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International #1255
This is what Mexico used to be about
I'm a university student that studies here in Turkey, 2nd largest country in the Middle East...
Why do russian zoomers love kpop and try to copy asian look?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Femanons of Zig Forums do you find Asian or indian guys attractive at all ?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Japan is a literal utopia
/fr/ - le francofil
Do left wing Americans really?
This Will Be My New House Soon
After a lifetime of raping and murdering you finally get caught. This was your 13th victim and they got you, fuck. O no...
Covid-19: German R0 goes above 2
/med/ - olive oil general
English girls are the best looking on the planet
It shall happen one day
Why are Euros so racist?
Its time
/sag/ - South Asian General
I-is that a rare steak?! YUMMY YUMMY! MONCH!
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico + Russia
/v4/ + Turkmenistan
Do you listen to Tool?
The Holy Trinity
Is it real fact that white normally smell like shit ?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
I get paid 11€ an hour before taxes and that is a pretty average starting wage for vocational school tier work
/ita/ il filo
Rate my skyscraper
I love you Italy
What is religion like in Korea?
Ywn be in your early 20s again
Why are japanese so good at making video games?
I want to visit South America, especially Peru and Chile...
Post bunda
How many weeks has it been since the last time you had sex...
Can communism and capitalism co-exist?
Kurva anyátok
Not even the most political correct media likes asian men
Why europeans had to make babies with native women?
She never fucking loved me and I want to fucking kill myself. Three fucking years...
/lat/ - hilo latino
You're cunt
Is your IQ below the average of your country? Mine is
How is the job market doing in your country?
Whst do indians thing of;
Has China dethroned America’s status for having the greatest metropolises?
What's happening forum
Have you become suicidal with the whole quarantine thing? Are you depressed because of it?
I now side with the trannies
Why don't brazil just annex those other little countries surrounding them?
Why are American asian girls hot, and actual asian girls you find in asian countries hideous...
Haircuts of INT
Argentina currently has a -38% GDP deficit
Scandinavian Mexicans
Que pensez vous du Québec et des québecois?
This dude is from Chile
/nachtschicht/ sonst auch /deutsch/
Mexico will never be a decent country in my lifetime let alone a first world one
This was built 2000 years before the Greek Parthenon. Bet you feel small now huh?
ITT: we say nice things about china
Whites BTFO
One was casted into exteme poverty at a young age but worked his way up to become China's general secretary of the CCP
Is it really like this?
I am about to start at my university soon and I am going to major in business and minor in a language with the...
Michelin rated restaurants
What the hell is it with white guys and wanting other men to fuck their wives. That shit makes me sick to my stomach...
Germans call dawn "light at the beginning of the day"
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are trannies like this?
Ah yes I cant wait to play the new video game about black people in medieval Poland
His cunt can't digest milk properly
I don't mind being circumcized and I have no clue why non-circumcized are so obsessed with it
I wish I was dead
How come Europeans don't shower?
This STEM incel in the right has just crashed his car into the Chinese embassy screaming "FUCK CHINA FOR CORONAVIRUS"...
Thoughts on Morocco?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
Halo dutch broers, can you rate this dutch gurl who larp as brazilian on youtube?
"Uh, whoa user, I think you've had a bit too much to drink, here, let me help you get back home"
/lat/ hilo latino
International food porn thread
Is it true that the whole "china doesn't innovate in technology and copies the west" saying isn't true anymore?
100% white
Sex sex sex
Why USA deny science
South Americans and Europeans, which football team do you support?
What do communists look like in your country?
Why do you never see venezuela anons post on Zig Forums...
Are there asian cucks who watch wmaf porn like whites who watch bmwf?
Mfw Hitler wasn't even German
What do you think about Georgians?
Imagine a world without borders
Sverigetråden - bsrupplagan
Korean Schizos at it again
Why don't the world exchange fucking booze with marijuana ?
If orcs were real we would have "orcked" instead of blacked
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/mex/ + /neza/
ITT: females from your country
This will never be you
I want foreskin so bad bros
Post depressive pictures of your cunt
Europeans be like "ayo heres my ride"
This guy has blue eyes. Why is he such dumb?
