Onii-chan ! When we will visit Shibuya? I wanna go to shppoing-u and buy Nintendo Games...

>Onii-chan ! When we will visit Shibuya? I wanna go to shppoing-u and buy Nintendo Games, if you don't take me this year you are baka >///

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What phenotype is this?

Pink Princess.

Attached: 4089726-fin.jpg (310x174, 17.73K)


1/4 Tatar 3/4 Slavic mutt. You can tell by the brown eyes

We can't stop here. This is whore country.

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WTF my japanese qt turned into a wh*te slut

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this girl is a prostitute right

she's in China and taking a BCC (big chink cock)


nah, she's just a chinaboo model

i thought she was an escort for chinese millionaires or something

So you find these in Eastern Europe?

Yeah. IIRC she said she's 1/4 Lipka Tatar, half Polish and 1/4 Belarussian. Don't think mutts like her are very common in East Europe though.

why would i be angry
pictures of girls on the internet dont make me feel anything other than maybe giving me a boner

Sorry, Fren.

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she is

I've met one girl that looks like this in 26 years on the west coast of the US, and I damn near fell in love. We got along well but she was very loyal to her boyfriend, which i found admirable and frustrating. Women with those features are my destiny I think.


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Don't be sad friend. We're all going to make it. I believe in you

へー なんで渋谷なの?梅田でどう?


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she has a cute voice OwO


shut the fuck up you fucking whore,is the dinner ready?

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>1/4 Tatar
so she has Khan's blood? Hot

by khan you mean turkic

golden horde tatars got raped by mongols

it was the white horde that was the orgin of the lipka tatar


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