
autism edition

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Shut the fuck up you dumb race traitor whore DONT YOU EVER DARE reply to me again you filthy slut.
I curse the minute that I made this thread, I dont want you EVER posting in a thread of mine again.
I would feel bad about your father, but at least you made it obvious you dont have one, at least no good genes would be wasted when you spawn a roach or a nigglet since you are subhuman midget with brain defecency, im actually surprised you learned to speak decent english, but it was probably so some nigger or turk purchases you as mail bride you actual embarassment of a nation.

Hope your dream of becoming a cumdumpster for a turk comes true and you end up like those russian brides being forced to shit out babies, wear hijab and cook while they beg the ambassadors to save them.
Worthless filth

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why did the based one get deleted


spam? idk

For a supposed chad, sifirbey is a massive retard

no ukrainians this time

turkroaches aren't welcome in this thread
hamamböceği burada hoş değil

fucking sub saharan, was about to make a gheg edition and bring some salvation to these slavs

>hamamböceği burada hoş değil

say what?


get rekt fat baboon

What the fuck happened to the /simp/ thread?
Can we get a serious simp discussion going now?
Spammers ruin everything.

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That’s what your limp-wristed, impotent Balkan slavshit ancestors said to the Turks before they entered their lands and gangbanged your women

show us your simp skills and make her post nudes


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>There are westoid simps itt now
Good job, wankers.

Never said I was a chad wdym

This is an anti-simp general. the slavshits got a bit out of hand is all.

at least my blood is pure, you inglorious bastard.
meanwhile an ordinary roach consists of greek, armenian, persian, arab, and kvrdish genes

make a collage kek
that thread is a goldmine

too lazy, maybe rasha will

Post nudes my lady. Please darling, think of the (You)s.
I will send you a $10 steam voucher ;)

I don't really want to

make yourself a simp thread and gtfo

You're meant to back me up bro, you have no game.

Balkan slavs got assraped by every non-Slav they neighbored with. Your DNA pie chart probably looks like a color palette. Subhuman rapebaby, btw you got raped by Turks too, so you have whatever the DNA Turks have.

>tfw fucked my gf while /balk/ was obsessing over a girl they'll never meet
I might be an ugly manlet, but I guess it can always be worse :-)))

no you're kinda pathetic bro :(

but shigger you don't have a gf, remember? she cheated on you

>DNA pie chart probably looks like a color palette

Sounds fun

What’s the worst that could happen?
Join the /balk/ hall of fame with the elite legends?

Laci te csanád geci...

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I dunno, i just don't feel comfortable posting my nudes

Why not try to break out of your comfort zone?

>hall of fame
Do you even read your posts before posting?


>t. Unironic simp
You would have been a chad had you been a norferner.