Ngl kinda sucks here
/ita/ - il filo
Pls buy our products
Is PC building a thing in your country?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
CHAZ is by far the most hilarious thing that has happened since 2016 when Donald Trump was elected...
Turns out I'm 3% X
Was Colombia a mistake?
Islam is going to cuck Europ-
This delights and enthralls the Swede
I am Norwegian (from Norway)
1. country
*Follows you into your home*
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: Faces of Zig Forums
Having shiteyes is an existence of never ending coping and seething
Tell the person above you to come to brasil
I have a question for non native English speakers. What did English sound like to you before you learned it?
This is how americans actually think
If Arabs kept sharia law culture but started praying to God instead of Allah, would they be more accepted by Christians?
What does the average female in Argentina look like?
Sveariketråden Gustav II Adolf upplagan
Kurva anyátok
Why does everyone hate Albania?
Are there cities in your country with a famous, historical rivalry?
How do you cope when you discover that a member of your family has made negative comments about you behind your back?
Every single time I see a swedish and/or danish flag I think there's a cute guy behind it
I find myself becoming hopeful
Do you love the EU?
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
1. Your cunt?
/ita/ - il filo
All fucked up violence comes from here these days
Itt : things third worlders cant have or know
Why yes, i'm Finnish. How could you tell?
If Zig Forums had more lefties it would be a great board
Americans flex on each other with early 2000's Mercedes,BMW & Audi's with 200...
If you were living on America would you be voting for the Judeo-Socialist or the Judeo-Nationalist branch of The Party?
Who are the most race obsessed posters on this site?
Why does healthcare cost so much in burgerland? I seriously don't get it
There are no good threads currently on the international board
Hey bro can you help me find my chin?
Thirdies on this board complaining they have it hard when they could easily just move to canada and be treated better...
Do privileged english-speaking thirdies genuinely think that they suffer more than us in the first world...
I need a new home general
Country importance tier list
Female sex tourism
Your cunt
Hey, I live in Donetsk People's Republic. Ask your questions
Blue regions: white
What can I buy in your country for 24 euros and 60 cents?
Anyone very glad that they have an extremely low fertility rate and will be extinct within our lifetime?
Sverigetråden svenska tjejer-upplagan
When was the last time you touched a woman's skin other than in their arms/hands?
Egypt 2015
/fr/ - Le fil franco-bregnoule
Is there any worse fate than being Korean?
I could pass for a violent Albanian with my mask on
Unironic third worlders what is your opinion on this show...
Difference between italians and spaniards
Blue - Western Europe
We all know that the USA is the worlds sole Super Power...
Name every country you've ever traveled to or your mother dies
/lat/ hilo latino
What makes a white woman think
/ita/ il filo
User, why don’t you have a MENA gf yet?
Just be asian bro
Germany is the only part of Western Europe that was never conquered by the R*mans
Question for Indians/Pakis
Be margareth tatcher
Should I leave ireland?...
Why do American horses do this?
In 1986, beating kids by teacher was legal in UK
Ur cunt
What are you doing right now? I'm drinking a cappuccino
Any suggestions on how to fix my country?
Is Italian the most pure Romance language?
/fr/ - Le Francofil qui fait le gros dos
Why don't more people like Romania?
Sverigetråden - Blivande svenska hockeylegender
To my countrymen, will you guys move anywhere else...
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Brazil is just the american india
I suffer in Italia
Why do Germany fears Macron ?
Why do burgers love fantasizing about living in a post-apocalypse?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
"I killed millions of children in gas chambers because I was ordered to do so"
Coworkers start sharing their sexual experiences again
Why do you interfere with individuals decisions?
This is a German twink
There are 40 million blacks in the US
A trend I have noticed recently.... many such cases..... quite pathetic if you think about it
Do swedes know they have won the genetic lottery?
"US through the CIA is bringing down 100% civilian supported governments and install dictatorships around the world...
Why don't people hate the Chinese so much?
Any of you ever been to Kazakhstan? What is life like there?
Indian soldiers vs Chinese soldiers video fight
From today's march on Warsaw
/ita/ - il filo
From today's march on Rome
Why do people hate the Chinese so much?
