This Russian family supported the all lives matter movenment and in exchange all they got is death threats from the Americans. Why are Americans so evil?
This Russian family supported the all lives matter movenment and in exchange all they got is death threats from the...
Russians are racists
>death threats from the Americans
>Why are Americans so evil?
Because they are niggers and niggerlovers, these groups are known to be evil.
Largest consumers and producers of cuckolding porn might i add
is russia the place to go to find a wife that doesn't love nigs?
Because Americans especially white Americans are idiots. They are brainwashed from an early age to worship black people and black culture. When anyone points this out or tells them black people are retarded white people go fucking crazy. They become violent, irrational, and just plain evil.
Why is the kid mocking Finns?
still butthurt for the winter war I guess
It's hard to answer without being banned. I'll just give you a keyword : molloch.
What is that building in the background? It looks cool
I looked into the comment section of the original post and they were talking about how they were going to "cancel" them and ruin their careers or whatever the fuck. why do americans think this works anywhere other than the new world? is it just retardation?
The Nigger is America's god, you can't say anything against him.
Why do Finns need to make everything about themselves? Fucking attentionwhores
are you still buthurt about the khalkin gol and kuril islands, gook?
racism is based
desu i bet this family is not even aware of the backlash they got on reddit or twitter
either way nobody here cares or knows about their existance outside of imageboards or some SJW neoliberal circles.
come on it was a joke
sorry fren
>All my wives matter.
Good, fuck r*ssia
Ever since the cold war ended and the flood gates opened to your the bolshevik rats from your third world shthole USA has been steadily turning into an oligarch run kolhoz.
KYS vatnik.
All Lives Matter implies that black lives and T*rkroaches matter. It’s an idiotic statement any way you slice it
>I agree with a child of molloch on something
both posts got taken down, so they must have at least acknowledged the backlash they got for them
Shut the fuck up, poolish subhuman
KYS subhuman kaccapie.
If you go on the Instagram page where this picture was posted, all the comments are by American women shouting at them about how their white privilege. It's ironic because they live in Siberia and suffer a fate worse than being black in America.
seething more
What´s the problem?
Hate and violence is what move this world
can i play a russian card in america? can jew do it? i mean there are people who are white but who suffered not so different from the blacks. or dindus and sjws don't give a shit and white = bad?
Nah, everyone sees russia as a white supremacist center.
Same with Poland, Hungary and lots of Eastern European countries.
American leftists especially feminists also have a hate-boner for the /med/ countries and turkey.
That's right fuck Russia
It is a racial thing, they don't give a shit if you're a white homeless person starving in siberia, you're white so you're privileged in their mind. Americans hate white people, because they are trained by medias to do so. It's the same in France and probably many other western countries. It's like there is a common, international element to this, but I can't seem to put my finger on it.
It doesn't work here. My father's side of the family is Armenian and I'm still seen as an evil wh*te.
When I saw the thumbnail, I thought she adopted a black child..
I can't even tell if it's satire or real.
Does he look like someone who makes jokes?
This whole shitftest has made me completely abandon the West, and actively support the Russians/Chinks/Pajeets, and this despite the fact that I used to hate all of the aforementioned countries.
It's all so tiresome.
lol I thought he would be a black bvll or at least a brown bvll but its just a pastey while anglo looking clown. LOL
If he hates whites so much why doesn't he kill himself?
These people are genetic mistakes, it just doesn't make sense.
i want to crush your head with a big rock
Ill bet you his dick is mutilated.