You sure you want that race war, brown boi?

You sure you want that race war, brown boi?

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>be Moroccan painter or construction worker
>literal freak of nature shows up outside your workshop to take a picture with you

Good comparison picture of the Netherlands(on the left) and Belgium(on the right)


Who wanted war? We want friendship

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Northern europe on the left - Southern europeans on the right

5'11'' vs 5'10''

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And guess who can fit in that sportscar? That's right, bitches

Sports car probably belongs to the guy on the left. All those fitness youtubers drive around in dumb sportscars from where they shoot half their video talking to their phone

You're already in a race war with niggers though? why would we want any part of that?

we already have your women, soon we will have your men too, then after that we will eat your burgers hahahahahaha

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no, your fetish isn't based om reality

Doesn't understand the concept "weapon".

>your fetish isn't based on reality

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White power brother

Average white man does not look like that anymore

Now way he can get in there, maybe his head only

And I suppose you think male sex tourism to south east asia means they must have the most beautiful women?



women and men appraise sexual partners differently

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>Zig Forumsmade
the med incel

people who go on sex tourism holidays do so because they are ugly autists who cant do so in their home countries

My ex gf told she would like to visit italia to make stronk italian men ganganged her for hours

She was tryin tp cuck me up

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Aren't meds more like Arabs skin tone wise?

beat me to it

Mudslim seething

I know. Just saying



The blondes come to the clubs to get fucked by greek studs

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you're not mediterannean, btw you're iraqi arab

He's a bong

>My ex gf

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By god
Get a life virgin
These cucks are starting to think your hairy turk rape baby Greek ass is me .
Me along with other Mena chads take no association with soytalians and their cuck cuck brothers

Samefag o.o