Why did Germans chimp out after achieving these borders?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Toalettbajsarupplagan
This men is a hero for every russian millennial. And even for some girls...
Apparently its immoral to force incels to transition it shouldn't be considered that way though if anything its a...
Swedes are not raci... Oh, never mind
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Are people in your country brainwashed?
Every German girl I have talked to on the internet had no soul, no emotions
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
He's finished
Finland is changing the name of their ice cream from Eskimo to something else because it offended Americans
Why have you not taken the /mena/ pill yet?
Post a favorite dish from your region
/desi/ -> /SAG/
/lang/ - language learning general
User, you have behaved badly and you have been a bad boy. But I don't want to take you to jail so
In your cunt is it worse to be short or brown as a male?
All jokes and political propaganda aside:
One chance at life
Why do Americans love ships so much? Is it their Anglo blood?
Funny joke
Americans need lubricant to masturbate
France and Germany are friends forever <3
These are the 9 civilizations of the world
Why do developed East Asian countries, like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan...
Do you love Poland?
What race has the least ammount of culture?
I never ate fish in my life despite living 20 meters from the sea, i also didn't swim in the sea for 3 years
I bullied some tranny in internet and made him cry but now I feel bad about it
Born and live in Ukraine, ask your questions
Sverigetråden - h0m0 upplagan
Why are they so racist against Greeks but keep quiet on muslims and blacks?
Why is Japan the only Asian country with a well known pornography industry...
Amazon currently pays $15 per hour or more in some areas of the U.S. for warehouse and delivery jobs...
Stereotypes about other countries
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between
Name one thing that Russians have contributed to the world
/med/ - olive oil general
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
Do you like Tatu?
I wanna be an oz
Femanons of Zig Forums thread
Why do women do this?
Do they really?
What when wrong ?
Need a slavic gf like this
2020...I am forgotten
I'm not a fan of the British monarchy in general but they don't hold any true power so I don't really mind
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Your cunt
Holy Russia. When Russia was great
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Good morning Zig Forums! Did you all have a nice weekend?
How is the idea of bumsecks viewed in your country? Is it hated or nobody cares?
Post the emblem of your cunt's communist party
Euro hours soon
Is your country discriminatory?
Why are they better than Indonesia in every single way?
Why is Chyprus such a clusterfuck?
What do you Norwegians think of the prison system in your country?
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ il filo
Ah yes I cant wait to play the new video game about black people in medieval Poland
Faces of Zig Forums
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2419
The Cossacks have invaded your country! What do you do?
Do people put eggs in the fridge in your country?
Is the 1st world tutorial mode for drivers?
Do brazilian posters fear crime and going outside at night?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Name a country that has contributed more to world history and culture than Greece. I'll wait
No culture
Why did Turks stop being based?
American white supremacists make me cringe so fucking much...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Indian women belong to white bulls
/fr/ - Le Francofil - Édition kop1s
Are Indians and other POC jealous of Africans for getting all the White Women?
What are the most popular sports in your country?
Imagine making the Brazil's murder rate look small. The fuck is going on in Central America and Venezuela
This is a 25 year old Japanese woman
Indian girl complaining to me about white privilege
/lat/ hilo latino
What went so right with brazil and what went so wrong with venezuela?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What’s the deal with Eastern Europeans and Andean countries? What made them such disgusting weebs?
Why do all white leftists look like this?
I want an brazilian gf so bad bros
Latin American Union when? We can cuck the US and Canada out of their countries
Why are they like this
American "cake"
ITT massive marches/rallies from your country, with or without context
Oh. My. God. Is that a nigger in my netflix original series? What the actual fuck who let this happen...
USA is so technologically developed that their cities look like a motherboard
You wake up in a Bulgarian village
Polish women are all 10/10 trad Catholic goddesses unlike those degenerate Western Europ
Would you date a qt Indian girl even if she smelled like shit?
What is the countryside like in these countries?
Pajeet isn’t actually an Indian name
Mean Leafs
Why haven't you converted to paganism yet?
