight
brain is leaning towards thai but stomach is crying out for japanese

is /leftypol/ even really an entity? isn't it just the main board on an obscure chan? or is there something about it I don't know


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S3rl has some good tunes but theyre draped in ironic weebshit and cringe lyrics


want a nice, homely, down to earth 6/10 to settle down with but the only girls that I attract are 7-8/10 vapid social media-addled slags

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Buzzword used by Zig Forums freaks who assume that everyone who isn't a sad act racist has to be a communist lefty

/leftypol/ usually refers to the lefty subculture of chan culture I'd say. Its base used to be on 8ch, and now exists as several boards on different chan sites and has several discord servers. Plenty of them are ex-redditors. There is a distinct leftypol culture as well, distinct from regular reddit/twitter lefty culture.

cringe humble brag user

7 am drunk giggling like a school boy at some of these posts

yeah the boys moment

have literally put on 13 kilos since this time last year
just sneaks up on you innit

we're all going to need to settle down with a single mum

breakfastberg looking rather grim this morning
two slices of buttered toast and scrambled eggs with salsa mixed in

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post chebs x

bow wow

felt the same as when they do way too obvious product placements in movies

no it refers to the people who have leftypol viewpoints and opinions. Keep in mind the main leftypol board itself was divided between Marxist-Leninists/Stalinists, Post-Leftists, Anarcho-Communists and Anarchists of different stripes, anti-fascists, Third-Worldists, and more obscure stuff like Stirnerites and Posadists and Nazbols

what is the point of buying that stuff

never seen anyone do this, and would cringe if I did

thank you x

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>20 grand on worthless lumps of plastic made in China

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worst looking scrambled eggs ive ever seen ngl

Well my haircut went better than expected
the gentle elderly fellow I typically cop it from wasn't in, but the younger bloke was keen to give it a go so said yeah why not
was nervous at first but he did a schmick job and cleaned my new beard right up
quite pleased

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remember esoteric jahanism

do you make your scrambled eggs in the microwave or on the stove?
i go microwave to save time

cant even tell if I under or over did them
tastes about as good as it looks either way

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well I do them in the pan because I know how to cook
microwaves are shite for most things

guarantee it looks like shit

you can make scrambled eggs in the microwave?

Holly Willoughby never disappoints

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Alright de lads

usually scramble eggs on your mams bed haha
(her ova)


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>sheep shagger

Why are there no insulting names to the English?

how does it save time exactly? scrambled eggs take literally 4 minutes to make

good lad