Google image "Afghan people"

> Google image "Afghan people"
> Picture of actual people
> Everyone looks serious
> Traditionnal dresses
> Deep look at camera
> Afghan Girl famous picture
> 100% SOUL

> Google image "French people"
> This fucking bullshit
> Soul level: 0%

Do the test, this works for pretty much every third world/first world pairs.
Anons, why are we so souless?

Attached: bullshit.jpg (683x1024, 310.32K)

I'm too scared to even attempt to Google "American people"


muh heart
muh soul

> Google image "French people"
> This fucking bullshit
> Soul level: 0%

Attached: 1592045972900.png (1500x1500, 588.3K)

Attached: 2020-06-18_21-27-09.png (346x420, 143.17K)

Google image "French man"

Attached: Frenchman.png (1575x768, 1.6M)

> Google: "Brazilian People"
Not even lying, kek

Attached: brazilianpeople.jpg (1500x1101, 437.6K)

Why even bother? Jews are everywhere.

There's also this

Attached: 6c7c2f52-5aa2-4226-bb42-20db52085698..png (1271x1796, 1.96M)