Europeans don't have air conditioning
Are blacks the most powerful race?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
/iq/ /عير/ =/Mesopotamia/+/اقضبة تناسلية ذكرية انمي جنس شاذ/
Why is it so common for leaders of the usa to be retards??
Why do Euros lecture yanks on racism when they're racist as fuck to Roma?
It's another "European roasties take American racial politics and try to apply them to Europe" episode
What is his race?
/mena/ + /اللبن/
Are saudis aware that ottoman Albanian mercenary’s conquered Mecca and Medina and allowed their Nubian slave warriors...
Americans think that billionaire companies putting black people on their video games is communism
Name ONE (1) good song to come out of this region
Is it true that when you enter a supermarket in America you get welcomed by a dedicated greeting person
Obsolete but beautiful flags
6th largest economy
Why don't you love me at all
The identity of Buddha
Do zoomers look like this in your country?
Your cunt
/ita/ il filo
Why didnt this country become a global power like USA?
Honey, let's not live on the coast
Say their name
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What's the most loser part of your country?
Post yours, Zig Forums
Post your country's biggest victories
What are you doing right now?
Everyone shits on southern Italy
Thoughts on this ?
Sverigetråden vetefältupplagan
/fr/ - La francoville
Why are Brazilians so good at football?
You are now the President of the United States
Why so many muslims hate them?
Your country
Nippon created the largest gold bar ever
What do climate activists look like in your country?
Well.. Since she showed some part of her face and wasn't fully covered from head to toe...
1. Your country
I hate my country
/med/ - olive oil general
What does brazilians think about this banner?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico + Netherlands
How come Northern Europe is so much better than Southern Europe at English when English is pretty much a Romance...
La calle mas larga, el río más ancho
How it feels to chew 5 gum
The rice fields of EVROPA
Does Argentina have more Italian or German influence?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why Burgers put adults to play teens in their series and movies?
Yes. I do carry superior turkish genes
Europeans/Whites under 180cm
What nationalities make the best emotional support bf?
/ita/ - il filo
He still hasn't traveled to Brazil because the (((media))) said he might be killed
Will it ever be free?
What do Italians think of their diaspora?
Have 4 sisters and no brothers
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Brasilianska vänskapsupplagan
Hey Zig Forums
Want to live in Latvia for 5 years
Thank you for having nice weather...
Your cunt
How can people hate this?
/v4/ + cummies
It's really bad
Hilo /esp/añol
Oh hi there user, you're awfully close haha, what are you going to do...?
/brit /
This is what England was, and still is, all about
How Many Languages Can You Speak?
Americans made me think that russians were soulless evil creatures
Me on my way to destroy beyta leftists
The Slavic marriage ritual
Imagine a world without Britain
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Which side does Zig Forums belong to?
Most Americans support naming military bases after traitors to the country
So what's your honest opinion on xi jimping?
Guess my phenotype and i'll paypal you $20
/fr/ - le francofil
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
If you can go back in time when would you go to?
Sit with me user. With all this negativity around. Share your positive thought
His country is named after a stuffed bird eaten at Christmas
Why is the royal family of Spain white unlike the Spanish peasant majority?
I genuinely cannot believe that there are religious people in 2020
Tfw white bf
I will proudly vote Bosak in upcoming 2020 presidential elections
/Éire/ - what happened to the last one?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Would I be accepted here as a French Canadian who’s first language is French...
Sverigetråden - dkn mysigt regnoväder
How NPC talks
Who's the best board?
/ita/ il filo
Happening in Romania
Post ghosts/mythological creatures from your country
Do American girls like European men?
Hilo /lat/ANO
1. your cunt
1. cunt
Mexican families are the absolute fucking worst
Why are French "men" so weak?
/dixie/ (south and frens)
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What movie?
What happens here?
Whoa...will this happen in your country?
It sucks to be a girl on the internet sometimes
This is what Pajeets on Looksmax.me unironically look like. Holy shit
Do you own any Japanese products?
I have 1.3 pounds of diced pork. What would you make with this in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
This Russian family supported the all lives matter movenment and in exchange all they got is death threats from the...
Have you ever eaten ____?
Why do brits look like us?
When did Zig Forums terminology go mainstream?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine