How do you cope when you discover that a member of your family has made negative comments about you behind your back?
How do you cope when you discover that a member of your family has made negative comments about you behind your back?
I grew up in a polish family and bad mouthing others is the only thing poles do all day long
sorry to hear that my friendly warehouse worker.
I don't communicate with anyone in my family other than my parents.
I talk to my sibling only a couple times a year.
I don't need anything from my aunt, uncle, cousins, etc.
first ask: are they right?
I ..... try to ignore.
Was it a close relative like your parents? If it was uncles or cousins just avoid them.
If a nigga talking shit behind yo back you gotta confront them, only bitch niggas do that. Dont let a sneak disser get you down man because you a king.
They should absolutely be put down.
What a traitor.
I wouldn't care. Their opinions mean nothing to me. In fact, I don't even allow any of my relatives into my life. Fuck 'em. Where were they when both my parents died while I was in high school and had to drop out to get a job and a place of my own in order to fucking survive?
with murder
My family has become notoriously nicer to me ever since they became financially dependent on me, I wonder why.
Most of my family and friends talk behind my back, I already got used to it.
Everyone in my family keeps bullying each other so I'm used to it.
My family isn't nice.
incest is the best to put your sister to the test
Bad mouth them back an not deal with them
as in younger siblings? Or are you sustaining your parents?
this has never happened to me, at least ive never found out. my family doesnt have many beefs and we dont see each enough outside of the occasional family party to generate serious conflict
I'm desensitized to stuff like that after growing up with a stepmother who gaslighted me during childhood, I eventually learned to ignore it.
I'm so much of a failure that relatives talking about it happened a lot of times
Also a friend basically called me a loser
You get used to it, plus there is a very very useful spanish motto that might help you out:
Piensa mal, y acertarás
(Think badly about someone´s else intentions, and you will be right)
If you expect the worst from everyone, you will never get disappointed. I know my family hate my guts, and that those who are around me think of me as an idiot, incompetent, coward, useless piece of shiet that they can take advantage of. Second, You need to learn how to filter, someone being a family member does not mean that they like you or will support you.
meh, they are family it's not like they are too far off
I literally couldn't care less lmao
>Piensa mal, y acertarás
Cynicism is probably the greatest mark of a human being made from shit. It doesn't just justifies evil, it makes goodness an impossible endeavour.
Doesnt have to be bad. When we create connections is because we usually want something out of that person. It might be friendship, entertainment, releasing anxiety or whatever. Relationships are good as long as both sides get something out of it, but those who only take and run away are many. Am I bad if I filter when most people just want to take a piece of my cake without giving me a piece of their cake?
It is bad. You justify your shit behaviour in the hypothesis and projection that everyone is equally shit like you.
Filtering out people isn't bad, it's what normal people do, and should do against cynics. Cynics are only poisonous and demotivating, when they aren't being destructive themselves.
>Hur dur you are bad
>Hur dur you cannot do good deeds cuz you are le "muh cynic"
Do you really think that those who do "good" deeds do them altruistically?
Dont you think they might get a personal gratification by helping others out, and by getting that they are already getting something out of that situation which is in their unconciousness a net benefit?
It is not "le bad people", We do all this shit unconciously and do not put it much thought.
I don't expect a cynic to understand.
You literally can't comprehend. It's just so culturally bolted into you, and so often marked in men mostly raised around women.
And if you were to hear someone say that they are altruistic what would you think about that? Let me "guess" you'd think they either be lying or fooling themselves/others.
The cynic strikes again.
>hurr durr everyone is bad and out for themselves only
>i act shitty because that's all I can do and can be done
Just ignore them. I'm an autistic so people assume I can't detect their sarcasm and they say a lot of shit. I just don't speak them unless I have to at Christmas or something
>And if you were to hear someone say that they are altruistic what would you think about that?
I cannot know what It is inside his mind, I can see his actions and if his past actions confirm that the person in question is indeed altruistic, I would be glad.
Game theory is pretty much everyone, out of all strategies, the best one is the tit for tat. An altruist would cooperate, I am not an ambitious man, all I want is for things to go smoothly so I would be altruistic back expecting the same treatment in a loop. You would say this is a meme, but think about it, the golden rule (thou shall not do that which You do not want other to do to you) is pretty much the tit for tat strategy.
They're all below me so their opinion doesn't matter to me. I only respect my grandmother, my father and my granduncle.