The Romanian parliament adopted an amendment by which it forbids activities with a view to spreading the theory or...

>The Romanian parliament adopted an amendment by which it forbids activities with a view to spreading the theory or opinion of gender, understood as the theory or opinion that gender is a concept different from biological sex and that the two aren't always the same

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slavă României

This violates the principles of free speech, capitalism, and democracy

I only recognize the state of Roumania so fuck this gay ass thread


Iohannis isn't signing it.
then this
we wuz the France of Eastern Europe.

The vast majority of people don't understand what the gender theory is, and the conservatives are the ones that understand the least of it

>This violates the principles of free speech, capitalism, and democracy
el no sabe

Attached: 14c2af8efbbd446efbb3b10cce595b43--true-facts-funny-pics.jpg (236x233, 11.55K)

Incredibly based.

Surse: Klaus Iohannis nu va promulga legea prin care se interzice în școli și universități orice referire la identitatea de gen

Sources: Klaus Iohannis will not enact law banning any reference to gender identity in schools and universities