Is life here as sad and souless as it looks?
Is life here as sad and souless as it looks?
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Yes but i like it
whats so soulless about it?
I would never wanna live anywhere else.
You are the one to decide whether you want a sad and soulless life
>it's winter
>wake up, sun hasn't risen yet
>go to work
>come back home after a day of hard work
>it's already dark outside
>repeat every day for months
During the rest of the year it's great though
is that the prison for the African BVLL that raped and impregnated 20 Swedish teenagers?
Introverted and dull people
nigga its the midsummer do you even have it?
No, that's my home.
why the fuck is Vaasa marked on that map
This, very dark during the winter but then again it's still light outside at 1 am during summer.
I think life is very good in scandinavia but boring.
that's what I said.
No sense of humor or bants among northerners, no good music either
Unironically a soulless place
From my experience interacting with snowniggers:
Finns are okay
Swedes are hit and miss
Norwegians miss the part of the brain that handles social interactions and empathy
looks comfy
Det er hyggeligt.
why are meds gay?
>No sense of humor or bants among northerners
Confirmed for never having been here.
Liking males is the ultimate manly thing. Meds are simply very manly.
So, this is the power of gay southron cope..
is that what you telling yourself to cope for being gay? pathetic honestly
Okay now show what the other 95% of your country looks like
probably still looks like that... u know look at a map...
What? Do you think scenery like that is some rare luxury in Sweden?
not him, but that is what most of sweden looks like
>still light outside at 1 am during summer
That's the one Nordic thing I couldn't handle. I'm pretty autistic about my sleeping habits.
curtains my man
Maybe but what matters is that people finally can leave you alone. It's an introverted paradise.
Gay? Wanna die? Because that's what you are getting if you insult me again.
Yes it is, please stay away and spread the word.
garlic reeking snail shagging frog munching twat
Scandinavia seems pretty nice to me. I just hate how it’s been hailed as utopian by delusional left wing Americans.